Connecting TV, Logitech Z5500 and Xbox for Surround Sound

Currently have a Sony KD55X9300D TV, a set of Logitech Z5500 speakers and looking at getting an Xbox Scorpio soon after its impending release.

Want to connect my speakers to my TV's optical out which has 5.1 passthrough.

So to achieve surround I assume I would have to connect:

Sony TV optical out>Logitech speakers

Sony TV HDMI>Xbox

Never owned a console before and wouldn't use it all that much but I don't want to connect the speakers to the console as I would have to turn the Xbox on every time to watch TV?

So is that right or is there a better way with the above setup? (don't have the room, money or inclination to buy a dedicated receiver and speakers at this stage)


  • +1

    Your idea looks fine. I've had my Z-5500s connected to the TV by optical, then multiple devices plugged into the TV via HDMI. They were essentially independent - the TV sent audio signals to the speakers regardless of source.

    • +1

      Think the key consideration is whether or not the TV will pass through full 5.1 sound through optical output. A lot of TVs won't do this for external sources(anything other than free to air TV). It was something that TV manufacturers agreed to do. They'll only output stereo through the optical for HDMI sources, etc

      Some TV models do it, but they're getting harder to find

      • Pretty sure mine does, the only info short of ringing Sony up that I can find is this: (It's for the US 930D model but it's identical to mine).

        Halfway down "Inputs Specifications" it says 5.1 optical passthrough and when you click the ? it says for DVD and BR.

        This was one of Sony's flagship models so I would hope it does.

  • If it doesn't work you will need an AV receiver.

  • +1

    Optical splitter, easily found on eBay - 1 in, 3 out. Can just turn the dial (cheap ones), or use a remote (more expensive ones) to change the input.

    $23.80 Shipped plus cables.

    Will then mean the device will directly link to the speakers, not relying on the passthru

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