Probiotic Acidophilus 500 Million Organisms
500 Million | 60 Capsules
AU $1.88
Usually AU $10.08
Also available:
FISH OIL $4.92 Omega-3 Fish Oil 1200 mg
BORAGE oil $17.65 -
Try borage oil and/or fish oil. The symptoms of a hangover are partly driven by inflammation from prostaglandins, a unique type of hormone-like compounds in your body that are made from long chain omega-3 fats EPA and DHA (the ones that make fish oil so famous), the omega-6 fat GLA (found in borage or evening primrose oil), and arachidonic acid. Research from the early 1980s shows that when a person takes a drug that inhibits prostaglandin production, their hangover symptoms were all significantly reduced the next day. Since you don’t have prostaglandin inhibitor drugs at your disposal, the next best thing is a combination of borage oil and fish oil. This duo works at the molecular level to block the production of inflammatory prostaglandins while increasing production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.
wow, really cheap, I am just looking probiotic, thanks OP :-)