HELP! Asus DSL AC68R Modem Cannot Send Picture to Ring Doorbell 2

Hi all, I am new and my first post. Hopefully someone can help.

I just got NBN and internet is fast enough to send video.

I push the door bell, it sent signal to my phone but black screen.

I am sure it is the modem issue. I tried to connect the door bell to hotspot from my phone. It works.
It seems like the port forwarding issue but I think i fixed that but it doesn't work.
Anyone can help please? Thank you


  • 8 hours and no comments. Have you wondered why that may be? You could try providing some detailed info. Best of luck with this problem.

  • Whirlpool forums might be a better place for you to post

  • Check your internet speed. Even if devices (ring, router, phone) are within the local network, ring sends to its streaming server and then from there to your device. I actually bought Ring 2 but havent installed it because i am still waiting for NBN (i was told that i will get it in 1 month but 3 months have since passed)

    • I have NBN now and speed test is great. I had a replacement from Ring and it has the same issue. I am sure it will be the modem setup

  • I would try whirlpool. The people on here aren't really tech-savvy as much as Whirlpool.

    • Yes, i did. It doesn't work. Thanks for replying.

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