I just bought 10 of them Woolworths St Kilda, VIC.
Good for bodybuilders and anyone. Low in sugar, fat and great tasting.
I just bought 10 of them Woolworths St Kilda, VIC.
Good for bodybuilders and anyone. Low in sugar, fat and great tasting.
Might have to give these a try! Strawberry or Passionfruit 🤔
How do these compare with the similar priced Chobani Tubs (when on special)?
Chobani are way too sweet for me (full of sugar I assume). So much so that I threw out the batch I bought to try.
These are sweetened with Stevia so don't taste very sweet at all.
Chobani is rubbish, I don't know why they are so popular on OzB.. Not even made in Australia and full of sugar. Don't know why you're even mentioning that brand in a decent product post like this!
Lol Chobani is good for a bit of a zing in the morning :D
Also I like sweet tasting yoghurt, but not their flips. Is it still sweet?
Definitely go for the strawberry, passionfruit or even vanilla.
The YoPro plain is a bit too plain imo, still edible. I don't like or eat sickly sweet stuff and my daily (proper) yoghurt is Jalna, full fat plain Greek - no added sugar or flavours and all the fat left in!
@nismo: Here's the problem I always have though, I love Passionfruit but I can't say I enjoy the seeds..
Vanilla is a tad plain in my opinion so it always comes back to strawberry. But I'm so sick of strawberry lol
You would have loved the job I had many years ago. When I was studying at university, during the holidays I worked on the "Juice Line" at Golden Circle.
I was given a sheet with ratios like "4 scoops peach, one scoop passionfruit, 100 litres of apple". All of these came in huge plastic bags, in 44-gallon drums, and my job was to open the bags, measure or pump out the required amounts, then signal the foreman to add pineapple juice (which was piped, in much larger quantities).
Because it was for juice, the passionfruit bags contained pulp only, no seeds. And when I got to the bottom of the bag, and couldn't scoop any more, they didn't mind if I scraped the last little bit out with my finger before the empty drums were taken away. Yum!
@Russ: Haha yeah that would have been an awesome job!
4 scoops of peach, 1 scoop Passionfruit, 100L of Apple, large quantities of pineapple juice
Lol sounds about the right ratios for golden circle hahaha
sounds about the right ratios for golden circle
Yep, I reckon they have so much pineapple juice that they wouldn't be able to sell it all as just pineapple juice. So they decided to sell it as other flavours, which are still majority pineapple juice.
By the way, the main reason apple is added is because it is a sweetener, to balance the sourness of the pineapple. Sliced fruit in tins have pear juice added as sweetener, probably because apple juice would seem too "thin". Almost every tin that says "in natural juice" has pear juice, not the juice of the fruit in the tin!
Chobani … Not even made in Australia and full of sugar.
Chobani says "Made in Australia" on the packaging.
Also, not all Chobani yoghurts are high in sugar. The low-fat plain Chobani has sugars of 3.3g/100g, and the "Whole Milk" plain is even lower at 2.9g/100g. That's lower than any of the YoPro yoghurts, their lowest figure is for Vanilla, and that's 3.8g/100g:
For the low-fat Chobani, the ingredients are only skim milk and live yoghurt cultures, so no sweeteners are added. Whole Milk plain adds cream to the ingredients list, still no sweeteners.
Chobani is made in victoria
Not sure many yoghurts would be made overseas if any. With short shelf life
Chobani is horrific. For me, it's the only inedible yoghurt
Danone is possibly the best for plain yoghurts and some of the flavours are good too. Shame it doesn't get much shelf space at woolies, especially the plain tubs are hard to see.
Otherwise, for flavourful, I like gippsland blood orange and mango or apple and raspberry
I love Gippsland for flavour, but I hate it for the price.
I love Chobani for the half price special, but don't like the sugar/sweetness except if I am after a zing.
I love Danone YoPro for the flavour and half price specials, but just wish there were more flavours!!
The macros are almost identical to Chobani plain Greek yoghurt when I last looked. I'm yet to try this (I intend to) but at the same price would anyone choose this over Chobani? They have a great corporate reputation and I'm a bit loyal to them (when heavily reduced of course). I suppose if they each alternate doing half price then it's a win win!
I thought these have more protein than chobani?
They do, Chobani plain Greek is 15.4g per serving (170g) and YoPro is 170g per serving (160g).
To me close enough to being the same and I prefer the taste of Greek yoghurt, Danone looks like plain. We do live in a multi-culture society so I welcome the difference!
170g of protein per serving (160g)
YoPro has just defied the laws of physics!!
Did you make that microbiology joke on purpose?
great corporate reputation
You choose an American brand over Australian made for this kind of reason?
Are you American or have any loyalties there?
Personally, I buy Australian wherever possible, especially with food.
This is OzBargain, not OzPride. Price is all that matters.
Oath!! Couldn't have said it better myself. I choose whatever is the cheapest and if that turns out not to be an Australian product oh well they should decrease their prices.
They're made in Australia, just owned by an American group. How is that different from 90% of things at woolies that aren't fresh produce?
Chobani is made in Victoria and had launched an incubator program locally too http://www.smh.com.au/small-business/entrepreneur/chobanis-h…
I am sure you're a customer of Chobani's based on your support of Australian made products too? If it's Australian owned you're concerned about..
Danone is a French multinational food-products corporation based in Paris and founded in Barcelona, Spain.
I buy the one I most like to eat.
Chobani is my lowest rated yoghurt for flavour.
great corporate reputation
Might want to do some research beyond their publicity…
I have and I can't find anything to the contrary. Can you enlighten me?
It comes down to how much you dislike the taste of sweetener.
Good point, I'm not a fan of sweetener at all, but I have their plain yoghurt so wouldn't know.
Spotted them this morning. Great product. Of course as soon as I get attached to something at Woolies they stock stocking it at my local store. I must have unpopular tastes.
And the nearest Coles us 60km away.
Maybe they can hire you ;)
I would like them more if they just set a lower price rather than play games with cyclical sales like chobani does.
It seems to be a thicker yogurt than chobani, not necessarily the traditional greek/Turkish style yogurt
Bought 10 this morning.
These are great tasting yoghurts. I personally love the greek styled one the most. Well worth it at this price.
Almost begged this post because I love these, and seem to sell out quickly when on special. Fantastic to stock up on and eat between specials. Coles now stocks them too but their regular discount is $1.50 each, making Woolworths a much better buy.
i tried mango its pretty flavorless(barely sweet) compared to chobani or maybe its just me
Can someone confirm if it is Soy Protein or regular Protein? Thanks!
Its diary yogurt made up of whey and casein.
Good yogurt, i've found the expiration date on these to be quite short compared to Chobani though for those that like to stock up in bulk. Not sure if it's just my experience but i've noticed it a couple of times now.
What is a decent use by? The last lot I bought a few weeks ago expire on October 16.
For the Chobani low-fat yoghurt, I have bought some with expiry more than 40 days away.
Okay, so that’s pretty similar. To be honest, I never noted the length of use by dates until I started stocking up. Thanks for that!
How well do they freeze? Anyone know?
Won't recommend it. You would kill those beneficial bacteria.
Freezing generally doesn't kill bacteria, especially in a yogurt where ice doesn't form throughout
I was on a quest to see what compliments the plain chobanis (or yopro) and settled on miller's granola. Even better that that too is half price at woolies.
I love the regular flavoured YoPROS. Usually blend it with some coconut water and berries for a great morning protein shake.
How do these compare in terms of flavour and health benefits with the Chobani and YoPro?
Health benefits of both are overrated. I see these types of flavoured yoghurt as a 'treat' or 'dessert' so I buy the one that has a better flavour which is Chobani because it has more sugar that makes it taste good.
Rokeby farm does have a strawberry one I think but I've personally never tried it.
The plain one (as I've linked above) doesn't have added sugar so I wouldn't think it counts as a 'treat'?
Well if you go to any typical Indian/ Asian grocery store you can buy five or two litre tubs of yogurt for slightly cheaper prices.
If you are going to buy 10 of these consider those as an option. Similar unsweetened yogurt but slightly different taste.
I tried this stuff, imo it tastes like cr*p. Buyer beware!
Yogurt is such a rip off. You can easily make a litre of yogurt for under $1 at home - already high in protein or add protein powder if you want extra and voila!
Woolies' 1l plain Greek yoghurt is regularly $4. Hard to justify these.
I thought of buying a bunch of these and then i thought why not just add whey protein powder to homemade yogurt. Works out whey cheaper.
Sounds good. I'm thinking of giving homemade yogurt a go.
For first timers, would you suggest using a store bought yogurt for the culture? If so, which brand works well or will any do? Any tips?
Yes… it works. I have used Farmers union natural pot set Yogurt for the culture. Important thing is the temperature. If you can keep it at about 40 deg for about 6 hours, you have your yogurt. Its easier using a yogurt maker.
This one tastes very bad and not many flavour options.
Not sure of their sugar/ fat amount comparables, but my favourite are from 'Dairy Farmers' brand - all their flavours taste very yummy and real: https://shop.coles.com.au/product/dairy-farmers-yoghurt-thic…
Not sure why this is marked as expired, they are still half price as part of the weekly special till Tuesday.
I bought a few to try. Had the vanilla earlier, it definitely does not taste anywhere as good as Jalna, but still acceptable to me.
Bought vanilla and passionfruit. Trying the passionfruit now and not very impressed.. has that artificial aftertaste from the stevia. I also thought it would have some real passionfruit mixed in, but it doesn't. Pretty average..
The Plain flavour has 17g of protein and tastes better than Vanilla imo