Used to buy Eneloops from DickSmith. Used to buy pricing-error PC's from Harvey Norman. Used to buy lots of cheap deals from Oz retailers, like SSD drives etc
Now all I see are Xiaomi products and similar crap from overseas (mainly China-based) retailers.
Have all the domestic sellers got wise to OzBargain and don't make pricing mistakes any more, or have they folded under pressure from bigger, state-owned monsters based OS?
I worry about being Xiaomi-fied. Sure those guys are collecting our personal data
Too Many XiaomiBargains - Where Are The OzBargains?
Xiaomi wins contract for 2021 Australian Census over ABS.
"We can do it for less because we already have the data"
And the ABS got so careless of their data due to cutbacks etc. they no longer have it.
Xiaomi: haha we have all their data
Apple: hold my beer
i like my Xiaomi
But Xiaomi products aren't crap? And I'd honestly rather have the Chinese spying on me than the Americans (although they both are).
Look at the AUD exchange rate to see why we have fewer local bargains on goods like electronics now.
From 2010 to 2013 or 14 we had a once off window where our money bought more than it should.
My Macbook air I am typing this on I bought for $750 is a testament to it.
When the dollar fell again, local deals disappeared as retailers found themselves confronted with high prices to import stock.
Right now, the things that are at lows are fuel prices, so we are seeing great airfare deals, and lots of fresh food/veg, but not electronics.To paraphrase the bible, everything has a season. We had the season for electronics, and at the time, oil was so high airlines were on the ropes.
Now is the season for air travel ;-)The economics will turn again in a few years and oil will rise, and something else will be in distress - likely food delivery services judging from the dozens of them around the Sydney CBD.
So your saying I should be eating fresh good and veggies now over other alternatives?
Maybe the quality products and fantastic prices of Xiaomi just make the other bargains look less appealing.
I really can't stand people and their privacy concerns. These companies don't care about you, they just want their algorithms to make your life easier.
What information are you afraid the Chinese are collecting from you?
You’re right, privacy concerns are a bit over-hyped as every time we interact with some electronic gadget we generate data for someone. Obvious solution if worried, is to revert to manual;)
As someone who travels a fair bit, I kind of got used to collecting TRS refunds on locally bought gizmos. I rarely seem to do so recently though. Overseas sellers of say mobile phones like Shopmonk seem to be able to compete with local resellers like Mobilciti, even taking GST into account.
AU$ falling? Yeah, big part of the equation
"Now all I see are Xiaomi products and similar crap from overseas (mainly China-based) retailers."
and where do you think HN etc get all their "crap" from?
You can pay their inflated prices for "crap" or get it a lot cheaper by buying more directly.
BTW… Xiaomi is damn fine stuff :-)I agree, the Xiaomi deals are getting out of hand.
Looks like I'll have to post the Xiaomi guitar, blender and fridge next.
Time has come to have a sub-menu showing Xiaomi deals only, OR merge Xiaomi deals as one - whenever someone posts mods merge them.
The front page is flooded by Xiaomi deals.
Xiaomi changed my life. just need
To be fair though, where else and what other brands could you get a.
USB light for under $2 AUD shipped
Fast charging 20K amp powerbank for less than $28 AUD shipped
a 1080p smart home wifi camera with nightvision less than $18 AUD shipped
and wifi repeaters for less than $9 AUD shipped
USB charging accessories and adapters for around a buck, shippedCertainly not 'local' brands like Belkin, D-Link, Netgear or Samsung.
If you're afraid of spies, then perhaps you shouldn't trust american brands either. Snowden reveals that Cisco for example worked with the NSA to provide otherwise secure private network data to the government
The same way google is if you are using an adroid device like a phone.
*doubles the tin foil hat layers*