Thought this might be a worth a post on its own. All credit to fredk1000 deal ( With this deal you get horizon 3 and hotwheels DLC for 1 cent more.
Just search Forza on Harvey Norman site, add horizon 3 bundle and Forza 7 to cart. Apply discount code.
Xbox One S 500GB Bundle with Forza Motorsport 7 & Forza Horizon 3 (Includes Hotwheels DLC) - $299.01 @ Harvey Norman

Last edited 24/04/2018 - 22:30 by 2 other users
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HN web site and online ordering is terrible.
What ordering, there's no ordering at the moment. There's just waiting for the web site to stop saying "Wow, we're totally maxed out at this very moment,
but you can try us again in a little bit." or "This page isn’t didn’t send any data."
Same here :(
Why is it getting slammed? This weekend's sale doesn't seem THAT much better than every other weekend.
I wonder if there might be a DDoS attack against the web server today?. A group with a grudge against Gerry Harvey perhaps?. DDoS attack sounds more plausible.
nah thats unlikely… gerry hasnt done or said anything that would make people hate him…
@tonyjzx: ffs i only just bought my sarcasm detector and it just exploded. Now I have to wait for the next 15% off ebay code..
He's probably hosting on AWS and will blame Amazon… :P
@hollykryten: who would have a grudge against Gerry Harvey? he only made things better for us by lobbying for the netflix tax
Impossible everybody knows Gerry doesnt believe in computers, so therefore he doesnt believe or care about DDOS attacks.
Their web site are not designed for online ordering …..
Even if you can order all are done manually by email XDD
Even Gearbest and Banggood are better than them.
Gerry is one of those people who thought the internet was a fad.
is this the latest XBOX?
It's the slim console so i think it must be.
The new one comes out next month and will be $649
is this the latest XBOX release?
Xbox x or Scorpio comes out in Nov so yes atm it is
Scorpio isn't replacing it, it's acting like a premium/high end model though yeah? Like the PS4 Pro.
Yep and he asked is this the latest xbox release
Web site is running again. I suppose the suspected DDoS attack is over for now.
Hmmmm, DDoS attack from Ozbargain users I suspect!
Can't find, only see Horizon 3 and F7 as separate bundles.
Am I doing something wrong or?
I have Xbone already. But need a second remote as ours died. This for 300, minus 100 or so by selling the games, is 200. Then you sell unused new Xbox minus controller for 200, someone gets cheap Xbox, I get free remote, win win.
Just click the link, add the Horizon 3 console bundle and Forza 7 standard edition to your cart, enter the code at checkout. I just tried it and it works.
That totally worked! Thanks
Thanks dude, I'll grab one now. :)
Hmmm had it in my cart - went to pay and suddenly my cart was empty…
Now that code doesnt work… :(
nm - im an idiot
Thanks OP!Thanks OP. I was looking for a Bundle with Forza 7. Got one!
Code isn't working?
I've added the bundle in deal - code ain't working.EDIT: code does work - Harvey Norman just has a very shitty site
Just ordered then at 4.53pm, code still works. Now I can flip forza 7 online and have an even cheaper 4k bluray player.
Thanks for posting this OP :)Did this with my Xbox One for $330 in the recent Microsoft deal. Sold two of the games for $90 and kept the others for myself.
I have a $240 Blu ray player and two games for $240 which is cheaper then a 4k Blu ray player!
Is the Forza 7 a code? I'm after it on Xbox one and PC as I have both 😂
No. Physical copy
Purchased. $6 for delivery is great!
I want to get onboard. The JB deal the other day had Forza Horizon 3, Nba2k18, Fifa18, and was 1TB. Don't have much interest in Fifa or NBA but with resale and twice the storage capacity for $50 more (less after selling games)…. wasn't that a much better deal or am I missing something?
That deal came with Forza Horizon 3. This comes with that in addition to Forza 7 which just came out last week.
Yes. So for $50 less you are getting half the storage capacity and 1 'primary game' NBA and FIFA vs. just Forza 7. Just kicking myself I didn't go the JB deal. :(
IMO it would be more future proof to wait for the newer model.
More future proof, and three times the price.
this one futureproofs your wallet
Waiting for a deal on the Hot Wheels DLC, already got everything else.
I did grab the $271 G920 wheel and Forza 7 deal yesterday though, awesome price and awesome wheel. The girl at Harvey Norman couldn't understand why they had been flying off the shelves all day when I picked mine up lol.
Been playing Forza 7 today with it, way better than using a controller.
You can thank Harvey Norman for sponsoring Bathurst 1000 and offering these promos. Nothing currently matches their promo prices. Especially the g920 deal which I got as well.
The g920 box had a $499 price tag, game had a $99 price tag. Just the wheel is over $380 on average elsewhere.So thank you Harvey Norman for supporting Bathurst 1000
I believe the deal will end of today.
Enjoy the race too.
Shifter is under $54 too at HN
Yeah was thinking of getting the shifter today
wait for one of those 20% off $299 deals that happened recently i reckon
Deal has expired.
Code does not work any more.
The game only code does work still.
Sucks I missed this deal by a fair bit. Will be on the lookout for another!
I'm surprised you were able to use the HN web site as it doesn't work for me. So well at the moment there's no ordering this online.