Crown Basmati Rice 5 kG @ 7 $, i think it's really cheap price for basmati..
Looks like the deal is statewide..
Crown Basmati Rice 5 kG @ 7 $, i think it's really cheap price for basmati..
Looks like the deal is statewide..
How is it compared to Indiagate, Sunrice, Maharajah's Choice, etc?
Much Better than maharajas choice and sunrice. Not surea about india gate.
You get rice, I make curry
Some like rice to be skinny, long, and dry (usually more expensive options) others like it to be fluffy, fat, and sticky (cheaper). Indiagate is the first and maharajah/sunrice is the second (although all are basmati). Not too sure how this crown rice is but probably closer to maharajah choice.
Is this short or long?
You owe yourself to try India Gate Golden Sella. I will never be the same again. I buy nothing else.
+1 for India Gate Sella. Nothing even comes close!
never tried sella, but I think i had issues with parboiled rice in the past. India gate classic is my goto.
Correction Sella not sells. Damn. Autocorrect even changed that one to sells until I noticed it!
@tightwad: No its not. Sella has a different purpose to Basmati. Sella is good for biryani, basmati for everything else
Avoid sunrice. Bought some the other week on special and it was extremely starchy for a basmati.
Perhaps your sweaty socks smell like Basmati rice?
My sweaty socks smell like fried rice.
I read that last word wrong at first!
Given the OP's username, can one surmise this is for SA only if this is 'state-wide'?
Looks like state wide
Available in Vic.
For Basmati experts….Would Daawat be considered the gold standard? And how does this compare?
Daawat is better than most of the basmati rice available in OZ.
Haven't cooked yet, so no comparison :(
India gate > Daawat/Indya
Daawat is most certainly better quality then Indiagate.
I prefer Indiagate.
I purchased from Coles for $14 top quality
The King of Basmati Rice is Lal Quilla or Tilda mostly available from Local Indian Grocery Stores
Tilda is available at Coles/Woolies too I think
Bought this last week at $7. I think it = sunrice = Maharajah's Choice. I have to mix it with with Indiagate to get through it..
India Gate classic, or if on a budget, India Gate Premium (go figure!).
Last month, I tried another rice which is as good as India Gate Classic - Daawat Select Baasmati Rice, which is good and cheaper than IGC.
I would 'personally' stay away from the Coles variety- tried one, and then used it only for dosa batter mix.( Even that came out terrible).
What's a 5kg bag of the good stuff cost in comparison?
It depends on the brand can be upto 24$ for 5kg
Yes, but sometimes on promotions, you can get 5 Kg for 18 AUD. I guess it would also vary from place to place.
I got Daawat Select Basmati from Coles last week for $14.
No idea about Indian rice. Never tried it before. Is this soft and fluffy when cooked just like Sunrice medium grain?
Usually, Baasmati is lightly fragrant rice, long grains, and not sticky at all. Also good for diabetics.
Thanks. Then I'll pass
Try it once- just not the Coles variety.
Each grain is fluffy and seperate.
Anyway, everyone has a different taste, and I respect your choice.
Not just Indian. A lot comes from Pakistan. Indians think the Pakistani variety is inferior, but TWWT?
I buy 5kg of Devaaya basamati rice from a local Indian store next to my coles and it's like $9.50 regular price.
You get what you pay for with these.
Ordinary rice.
India Gate Classic and Daawat Select Basmati are the only ones that I choose from. Most other brands available at Coles/Woolies are not that great (some are not even true Basmati rice but are still labled Basmati)
I agree. I don't like those small thick sticky rice
Not available in Sydney. Statewide mention in title please.
India gate classic, but everyday use sella as it is more lighter
Out of stock
Yes it is statewide
Bought this yesterday
RRP $10