With coffee lake out, what is going to happen within the CPU market regarding prices?
Are new motherboards going to be made at an affordable price point for the new CPU's? Currently the cheapest one according to PcPartPicker was $229, more than the i3 CPU itself!!
I am thinking to make a gaming pc within the next month, should i wait it out and hopefully see Ryzen CPU drop in price?
Whats your opinion?
With Coffee Lake out, Whats Going to Happen to CPU Prices?

Here's the thing with building a new rig, there will always be new things around the corner and you will forever wonder if it will bring down current prices. All the time you spend waiting for the next best thing, you could have spent enjoying your new system.
My advice is to set a budget that you can afford, pick the best parts you can and enjoy it now.
I agree with you, but with the crypto mining craze falling down and the introduction of the coffee lake, it just seems logical to wait out a month to see what savings can be made.
Also, i have made a budget and am looking at prices to make a rig and the price is atleast 200 more than say april due to the crypto mining situation. GPU, RAM and SSD prices have risen due to a supposedly 'worldwide' shortage.
People have been saying this for months. People were saying GPU prices will fall when Vega comes out… that didn't happen at all.
But the thing is they have started to drop down. Just look at prices in June and compare it to now…
"But what about the housing market. That bubble is going to bust any month now."
- Abraham Lincoln
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the crypto craze was only driving up prices for AMD GPUs? So as long as you avoid getting those I doubt you'd be affected by any rise/fall of crypto.
It also inflated the 1070.
Ive been waiting to buy a cpu for my build, pretty upset that the new ones will require a new board : /
Classic Intel for you.
I'm quite interested in this "Coffee Lake"
I liked the river of Chocolate in "Willy Wonka &
the Chocolate Factory" very much.Maybe mix the "Coffee Lake" and the "river of Chocolate" and get Mocha?
remember when that swedish fat kid fell down the river. haha he was a fattie. I think he also is a died huh
Augustus Gloop…
Still happy with my i7 4770 workstation editing videos…. maybe in 4-5 years I will upgrade to this coffee lake thing
It looks like the performance improvements come from Intel turning up the clock speed all the way to 11 and not from IPC improvements.
This means if you're overclocking you're going to use a very, very high end cooler to tame this wild beast since it already guzzles electricity past the 4ghz mark.
Basically it's a rework of existing Kaby Lake architecture, now with two extra cores and also faster memory support. This should make Ryzen and Threadripper prices fall even further. Win for the consumers.
The shocker though is the lack of backwards compatibility, so even if you own a board with the same LGA socket, you're still forced to buy a new one.
Stock of coffee lake is expected to be so low that it will be hard to obtain one for the next few months. Shouldn't impact on price of ryzen any time soon due to this.
Update for ryzen CPU for amd is expect to come out around February 2018 (same socket). While Black Friday is around end of next month.
So either keep an eye out for promotion of pc/parts next month ( due to Black Friday) or wait till early next year (where supply of coffee lake & update of zen cpu is available).
I am looking at building a Photoshop work machine for my brother and I am really um-ing and aah -ing over going Coffee lake or last gen.
Pro: i5 single core thread turbo boost seems particularly good for photoshop
Con: They are all out of stock atm!Pro: $279 doesnt seem to expensive to me (i5 8400)
Con: the cheapest motherboard I have seen is $199 and it was out of stockPro: new chipset means (hopefully) its upgradable for the next few years.
Maybe con - might be better bang for buck going the 7000 range , and who knows, intel is just as likely to change the chipset within 2 years making the upgrade useless.Anyone seen good drops in the 700 range? they still seem a bit expensive to me.
You will be waiting until early next year for the cheaper 300 series motherboard to come. Right now, Intel does not intend to release any cheap Coffee Lake boards, so you're forced to buy the high end ones.
You can either….
Wait an additional 4 months for new cheap motherboards to arrive.
Bite the bullet and pay $200 dollars for a enthusiast Z370 board.
Impatient: go with AMD Ryzen 7 1700 + a budget B350 motherboard.
Don't even bother considering last gen CPU's. The platform is dead-end now, the Core i7 only has 4 cores and Ryzen is a much better alternative anyhow…
In case you're wondering, AMD intends to support AM4 for at least 4 to 5 years. So Ryzen II for example would still use the same AM4 platform.
I recently built a Ryzen Machine for a friend for gaming. Chucked in a 1600 and Mobo combo for $380 which I thought was good value.
However Photoshop really relies on single thread performance and Ryzen is just not as good as intel (even though it seems to kill it for everything else). I looked at benchmarks and it actually equals a few seconds (average is about 1 second) for some tasks.
When your Editing thousands of photos this is a lot of time. So unfortunately I think it will be an intel build for now.
The new intel i5 - 8400 single thread turbo boost (i think its 4ghz) should kill it for photoshop.but I think your right, doing some research, its 2 more cores, and 2 more threads for the new i5, the old i5 just doesnt seem good value at all.
I was thinking the same as you but then ended up buying parts from ebay20% off sale and built my system last night.