This was posted 7 years 5 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

NRMA - Free Pink Slip Vehicle Safety Check in Sydney and NSW


NRMA are currently offering a free NSW pink slip for members and non-members, valued at $40.
Book for a free pink slip by 31 December 2017.

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NRMA (National Roads and Motorists' Association)
NRMA (National Roads and Motorists' Association)

closed Comments

  • Seems like a good deal. If they fail you, do you need to go back to the same shop to get it passed?

    • Yes, of course.

      • +5

        Actually you can go to a different shop for pink slip as long as you fix the issue

        • +3

          But then the different shop will charge you the same amount to issue a pink slip, isn’t it?
          So you tend to go nto the same shop once issue is fixed.
          You don’t pay twice to same shop

        • +1

          @51ngh: Ah yes you end up paying twice but if you needed to go another shop for whatever reason its still possible.

      • If you fail a test, you will be issued with a white slip and pay the inspection fee ($40). You have 14 days to get these items fixed and can go back to the issuer of the white slip and they should issue a pink slip for the car without you having to pay an additional $40 for another inspection.

        Who fixes the noted issues is up to you. You can go home and fix them yourself as long as they are fixed when returning, they should issue pink slip.

  • +2

    Valid for 6 months as well.

    • My rego is in Feb so it'd be okay to get this pinkslip in Dec?

      • +2


        As per website
        Validity of safety check inspection reports

        Light vehicle safety check inspection reports are valid for six months (excluding public passenger vehicles). This means that you’ll need to use the report to renew registration within six months of having the safety check.…

        • Awesome! Hooray I'll save 4% on my yearly rego -_-

  • Always helpful when selling a car.

  • +25

    i have a feeling they will find a reason to fail you and the repair will be inflated to cover the lost revenue in this offering.

    • +1

      There is no obligation to get the fault fixed at the same place.

      • +1

        Yes but many people don't know this

  • Dumb question - can you get your car checked even if it isn’t due?

    • -2

      Yes, you can do it any time and it's a good selling tool because you can advertise it as roadworthy.

    • They normally ask for your renewal notice. Doesn't mean you can't get it checked, but it's standard that it's done when renewal is required.

    • It's an electronic register, so potentially failing may not be a good thing to have on record.

  • Will be embarrassed if the car service centre ask for NRMA membership number which they usually do.

    • +1

      Why would you be embarrassed if you have it?

    • +1

      Why? who cares? I shop at coles even though I'm not a rewards memeber…

  • Thanks OP!

  • Do most places charge $40?

    And does anyone know the usual things they fail in an otherwise reliable car?

    • tires

      • Ah OK, thanks. Have 2 new ones so half the chance of failing.

      • +9


    • I'd think brakes and tyres are the most common.

    • +1

      Play with the rack ends and bearings as well are common.

    • +2

      Rust, damaged steering or cv boots, windscreen washer faults, and faulty lights in addition to those mentioned.

      • Damaged cv boots aren't necessarily a fail.

        • Only if any of the grease that escaped the split CV boot and ends up on a brake component such as calipers or brake lines.

      • Also, worn engine mounts

  • Thanks OP - perfect timing!

  • Is this for booking before 31 dec or the actual service before 31 dec

  • good NRMA

  • +14

    If you have have an old car, do not take it to NRMA Car Servicing for rego check. They will most likely fail it as they literally check everything to find a fail item so that they can make money on doing repairs. Leave it to your usual mechanic as they probably won't be as stringent.

    The fail items they submitted electronically for my car (1998 Mitsubishi Verada) were:

    *Inoperative seatbelt retractor.
    *Windscreen demister - no air onto windscreen.
    *Front struts not working (fair enough)
    *Oil leaks (fair enough)
    *Exhaust leaks

    Total repair cost they quoted was "between $3000 - $4000".

    Took it to my usual mechanic and he fixed it for ~$1060, he didn't find any exhaust leaks mind you so not sure if NRMA was trying to scalp some cash off me. Mechanic did the safety check after the repairs and passed the vehicle in the end. Expensive lesson learnt (it was my first time doing a rego check on my first car). Not trying to say NRMA will do a bad job but they're just another expensive franchise in the end.

    • +4

      I second this. Called for the same offer and was told it'd take an hour and go on a hoist.
      Yeahhh…no thanks.
      Don't waste your time, just pay for one at a reasonable shop.

    • The fail items they submitted electronically for my car (1998 Mitsubishi Verada) were:

      Submitted electronically to whom? RTA? How does this info help them - don't they just care about pink slip and not all steps in between?

      Does this info also impact your NRMA Roadside Assistance premium for the next year if you don't get the issues fixed at NRMA service centre?

      • +1

        Roadside assistance does not cover pre-existing problems - according to the T&Cs. It is a service for a fixed fee, not insurance that may have variable premiums.

        Yes, the safety check gets sent to RMS. If there are any problems they need to be fixed and the vehicle needs to get sent for a second inspection to make sure that the problems that were found in the first inspection were fixed. New problems cannot be reported in the second inspection.

        You need to use google.

  • +4

    Rear number plate light. For some reason mine always needed to be replaced until I changed mecahnics.

  • dont go for the cheapest one on gumtree. lesson learnt.

  • Nice! Rego due this month.

  • I have nrma membership so I decided visit nrma It's only $845 so be careful they are only for roadside assistance not for repairs

  • This is for MEMBERS ONLY. I got stung last week, charged me $40 and told me terms and conditions it’s free for members only for free with a service.

    • Unlucky man! Cheers for the heads up tho!

    • Im not sure if the deal was live last week, but the ad clearly says free for non-members, so they shouldnt have charged you.

      • Deal was live, same link that you have posted here. I called NRMA about it afterwoods and the phone lady said it isn’t free and told to check the terms and conditions on another page, told me that’s what an * meant. Anyway, money gone and extra things to ‘fix’ now, never go to them again

        • Sorry but you got ripped off. The asterix is for 'Safety checks are only required in NSW. Not available at our Tuggeranong centre'.

        • @laura85: I know that’s what it says in the page but NRMA helpdesk used another page as an example to scam the system. But as it plays out, they called me and refunded me so I’m happy now!

        • @UberIsCool: Glad to hear it!

  • +10

    This is the biggest scam going…. I took my car in for a $169 essential service and a pink slip yesterday.

    I was assuming that they would let me know as it says on their website, that they will advise me if they find anything wrong during the service.

    Instead they did the pink slip check and lodged a failed report to the RTA without any consultation to me during the "Safty Check" part of the servicing, leaving me with a $1500 bill of things that must be fixed before it will pass rego.

    NRMA are clearly out to drum up repair business with this offer going over every part of your car with a fine tooth comb to find issues to fail you on.

    I should have taken to a local mechanic and payed the $40 for a check, it would be much less hassle in the long term.

    • I've read that if you wait for the current white slip to expire (is it 14 days?) you can go to another shop and pay for another pink slip.
      Who knows, they might pass you without issue, so it could be worth it for a second opinion.
      If the second opinion comes back with the same things to be fixed (or you know they need to be fixed), then by all means fix the issue/s.
      Don't do this over and over again or else you might be flagged and have someone inspect the vehicle.
      *Note: Not from personal experience, just reading several threads about this issue — can anyone confirm this to be true?

      But yeah, I'll say it again to everyone - don't take up the offer, unless maybe you have a brand new car.

      • Aren't brand new cars automatically exempt from pink slip checks for a few years anyway?

        • Yeah, 5 years isn't it? I guess I consider anything under 10 years to be pretty new.

      • A mentioned above, the fail is sent to an electronic register to the RMS, and those things will need repairing or passing wherever you take it after that.

  • NRMA are no better than any other backyard mechanic who will charge you overinflated price for simple things to pass your pink slip, then refuse that it's done right until they do it.

    Will be even more evident as they try to make up the loss on issuing these free pink slips.

  • In regards to earlier posts where people mentioned they are worrying about having to pay twice for the pink slip inspection if they fail and have to come back. I have failed my inspection at my local mechanic they do not charge me. I leave go fix the problem and then come back .. only then does he charge me $40. I have done that twice already at 2 different mechanics.

  • And to jump on this negative NRMA bandwagon, I must say that their roadside service is next to useless. If it's just a towing service they're providing, you might as well just put your membership fee into a bank account for emergencies.

    A radiator hose clamp failed on my car while driving on the Sydney Newcastle Freeway near Mount White and I knew that all I needed was a spanner or a screwdriver to tighten the new one I put on, and some water to replace the coolant I had lost after the hose came off. The NRMA patrolman came along, I explained my predicament and he said 'sorry mate can't help ya, but I can get you a tow to the nearest NRMA mechanic'. Didn't want to help with even getting me water because they didn't want to be responsible for anything.

    I ended up having to drive the car 10km to Mooney Mooney in the dead of night on the Old Pacific Highway, with the cooling system containing whatever amount of urine I could muster from my bladder, plus 600mL bottle's worth of water. The recommended coolant capacity of the car was about 8 litres.

    That's right, I had to PISS into the car's coolant tank because of the NRMA's useless roadside 'assistance'.

    • What was it in the end, faulty thermostat?

      • I'd replaced the original hose clamps on the car with these screw ones a few days before. I must have undertightened the one which went into the top of the radiator and as I was going uphill on the F3 it just popped off.

    • +1

      I dont know why backyard mechanics have such a bad rep. I have done backyard mechanics my whole life and the 2-3 times I went to a well known franchise or work shop, they ripped me off like no tomorrow. Big brands are just useless, I would never go to one ever - no matter how bad my situation. My backyard mechanic services my car for $150 - drives it around the block and checks everything while I watch him - similarly I dont get charged if he can't fix it, even if he is at it for a couple hours - that same basic services at NRMA was quoted around $500. This deal just further amplifies their scheeming and dishonest nature to just make a buck.

  • Thanks for the reminder, booked in for service and pink slip.

    re roadside service, I have had generally good experiences except on one occasion, when I really needed it, and the guy drove past on the other side of a 6 lane road, made his assessment as he passed. I rang back and gave them merry hell and eventually someone else came. I doubt that fellow still has a job with them. The second fellow fixed the problem and followed me home to make sure I got there safely. Thats service.

  • Thanks OP! Saved $40.

    Waited for about 1.5 hours, but in a comfortable waiting room, free coffee, and I brought my laptop along for a bit of work, so no dramas. Heaps better than standing around at some local garage. Will pay to go there next year.

  • Just got mine done for free, was quick.

  • sorry but that is NOT TRUE!

    you will only get a free Rego inspection, if and only if you sign to one of their plans - otherwise you will have to pay as usual.

  • Hi so the other day I went in for the free inspection and there was something wrong with the car (broken windscreen wipers) so they failed me. I went to Supercheap Auto and fixed it myself for half the price. What's my next step:

    a) go back to the same NRMA within 14 days and tell them I fixed it so they can issue me a pink slip (worried they might make excuses and say it's not passable)

    b) wait after 14 days and go to another NRMA service centre and get the free pink slip inspection again?

    c) pay money and get another repairer to give me a pink slip and avoid NRMA altogether

    I'm just not sure if I can do the free pink slip inspection offer more than once. Also will there be a bad record on my car since I failed the inspection and didn't fix it within 14 days?


  • Don't go. They will most likely to fail you.

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