Ok, a change from the usual "I crashed my car with no insurance" threads…
I recently had a friend return from Japan and tell me about the near lack of road rage he experienced there. And it took him some investigation to find out why people were flashing their hazard lights every now and again in traffic. Turns out it's a widely accepted way of one road user saying thank you to someone letting them merge without having to push in or for general other road user things that here in Australia tend to end up with video footage on A Current Affair of two bogans banging on at the traffic lights.
Now, I do drive trucks and have noticed something similar that truck drivers do for each other on a regular basis. If I let a truck in in front of me, I will often get an opposite blinker flash. EG: They're merging right, I let the truck in, blinker flashes once or twice left, then right again once after they move lanes and it's off. (Can another truck driver can confirm if this is actually a thing or if its just a lot of "opps, over cancelled my indicator" moments. I do it as well and didn’t want to be alone…)
But all of this got me to thinking. If there was a universal way to say "thanks" from your car to a driver that just helped you out, would you be more willing to help people in traffic? Would it go any way towards calming some people down? We all know the the horn is the universal signal for "F#%K YOU, YOU STUPID F#@KING W@%KER" But what if there was something that was the opposite of that. I always try and give a wave to people who let me in, but in a car with black interior and tinted windows they cant always see me. Or in the truck, they cant see me at all.
Do you think it would work? Why or Why not? Would it change the way you perceive other drivers if they could say thanks and would you be more willing to help if they could show their appreciation of your charitable act? Would something like this even work in Australia, or have we crossed to far into the "self entitlement" threshold??
Or maybe if you didnt want to move off and park for your coffee at Maccas, you could pay it forward and buy the car behind a round?
Japanese car drivers saying thanks with hazard lights
Truck drivers saying thanks by flashing indicators
2a. Trucks signal “thank you” to this by indicating left to pull back in, then blinker right, then left again.
I see the flashing of hazard lights occasionally. I think the trend is on the rise slowly.