This was posted 7 years 5 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

33% Storewide Discount at Repco with Coupon


Biggest general discount in Repco history?

Here's how it works. Head down to Repco before monday, make a mental note of all the things you want, and pickup a coupon from behind the desk. Then drop by on Monday to pickup those same items for a massive 1/3 off!!

Don't need to be a auto club member for this one! Don't even need to buy anything I think.

Applies to just about everything, but as always there are some exclusions. First off only applies to full price items, so forget double dipping on coupon items (damn!). Doesn't apply to discounted items, transmissions, engines, satellite products, giftcards or trade purchases.

Some ideas would be

  • Car part consumables (fan belt, spark plugs, air filter, oil filter, petrol filter, brake pads)
  • Specialty oils (don't bother with regular engine oils, way overpriced)
  • Car washing supplies
  • Aerosol cans
  • Glues and epoxies
  • Batteries (this is a great one because they are normally excluded)

edit: Additional deals for this Saturday
35% off all Penrite Oils
40% off tool kits, sets and storage
45% off Seat covers

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closed Comments

  • +1

    good deal, time to change my car battery

    • yer good idea ill do that as well

    • +1

      Buy you car batteries from Costco. There heaps cheap even with the discount

    • -1

      Good deal = i pos vote.

  • +5

    Will be good for batteries.
    Just about everytime I compare Repco's discounted prices to similar available elsewhere it is generally no cheaper than the regular price that can be had elsewhere. No doubt there will be some good deals but as always it pays to check prices elsewhere.

  • +2

    Had 35% off before

      • +26
      • +6

        Apply ice to burn

        Edit: but thanks for posting

      • +2

        Guess cowboys are not popular 'round these parts!

  • Batteries, do you guys just change it when it is about 3 years old or simply buy and let it sits there?

    • +8

      Wait until it's almost dead/dead and hope there is a sale at the time.

      • +13

        Wait until I can no longer start the car, ask for a jump start until I can find one on sale :P

        • +2

          Own a battery charger and most dieing batteries will only die overnight, so you've got a couple of days to find something

    • It depends on the status of ur battery. Mine is Yuasa Q85, it has been used for 4 years and 71k kms and still running perfectly.
      Seems maintenance batteries last longer than maintenance free Batteries.

  • do you need to physically have this voucher for the discount to work?

  • Nationwide I assume? How would customers usually find out about this?

  • Just chk battery from sca yesterday, my 2000 corolla battery should be 370cca, but test only 183cca. means time to change it. but now still works fine

    • They check for free? I'd like to have mine checked as well.

      • Had mine checked for free at repco about month ago. Gave me a little print out, my CCA was also low & boat would not start = new battery.

      • Its free battery check, just 1-2mins;

    • +2

      my question is how did repco bring your battery temperature down to -18C to get a CCA reading?

      • extrapolation based on ambient temperature?

  • +2

    I wonder if the SNES classic is included or it is going to be 'out of stock' on the day…

    • +4

      Surely Repco doesn't sell video games?!

      • +6

        No games but hopefully the coupon works for their Adler shotgun.

  • +5

    Isnt the term "equipment" marked as a exclusion very vague?

  • +12

    The day Repco has an online store or atleast something to browse products/prices, is the day I buy from them.

    • +15

      I used to think how can a national retailer have such a bad web presence in this day and age, My thoughts are now after comparing a lot of off the shelf prices is that it is a deliberate move. If it was easy to compare their prices online you probably wouldn't go there.

  • Perfect- I need engine coolant! And probably a new battery. Are they normally good with returns incase I don't actually need a battery?

  • Need new belts for my A4.. Issue is I bet it's still cheaper for me to get them online.

    Also the fact that they won't have stock and likely won't honour it lol.

  • Do I really have to go pickup the voucher first? Or can I just go on Monday?

    • I'd like to know this too.

  • +2

    As usual doesn't include catalogue items. Beware of blanket catalogue items e.g. on the front page of the current catalogue they have 25% off Repco batteries, so you won't be getting 33% off those, only 25%. (Note: Current catalogue ends 8th Oct so will need to see what the next catalogue includes).

  • +2

    Presumably they are still making a profit at 33% off. Show you how big their margins are.

    • +1

      Yeah but some of the money in there are for overheads, no point owning a business that makes 10% margin on everything.

      • and Supercheapauto / autobarn arn't businesses too? Their stuff doesn't seem to be as ridiculously overpriced compared to repco..

        • yeah maybe because they just have high overheads?

        • @supaderp:

          No, its just a different strategy. Regular people don't understand the way business works. They think that there's a 'fair' amount to be made, say 10%, and anything more is profiteering.


          Business works by charging the most they can get. The lazy, naive, time poor and the ones who failed to plan pay those high prices, leading to massive profits. Other people see this, and open up business too to get some of the money, and the resulting competition leads to lower prices. Eco 101

          Repco's prices might be offensive to some, but they're still in business so what they're doing obviously works. Then they have these extravagant discounts to hook in all the irregular customers for whom price is a bigger factor.

          You're right in a way, but its got very little to do with expenses or overheads.

        • @outlander:
          You can charge it at the highest price you wish but not when you have competitors selling the exact same product. What's repco selling that other stores don't sell?

          Repco stores are always empty, their staffs gets paid higher than SCA. When their stores got no revenue, that cost will need to be recovered via the overheads. This is added on top of based overheads.
          So total overheads= base overheads + overheads recovery. Do you think they just write it off as a loss?

        • @supaderp:

          You can charge it at the highest price you wish but not when you have competitors selling the exact same product. What's repco >selling that other stores don't sell?

          Repco stores are always empty, their staffs gets paid higher than SCA

          What? That's not been my experience. Repco is about as busy as SCA, but it depends on the location. What I have seen is some guy pull in to the Repco, interact personally with the staff as if he knew them and the staff knew him, ask the staff for some advice, drop $200 on auto parts and then leave because he had work in a few hours and needed his car functional.

          Its a fundamental misunderstanding that people have about business in the modern age. Price isn't determined by the formula
          price=cost price+cost of sales+desired profit margin

          Price is determined by the highest level of return. Do I think it's crazy repco sell oil at $40 when on sale you can get it for $15? Yes of course. But obviously someone buys it at that price, and for the them the value exceeds the cost of looking around for a cheaper price or waiting. And for repco, the profit made on one sale exceeds that of multiple sales at a lower price.

          So total overheads= base overheads + overheads recovery. Do you think they just write it off as a loss?

          Repco is a massive retail chain spanning multiple states, owned by a publicly traded company. Do you really think they operate the same way as a small time 'mom and pops' store?

        • @outlander: > Repco is a massive retail chain spanning multiple states, owned by a publicly traded company. Do you really think they operate the same way as a small time 'mom and pops' store?

          I thought Repco was sold to an American company a while back who is private.

        • +1

          @outlander: What old fashioned logic are you bringing into this? I am just saying that time is money, if you don't make money in that time given, you need to make up for it some how. The usual way you can is by offsetting it onto customers.
          Now you tell me that price isn't based off a formula. It's based off putting your finger in the air and hope for the best. Everything you buy from Repco has a base mark up %.
          That base mark up % consist of escalation + overhead costs + profits to investors.

          You can continue to share your flawless business model with people who walks into your store. It just won't apply in the real world.

        • @supaderp: you both are right but the pricing strategies apply differently depends on your share of market compared with your competitors within the same industry. In case of monopoly situation you will use outlander's pricing strategies to maximise your profit for each item until the profits are too high to attract new competitors. New competitors want to gain market share by running at a lower than competitor's prices (the higher the barriers the lower the profits are set) using supaderp's pricing strategies. Once they have reached equal shares of market the prices will sort themselves out (except for exclusive items) until new competitors enter and try to gain a share in the market again. That's why our government disallows price fixing within the competitors to avoid pricing wars so they all can rip consumers off and enjoy high profits all the time.

  • +1

    You have to buy something to get the coupon….

    • +1

      You're kidding. Bargain! Not.

      Edit: Just phoned the local Repco. You normally have to make a purchase, but they're giving the voucher to anyone. So it all depends (on if your local store wants to stay in business or not).

      Edit 2: And they said I could get the voucher on the day. No need to come in before. So worth phoning and asking.

      • +1

        In previous sales they just handed out the coupon to anyone who was in store, or if you didn't get given one, you'd just ask and they'd give you the 33% off.

  • There's 35% ones out right now too. ;)

    • +1

      where where where!

      • That extra 2% though!!

        A true Ozbargainer would go out of his way to get the 2% extra coupon :)

    • Where?

  • Thanks for this. I was heading to Autobarn tomorrow for the 25% off Bowden's Own cleaning stuff sale, but 33% is better.

    • I think you've missed the conditions.

      • yeah I meant to pick up the voucher for Monday. But I don't think Repco sells Bowden's Own?

  • Thanks, I picked up a voucher on Saturday and used this morning.
    Grabbed some cheap Shell 10w-40 5L for GS500.
    Paid $26.79

    Cheapest i have ever got was a SCA for $16.90 back in 2014…

  • Called up to check local store stock for some expensive transmission oil (I need $400 worth), get there at around 5pm, proceed to be told they've misplaced their large stock count of the oil. PITA that was.

    • What type of transmission is it? That's some very expensive transmission oil.

      • Well, almost $400 with Repco prices, cheaper elsewhere.

        Dual clutch Automatic. My particular gearbox has an oil capacity of 16 litres. DCT's need the oil and filter replaced every 60k.

        Costs around $600 to service these transmissions at most car dealers. I think I'm barely going to save any money at this rate. The oil is just too expensive.

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