Free IKEA Family membership
Also available 4 pack AAA (900mAh)
If you are after a smart charger, I've just got a Nitecore D4 from Gearbest for USD$20.99 using coupon code cf57am and seems to be rather a good deal as well. Original deal
Free IKEA Family membership
Also available 4 pack AAA (900mAh)
If you are after a smart charger, I've just got a Nitecore D4 from Gearbest for USD$20.99 using coupon code cf57am and seems to be rather a good deal as well. Original deal
It's a few dollars off the full price, and even the full price is a pretty good deal, so yeah..…
Zapals also have the charger for $21.40AUD delivered? not sure if its the same, says a newer version of i4, not sure of any differences etc. I could be 1000 miles off the mark though.
Ooops, was the i4 not the d4, my bad.
Sorry im referring to the batteries only.
where's the bargain?
my bad. cheers
It's not a dollar cheaper. It's the same price.
$8.99 was for AAA. $7.99 was for AA.
I checked my old receipt and can confirm I paid $7.99 for AA 4-packs.
That post had the pricing the wrong way around.
not according to Ikea.
AA Rechargeable battery
$7.99 /4 pack
1 Oct, 2017 -
31 Dec, 2017 while stocks last
Regular price
$8.99 /4 pack
Package quantity: 4 pack
I think regular price is without family card.
The other day I bought a few packs of AA for $7.99 and thought they were cheaper than when first released. I thought they were $8.99, but went and checked an old receipt and they were $7.99 also. It was the AAA that were $8.99.
Price history according to Google cache. 8.99 family price last month
its always this family price. at least every time i check ikea's website, it show 8.99 for family members.
We only use Eneloops on this site ;)
Wow. TIL.
I guess that's ok then. Standing down.
Enloop Pros actually.
Major parts of that review are nonsense.. Of course eneloop AA and ladda AA are the same size, all AA batteries are the same size.
Besides bullshit theres no real proof for what they claim.
Besides bullshit theres no real proof for what they claim.
You clearly didn't read it. They're not claiming anything.
The article even ends with the line:
Are these Eneloops? Who cares, if the price is good and they work!
So where's the bullshit?
Actually there's quite a bit of size variation. I've got a torch that some AA batteries won't fit into, but others slide in just fine.
According to Energizer, their AA-size 2450mAh NiMh battery has a length between 49.2 and 50.5mm, and a diameter between 13.5 and 14.5mm - and that's a single battery type, made by a single manufacturer! More than a millimeter variation in length!
The bullshit is that you use an article full of hype and made up stuff as some sort of evidence that LADDAs are ENELOOPS.
Faux evidence.
@ninetyNineCents: you're right in that the post may be a lovely pat of bovine excrement, but eug initially did say "could be" : )
I'm pretty sure people say there's a limited number of LSD NiMH battery factories in Japan and it was said that it was likely the same factory.
Well that could be true but that doesnt mean the LADDA batteries are made with the same components. WOolies also gets their nuggets made by one of the named brands but we cant pretend that steggles nuggets or some other name are the same woolies nuggets.
@oscarmanutdfan: Don't bother, ninetyNineCents will never be satisfied unless you can bring him in to the factory in Japan and show him the full production line up to where the labels are put on. Everything else is bullshit. :)
I wont say much ill let the last line of the link shared in the comment above…
The batteries longs good with a performance similar to many other 2450mAh batteries.
I have a lot of other 2400ish lsds, from places like hobbyking, doesnt mean they are eneloops. Some of my hobbyking eneloops are rejected by the official panasonic eneloop charger for some unknown reason, but charges fine in another.
Are these Low Self Discharge batteries?
Yes. Same as Eneloop Pros.
But they do discharge quite a bit faster then eneloops. So not quite as good.
Standard or the Pro's?
Both. Old standards and even more with the pros
is there 2 types of chargers for these?
I have some Lada 2459's
and I also have some Ladda 500's
But every time I go to Ikea they only have a charger that fits the 2450's
fit? Are you referring to AA vs AAA batteries? Ikea chargers can charge both sizes.…
Edit. Turns out I have the vinnage charger and I clearly don't read the instructions :)
The Ikea ladda charger fits both.
If you have the 500mAh batteries, then the ideal charge current is 200mA. Most smart chargers can't be set that low, you run a fair risk of "cooking" the battery in most chargers.
The Ikea Vinnage charger is suitable for the 500mAh batteries, looks like the charge current is around 285mA (calculated from their estimate of 12h to charge a 2450mAh battery). At that current, it will charge 500mAh batteries from flat in just under 2.5 hours, and at that speed, it will function correctly as a "smart" charger.
It's no good for larger batteries though. If you use it on the larger-capacity batteries (larger than 800mAh), it will take more than four hours to charge. At that speed, the "-dV/dT effect" is small and difficult to detect, so there is a high probability the charger will not see it, and your batteries will be overcharged. This damages the batteries, you won't get the rated number of cycles from them, and they will go flat quicker.
thanks for sharing - you obviously know a thing or two about batteries!
How do we get a Ikea Family Membership?
Join for free online
Was told by Ikea WA (4/10/2017 9:05am) that email will be sent in a day or two confirming that we can use Ikea Family Membership price's. NOT active in WA at this time. = I hope that we get a discounted price soon…..
+1 For Nitecore D4 from me :)
I just signed up to ikdea family, did you end up receiving the email from IKEA?
Thanks for the gearbest code on the nitecore d4 great
Chaos is a LADDA
That would be right! I bought 2 packs of AA and AAA on Saturday!!!
FYI there was plenty of stock at IKEA Springvale… on Saturday anyway!
We poor SA folks always miss out on these types of deals. :(
Ah, but by not spending you are arguably richer…
A true catch-22 case, eh? It's all OzBargain's fault to buy stuff we won't use most of the time. Lol
Go cash in some cans to make up the difference!
Pretty sure SA residents can sign up for Ikea family from 1st October (got an email last week about it)
Not sure if this price is available in IKEA Adelaide
I already signed up for that. As the title suggests, this sale excludes both SA & WA.
Aren't you getting a whole sh*t-ton of batteries courtesy Tesla?
Only if Tesla doesn't deliver on time!
Yeah but SA's batteries won't fit in a Nitecore.
Yeah, to the tune of 50 million US dollars, that will power up to 30,000 houses for 8 hours. I never bothered reading about that deal when it was first announced, and I've checked it now that you have mentioned it. I initially thought it was gonna cover the electricity needs of the whole state. Silly me! lol…
How do these compare with the aldi ones?
This I'd like to know too. The IKEA ones look good, but ALDI are so much more convenient.
Btw- does anyone else notice these rechargeable batteries don't seem to work too well in certain things? Aircon remote for one has a very dim display…
Maybe because rechargable AA batteries are 1.2v while normal AA batteries are 1.5v
Also, as their voltage drops they tend to get detected as being flat even if they have the capacity to run the device for months more.
I'd like to know as well.
Not only are Aldi a whole lot more convenient (nearest Ikea is 45 min drive away) the batteries are $5.99 everyday.
will get one
SA is excluded again. Thank you IKEA.
How do the Aldi LSD batts compare? Between the long queues at Aldi and getting lost Everytime I go to an Ikea store I'm not sure what's worse :(
Need to stay off the LSD then
The Aldi LSDs I have are not as good but they do work. I trust them in an Xbox or Wii controller but not in my camera flash. That's a very subjective response, I know.
An excuse to go to IKEA and have some god damn meatballs? Sign me up.
I always end up feeling very ill after eating a few of those meatballs. No other meatball does that to me. I wonder if they're greasy or something added into them just doesn't agree with me.
I saw a post in an audio group that these come out of the same factory as Eneloops. They believe they're essentially the same as Eneloops. Time will tell if that's the case.
I have used both and I don't think so. They don't last as long in my speedlights not do them hold the charge as well as the eneloops. Even if my eneloops are getting old
Where does it state they're LSD?
The description says they're "ready-to-use". Only LSD batteries can be ready-to-use, non-LSD ones would have self-discharged a fair bit between manufacture and you buying it.
So it's implied, yet realistically likely?
The reviewer (who goes by the username of HKJ in several forums) is very respected in the area of batteries, chargers etc. He did a review of the IKEA batteries and there is a page that allows you to show graphs between different batteries, and the IKEA graph is almost identical to that of the Eneloop 2450 Black.
I bought 3 set just a few weeks ago, and the capacity of the first set was tested by my La Crosse BC700 charger to be around 2700 mAH!
If you guys can get this for $7.99 for a pack of 4, I say it is the best value batteries you can buy. We have to pay $9.99 for a pack of 4 in Perth!
Anyone know what section IKEA keeps the batteries in ?
It's in the lamps and light globes section.
Now thats a Bright idea :)
Last time I was at Rhodes, they had them near the cafeteria. For some reason they had them away from all their other batteries, which were around the lames and light globes section.
Tempe NSW used to have batteries near that checkout which was strange. I'll looking in lighting section today :) thanks
Can't pick up or deliver in vic
Or just me?
Click n collect or delivery is not available to VIC.
And I don't know who would click n collect a pack of batteries when IKEA charge $40 fee for it.
still available in Vic?
Is this not the regular price?
Nice price on the D4 though!