Best option for taking a card to Japan which I can withdraw or transfer money to?
Already have accommodation organised so mainly just for expenses.
Also how much money should I bring? Staying for three weeks.
Travel Card for Japan

Japan is pretty much cash based.
Citibank plus is the recommended debit card to load cash on to.
Free withdrawals from the 7/11 stores which are very abundant in the major cities.
The amount of you'll need is up to you and the activities you do and places you eat at.BTW there is a search feature on this website….
it's no longer the cash only society it once was.
virtually all retail shops take cards. the odd restaurant will request cash only. most tourist places are cash only (though rapidly changing)
not just the odd restaurant, even mcdonalds is still cash only. true that it is improving in retail and chain stores (including restaurants), but small local joints are almost always going to turn away cards
I'm pretty sure I could pay with my IC card when I was in McDonald's in Tokyo last year. Can't remember if they took credit cards.
McDonald's accepts IC cards and credit/debit cards, but it is still a cash country.
Just remember, you can only use Post Offices, 7Eleven ATMs & CitiBank to get money out of foreign banks. All the others are only usable by Japan bank accounts.
ive found 7-11 to be the most consistently good atms in the country. easy to find almost anywhere, international cards accepted, no fees. post offices used to be my go to but they have a small fee. even their own customers are limited to 3 free withdrawals a month. 7-11 + citibank all the way
7-11 ATM's charge fees now.
I think that depends on what card you're using. I went a few months ago with my newly issued Citibank debit mastercard, and wasn't charged any fees. Have heard that people with the older Citi debit visa cards were being charged fees.
Sorry, didn't notice I was replying to such an old comment. I don't have a Citibank card but I live in Japan and checked 4 different types of cards with my friends and they were all charged fees.
R u travel to japan ? Better not at the moment.
War from North Korea may happen anytime. I don't want u end up there.Anything can happen anywhere like in Las Vegas. You dont need a war to occur to be killed.
Are you going to cross a road today? Better not at the moment.
You can be hit by a Korean car anytime. I don't want u end up there.hahaha u r very funny. good luck to Kat & you too. lol..
Is this still current? Is citi-bank best or ing?
citibank plus debit card.