I try to abide by these rules:
- Buy one item, only buy another after a couple of hours
- From item 1, gift, not sell, extras
- Stay away from freebies from stores I never, ever, see myself buying from
- Never use the "tips" that are actually THEFT:
a. Not clicking redeem on an app to be able to re-use it
b. Similar to a., re-using a one time code due to a "glitch"
c. Using the same code and hopping from one store to another, even though the T&C states one use coupon only - Be happy that others got the deal, even I missed the same deal 10x already.
Frustrating when there is a cheap deal and people create multiple accounts to take advantage of it. Even worse when they're bragging "Oh I don't even need it, but it's $1". Yeah… if I don't need it I don't buy it. No need to throw money around the place when it could be spent better elsewhere.