This was posted 7 years 4 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Get Big Hero 6, The Lego Movie, Jason Bourne, Ghostbusters (2016) and Ice Age FREE through 'Movies Anywhere'


Get Big Hero 6, The Lego Movie, Jason Bourne, Ghostbusters (2016) and Ice Age free when you connect 2 video streaming services to the newly launched 'Movies Anywhere'.
Disney has partnered with several other major studios to allow you to combine movies you have redeemed or purchased on multiple accounts through a single service called 'Movies Anywhere'. If you connect one account (eg. Google account, US iTunes, Amazon, Vudu) to the service you get Ice Age and Ghostbusters, if you connect another account you get the other 3 movies as well.

Currently 'Movies Anywhere' is technically only available to US customers so you will need need to use a geo-blocker or VPN to sign up to the service with a US IP address (I recommend using Opera browser which comes with a free built in VPN). Once you have signed up however you can stream videos from the service without the need for such things, using any Australian connection.

The great thing about this service, besides the free movies, is that you can combine your movies from your Google, iTunes, Amazon and Ultra Violet (if you use Vudu) accounts into a single service. Any movies you connect will then be synced across your accounts for all connected services as well. For example, the free movies I obtained through Movies Anywhere now also show up in my Google and iTunes accounts, alongside all movies showing up in my Movies Anywhere account. Looks like a great service for those of us sick of managing multiple streaming account purchases. Here's hoping it comes to Australia officially in the future but for now signing up with a US IP seems to get things up and running just fine.

ANOTHER awesome thing about linking accounts is that if you have a US iTunes account many of your movies will be upgraded from HD to 4K HDR for free. I just tried this by syncing with my Vudu account and all my Ultra Violet account movies showed up in iTunes and on my Apple TV, many of them now watchable as 4K HDR versions.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Thanks, sounds like a good service.

  • +1

    Linked Google and amazon (which I've never used for online film) - the 5 movies showed up in Google Play - neat. Now just to get itunes Aus included.

    • Unfortunately AU iTunes doesn’t seem to work at the moment but US iTunes will work fine. No problems with my Aussie Google and Amazon accounts though.

      • well no point if you don't have a US itunes account in setting one up since the films sync to Google and you get all five with Play and Amazon.

        • Very true, I had a few other films in my US account though which now appear in Google Play and Amazon too which is pretty cool.

        • @mr_me450: Interestingly I found where Amazon streaming movies are on and the 5 new films were there but none from my Google Play sync'd across - and yep my Amazon is a US account for digital purchases ie ebooks and games.

  • If you link your Aussie Gp account, your other MA movies (from other services) will "port" to Gp, but your Aussie Gp movies will not port to the MA combined library.

    • I noticed that too. I think it's because Movies Anywhere only shows US purchases, however Google Play seems to accept the US purchases from other accounts alongside your Australian purchases. Worth using Movies Anywhere to connect your accounts then just using Google Play from there I reckon.

      • I agree (good to play other stuff on Aussie gp without a vpn/dns).
        I believe USA gp accounts will port both ways. Foreign gp accounts port one way only.

  • +1

    Signed up using VPN. pretty painless. Does anyone know if previously redeemed itunes movies to a US account would turn up in the account or upgrade to an online version? No seeing any of my previously redeemed movies.

    • Once I linked my US iTunes account the movies from there also showed up in Movies Anywhere, Google Play and Amazon accounts. It could be the movies you have purchased aren't part of the service yet though; Paramount and Lionsgate films are not available and pretty much all other major studios are.

      • Would that include movies redeemed from codes supplied in Bluray packs? I have a lot of disney ones i redeemed but none have ported over.

        • Were they definitely redeemed from US blu rays on your US iTunes account? I had The Incredibles and Wreck it Ralph on my US iTunes account and they ported over fine, but I can't connect any from my Australian iTunes account/blu-ray codes (at least not yet).

        • @mr_me450: Yeah definitely US versions. I only buy Blurays from the US. How did you redeem your titles? Was it via itunes on your PC and it downloaded locally or did you use another method?

        • @hazzad: I had redeemed the codes previously through iTunes on my PC. Weird that it's not working for you, I can't think of anything you're doing differently.

  • +1

    Awesome find. All 5 movies linked to my Amazon and Google account. Thanks

    Interesting to note that when I was still logged into the USA with my VPN, I couldn't post a comment. It said "Error 403. Access denied. IP address blocked"!

  • +1

    They want to stop Bluray and 4K bluray. They don't want you to be able to buy a movie and keep it forever. They want the ability to delete it or censor it. I shouldn't have to wonder if scenes are cut out of an episode or movie but you have to as these services are coming about.

    Real talk: In 10 years time they will delete background music or change it to save on Royalties. You will have a very hard time getting a A++ copy of something in its original form.

    • Agree with some point. Movie i watch at Netflix got lot delete scene or censor. Mostly movie that drama ma 15 or ma 18 but there aint shit in there.

  • +3

    Thanks for the deal. Good bargain for four of those movies, although Ghostbusters is not a bargain at free. They should be paying you for the time to watch that.

  • +3

    great deal added most of my ultraviolet movies through vudu and are now on google play

  • +7

    In case you're daft like me…if you're using Opera to sign up, you need to toggle "turn on VPN" in pref settings, then click the blue "VPN" symbol in your search bar and change the location to US.
    thanks OP!

    • I didn't know Opera had a free VPN… I've been meaning to get one for awhile, why do people pay for them if this is so easy?

      • +1

        The Opera VPN only works when using the Opera desktop browser on a PC, which is good for some things but quite limited if you want to connect any other device or application to the VPN.

  • Movies Anywhere … Disney has partnered with several other major studios

    Nice, they are stopping regional price-fixing, fragmenting libraries so you have to get multiple subscriptions, and bundling popular shows with stuff no-one wants?!!

    …oh. They are just making it so some of the stuff we own is in one list. I guess that's ok.

  • Just found out that if you link link to a US iTunes account many of your films from other accounts will upgrade to 4K HDR for free! This includes films in your UV collection if you link with Vudu as well. I have amended the deal description with this new information.

    • Did this include movies redeemed in iTunes via physical media purchases? By that I mean digital iTunes codes redeemed via codes supplied in pack. Some were redeemed using the digital disc in pack and some redeemed via code and movie downloaded via itunes. None of my library stored locally is visible in the online library.

      • I think it should. I only have one film in my US account that was redeemed through a code (The Incredibles) and that synced fine. The other purchases were all made through the iTunes store and they worked as well.

    • Is it worth me converting my AU iTunes account to a US one?

      I have quite a few Google Play movies purchases and would like to move to Apple's Ecosystem instead

      Are there any major drawbacks?

      • I'm not sure if it's actually possible to convert one account to another region. If it is then I doubt your existing iTunes purchases would transfer across. I have two accounts, Australian and US, and if you're using an Apple TV to watch your films you can switch between them very easily. On an iPad or iPhone you need to sign out and in of each account every time you want to switch which is a bit annoying, but if you download apps or films with either account onto the device they will still work even when the other account is signed in.

        • It is perfectly possible to switch stores and in fact is quite easy. All you have to do is find an American app not in the Australian store and it will prompt you if you want to switch to view the app. To get back just do an Australian app not on the American store
          Just clarifying - you should google these eg Walmart for America and Gumtree for Australia.

        • @pennypincher98: I know it's easy to switch the store but I don't think it's possible to switch your account from being registered from one region to another, which is what Cub3 seemed to be asking about. For example, you can't turn your Australian iTunes purchases into US account purchases; when you change the store and make a purchase you have to have an account associated with that region.

        • @mr_me450: Well no you can't lol. America and Australia run on different economies and pricing so you can't turn an Australian iTunes purchase into a US purchase or vice versa. While you can buy things from the American store, they'll always be an American purchase.

          That's just like saying "I bought this laptop in America. But the plug doesn't fit in Australia, can I have a refund?"

        • +1

          @pennypincher98: Yeah, that’s what I was explaining.

  • +1

    Serious warning: ghost busters 2016 is a really bad movie. I think it's the worst movie I've ever seen.
    Better off doing udemy course, enrolling on OzBargain competitions or pretty much anything besides watching that.

    • +2

      I really didn't think it was as bad as people made out. The last 15 minutes were fairly terrible, but I enjoyed it up until that.

      • +1

        I didn't read reviews, didn't know other people hated it. I thought "Sci-Fi comedey, cool!" and watched it.
        Watching this movie is my only regret in life.

    • Kate McKinnon is pretty great though.

  • Unable to register. Please try again or contact Movies Anywhere Customer Service.

    Edit: Nevermind my vpn wasn't working correctly

  • My Amazon account is a US one, but it wouldn't let me connect for some reason. Luckily I was able to get Google Play and Vudu to claim the offer.

    • Strange, my Amazon account is Australian but worked just fine; you would think it would be the reverse.

      • Maybe I'm mistaken: does the account need to be Amazon Prime/Movies activated? I'm just using my login…

        • No, I don't have Amazon Prime, but now my purchases from other accounts also show up as viewable in my Amazon account.

        • +1


          Good to know. Thanks, I'll give it a try again later!

          EDIT: aaaaand, there we go. Now connected.

    • The error I get is: "Consumer linking failed. Unable to retrieve Amazon MA user information"

      • Might be just a temporary server issue with lots of people trying to connect to the service since it only opened recently?

  • Seems like another attempt at creating an aggregation service, which is what Ultraviolet (Vudu) wanted to be. Not sure how these guys think they will succeed where others have failed, but more than happy to go along for the ride and free movies :-)

    • The fact that your movies aren't locked to a specific app or account is a huge plus; if I now buy a movie in iTunes I get it on Google Play, Amazon, Vudu and Movies Anywhere as well. All your movies can be watched through any major streaming app or service, which is pretty cool. Most of the apps compatible with Ultra Violet were pretty terrible too; all we really have here is Flixster, if you wanted to watch UV without a VPN, now you can just watch on your Google or Apple device with whatever account is your preference.

  • Jason Bourne is the only one remotely close to be worth doing this for, and even that's not that great. But hey free movies!

    • +1

      It's worth doing even without the free movies in my opinion. Having all your movie purchases from all services show up and available to watch no matter what app or web service you're using has been a long time coming!

      • Yeah that's great if you actually purchase movies though lol

    • Big Hero 6 and Lego Movie are really good. Bournes a pretty generic action flick.

      • Haven't watched Big Hero 6 but the Lego Movie is actually so lame, their "real world" storyline is also kind of weird - a delusional man who glues his Lego pieces together. Nah not for me.
        Agree that Bourne is quite generic, but hey it's an action movie and it's free.

  • I have just created a Vudu account and have linked it to my UltraViolet account, I then added Vudu to Movies Anywhere.

    Do I need to do anything else to make the UltraViolet movies show up in Movies Anywhere?

    • Nope, that should be it. It took about 15 mins for mine to show up in my other accounts though, maybe give it a little time?

      • Just saw a message in their forum saying that it could take up to an hour, will give it some time. :)

  • +1

    Thanks OP, Vudu movies just showed up!

    Find it strange that not all UltraViolet movies were imported into Vudu though.

    e.g. Harry Potter 1 missing, 2 - 8 are there.

    • Interesting, is your copy 'Philosopher's Stone' or 'Sorcerer's Stone'? My in Sorcerer's because I purchased through a US code; maybe it doesn't recognise the Aussie version as the same film?

      • +1

        I think you are right, it is in their system as Sorcerer's Stone.

        27 of 36 movies are showing in Vudu, will see if any of the other movies have title variations.


        Different titles:

        Edge of Tomorrow = Live Die Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow
        Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone = Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
        Bad Neighbours = Neighbors
        The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 = The Hunger Games: Mockingjay (Part 1)
        The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 = The Hunger Games: Mockingjay (Part 2)

        Same titles though missing:

        The Amazing Spider-Man 2
        The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
        The Great Gatsby
        Scary Movie 5

  • I thought the title said "Go Pro Hero 6" at first haha

  • "Unable to register. Please try again or contact Movies Anywhere Customer Service."

    EDIT: NVM…

    • As am I… OzBargained?

      • Check your VPN. That's the message you get if you're detected as being outside US.

        • Completely missed that it's for US only :)

        • +1

          @Xebozone: Once you sign up with a VPN or other method you won't need it again. You only need the system to think you're in the US for the sign up process, everything will work fine on any connection after that.

  • +1

    If you signed up for 'Disney Movies Anywhere' (the precursor to 'Movies Anywhere'), make sure you use the same email address when you sign up to MA. By doing so, you can later add the movies you had associated with your DMA account to your MA movie library

  • Signed up and linked VUDU, Google Play and US Itunes. Nothing transferred to VUDU except the free movies, Google Play in purchase history only shows movies purchased in Google Play but if you search for movie from VUDU it will show owned and let you watch, same with Itunes.
    Movies anywhere only shows free movies and VUDU.
    With the 4K quality, will that only show in Itunes?

    EDIT: Think I might give it a few hours, some movies have showed up in Itunes.

    • Sounds like it’s still syncing a few things through. I think iTunes is the only provider currently offering free and automatic upgrades to 4K versions.

  • It wont register me. It just says "unable to register"

    Edit: Seems I need a VPN to access it grrr

    • As I said, just use Opera browser and enable the free VPN while you sign up. After than you will no longer need the VPN.

  • +1

    Wow, I have quite a few movies on Vudu. A heap of those movies have transferred over to Google Play when I linked the accounts. Now I can watch them without the SmartDNS :)

  • Looks like everything has crossed over except movies not from participating studios and a few marvel movies on Google Play. These were redeemed from Blu Ray movies bought in Australia, is that why?
    Is this also why they never showed up in Disney Movies Anywhere before, where the google movies redeemed from America ported over to VUDU when they were redeemed?
    Also, Fate of the furious is there but I also bought extended edition on Itunes and it does not show in VUDU. Is this because I already have the standard movie on its own in VUDU?
    Also Assassins Creed not crossed over. It is by 20th Century Fox, guessing completely different company to just Fox?
    EDIT: Just looked up that I bought this code on Ebay from a person from Australia, so I guess that could be why it does not show up.

  • Signed up and connected my Amazon and iTunes accounts and my VUDU account which I haven't used in years, got the free movies mentioned in the heading as well as another 9 which are garbage but I had no idea about. I'm guessing they must have been free back when I first signed up for VUDU.

  • I created a vudu account today and linked it . All my old iTunes movies I had redeemed via bluray digital redemption appeared with a few also upgrading to uhd. Problem is I have no idea how to actually play them back via vudu. They won't play with a vpn enabled and I can't get the vudu app to work on my shield(that's when I can find it as it seems to have vanished). So it's great that I can see all my movies via vudu, but alas the one place I can see them is the one place I can't play them.

    • Once you link your Vudu account to Movies Anywhere, including the option of links to Google Play and/or US iTunes, you should be able to play them through any of those sites/services.

      • In theory im guessing this is exactly ow it should work. At the moment ive got the 5 free movies in Google Movies/TV plus a few older titles id redeemed for free from there. Vudu shows all my title, even the ones id redeemed from Bluray packs some years back. Amazon now has the same library. Vudu has my full library. The only one that doesnt have all my titles is Google Movies/TV.

        he only thing i can think that is causing as issue is that all the accounts i have setup with Apple, Vudu and Amazon are US accounts. The Gmail account is more than likely associated locally with region settings? Could this be causing an issue with sharing of vidoes?

        Does anyone know which services offer 4K playback/upgrades to 4K? At the moment i have Despicable Me, Jason Bourne and Lego Movie available in UHD, plus Dolby Vision and Atmos. Do any of the other services offer this? I know the Apple 4K offer 4K with upgrades to 4K for older titles if available but does it support Dolby Vision and Atmos audio?

        • Appears im probably on the right track with the Gogle account being local. Al my movies are available in Itunes, Vudu, Amazon and Movies Anywhere, except the 2 movies id redeemed via Google Movies. and Google Movies is only seeing the 2 movies plus the bonus 5(which is odd really), but not any of the other movies i have. To be honest im not so fussed about that.

          The question is, what do people consider the best option for playing back their library? Movies anywhere does not appear to support playback in UHD/4K.

        • @hazzad: Playing through Movies Anywhere doesn’t support 4K yet. I’m using a US iTunes account on my Apple TV 4K; about 8 of my films from various retailers all upgraded to 4K iTunes purchases for free, pretty cool!

        • @mr_me450:

          Yeah im thinking the apple 4k may be the only option atm. Not sure I'm that desperate to play a handful of titles in 4k. Lol.

        • @hazzad:

          I am not sure which but I was using my Mi Box last night and either Google Play or Youtube app some movies showed 4K. But I do not see that option on the computer.

        • @star64:

          Yeah it can be hard to tell alas.

      • Ok it seems ive been able to fix my Google Movies issues. Disconnected and re-connected the account and now all movies appear. Only issue with Google Movies is that you have no idea what the quality is of the stream.

        Does anyone know how you actually play your Amazon movie library outside of the web? I can see my library in my amazon account but the Prime app shows no sign of a library feature.

        • By fixing the Google Movie issue do you mean you can play movies redeemed from Australia in Google now play in VUDU and Amazon?

        • @star64:

          All my titles were all available in Vudu and Amazon to start with(bar the 2 locally purchased titles from me local Google account). My issue was that only the 5 free titles and 2 previously redeemed titles via Google play were available in my Google Movies account. After disconnecting and re-connecting the google account in MoviesAnywhere, all movies turned up in Google Movies. So now i can see all movies, those freebies from MoviesAnywhere, the 2 locally purchased google play titles and all titles i had redeemed from Blurays via my US itunes account.

          I just wish a slightly more informative interface to play them from so i knew what i was actually watching, be it HD, UHD(HDR/DV), etc. Vudu and maybe Itunes seem to be the leaders here, but playing Vudu content is pretty hard here as they lock down access to it pretty aggressively. Itunes is probably the next best option but i dont really want to buy a Apple 4K just for this. Google Movies is the best option i have atm i guess.

        • @hazzad:

          I just disconnected and connected my google account and nothing changed. I have Assassins Creed and a few Marvel movies that stay with Google Movies only.

  • Just a little off topic, how do we go about redeeming uv codes since flixster went down. When I try to add an Aussie uv code I can only redeem through flixster and it's not available anymore. Any help would be appreciated :)

    • +1

      Flixster is still available in Australia to redeem codes, it's only the US version of Flixster that no longer works. If you have a US Flixster code you can redeem it through Vudu instead, if you have an Australian code just redeem it through

    • Gotta use the App. Website wont let you anymore (well it wouldn't let me). As mentioned it is the US version only (although can the AU version be far behind?).

      • Website still works fine for me. After you sign up you should be able to stream from Movies Anywhere without the need for a VPN or anything.

        • Not for me. App works fine though.

  • +2

    My Flixster account (AUS) updated with three of the films (Bourne, Ice Age & Lego).

    Happy to score 5 free movies but still annoyed at the fragmented Australian market place. I now have films on Google Play, iTunes (AUS), Dendy, Vudu, Flixster and MoviesAnyWhere but not all in the same place.

    Really hope to see a service like this up and running here in AUS in the future.

    Thanks for bargain OP.

    • Definitely, I was lucky that most of my accounts were US based anyway so this has helped solve that fragmentation problem, but I'd love to have my Australian iTunes and the rest of my Flixster films included as well.

  • +1

    Finally got around to doing this today.

    If I could + this twice I would. Its brought a little more order to the chaos.

  • Seems like a nice idea, but even with Opera's VPN up and running I still get the error 'Unable to register. Please try again or contact Movies Anywhere Customer Service.'

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