Where can I get the Kosher salt (iodine free)? Which shop/store?
Not looking for online purchase as I need it in a day or two so will do pickup in Sydney.
Where Can I Buy Kosher Salt (Iodine Free) ?

Last edited 09/10/2017 - 21:13 by 1 other user
Woolworths, coles,
Natural sea salt flakes contain no iodine
Kosher salt is an American term.https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/355469/sax…
What do you want to use it for? Kosher certified salt isn't the same thing as what most people call "kosher salt". If you don't need certified, @stewardo is correct. If you need certified, check the brands listed at The Kashrut Authority.
I’d go to a supermarket around double bay if you need certified salt, many of the supermarkets around that area have kosher sections. Really depends what it’s needed for?
What is the issue with iodine?
Iodine is added to salt to prevent iodine deficiency and health issues relating to this.
It wasn’t tradionally added to koshering salt as the large grained salt was used to draw blood from kosher meats then thrown away, and not eaten so there was no need to add iodineIn the US salt without iodine is called kosher salt, many recipes call for kosher salt not for religious reasons but because grains are bigger and dissolve slower and chefs say the iodine gives a bitter taste to food, it also can effect bacteria in cheese etc
From a store.
Any pink or celtic salt should be iodine free, most health food stores should have it.