Google Home and Logitech Harmony hub integration


I have been happily using my Logitech harmony hub for my TV/STEREO/COMPUTER/APPLE TV and various smart controllable devices for a while now.
I purchased a Google home as it integrates with the Harmony smart hub according to Logitech and google, But seems that it ONLY works in the USA.
When I try to link it it wont allow the assistant app to select the link option and is also not displayed as a "device" in the device setup menus..
I have read mixed reviews of people that got it working in previous builds, but in later builds it's not working.

Has anyone here managed to get this working natively?
My only current work around is using IFTTT, But then things like volume and channel changing is not able to be done…

Edit solved! Thanks to CK below!


  • Hi ozy
    I went through the exact same issue literally yesterday and managed to get it working natively. I read somewhere that the US guide also works in Australia. This is the article that I followed -…

    I can now ask Google Home to turn on, turn off my tv etc without IFTTT. The only annoying thing is you have to say "Ok Google, ask Harmony to turn on the TV" instead of "Ok Google, turn on the TV".

    Good luck.

    • Hey Ji1007,

      I have tried this article and cant get it to work still….
      after asking it to link harmony it shows up in the app with the link option but I cant press it..

      so frustrating!

      by the way have a look at shortcuts in the app, you can shorten the long winded "Ok Google, ask Harmony to turn on the TV" to ok google I wanna watch the TV mate" etc

      • +2

        Try this

        Harmony is actually linked through assistant and it's quite buggy to link through home..

        -Open google assistant on your phone
        -select the blue briefcase at the top right of the app
        -scroll down to home control
        -swipe across till you see harmony
        - link your account

        That should do it. You might need to reboot your home or "ok google tell harmony to refresh" but that's it.

        Make sure you refresh your home with you harmony each time you update your actions.

        • Aaaand it works!
          Legend mate, thank you very much!
          1 month of BS!
          Will be great when it’s added to devices like the USA, but stoked to have it working now!
          Thank you mate, very much appreciated!!!!

        • @ozy: no worries, glad I could help. Don't forget to switch your language to Aus as they recently updated the home/harmony interface to support it.

        • @caramellokoala: yep just tried that
          Thanks again mate, you’re a legend

    • I haven't tried it yet as I've only just ordered the harmony hub, however have you tried creating shortcuts with the Home. You should be able to substitute phrases.

      see item 4

    • N/a already answered

  • I had no problems pairing my hub to Google home. I did purchase my Home from the US before it was released in Australia, but that shouldn't cause any issues now. I've kept my settings to US English since the Australian roll out, so it's possible this may have been why I had no issues. I just followed through the Explore menu to find Logitech Hub and set it up from there. I recall there were some issues getting it to pair up, but I think the issue was to do with linking my Harmony account. I think in the end I logged into the harmony app directly from my phone at the same time as going through the Google Home app. It does work natively and instead of saying "ask Harmony" all the time I just set up shortcuts via the Home apps. Now all I have to say is "ok Google TV on". Keep at it, it works great!

    • I set mine to US English to no avail unfortunately..
      As in it made no difference :(

  • Where'd you get the harmony from and how much was it? I'm thinking of picking one up too

    • +1

      Shopmonk and $129

      • +1


        • +1

          Just a FYI, there is a mini version coming out soon for $79 and it apparently does the same thing just smaller and IMO looks better

        • +1

          @ozy: Even better - thanks again!

        • +1


          I think you guys are talking about different products…

        • +1

          @LlamaLlamaLamp: Yep now that you mention I think he's talking about Google Home :\

        • @nytrojen: hahaha! Yep sorry peeps, my bad!

          I got my harmony from the dicksmith closing down sales for $68 or something like that a while back..

          Sorry for the confusion

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