This was posted 7 years 5 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free SSL Certificates for Life from Let's Encrypt SSL + VentraIP Australia


Hey Everyone,

You can now get a free SSL certificate when using ventraIP for hosting and domain management.

Essentially let's encrypt SSL offers 3 month SSL certificates that can be automatically renewed, to get this on your domains go to VIP control >
Once you activate it from here SSL certificate is permanently & automatically renewed as long as your hosting and domain stays with Ventra Ip.

It's not new been around for a while but I didn't know and I bet most ventraip Users didn't know too. Also Google is starting to penalize sites without SSL so get this while you can.

VIPControl » Shared Hosting » Manage » Let's Encrypt SSL

It would look like this>

Screen Shot of Control Panel

Many hosts make this available now, so check with your host before buying a certificate next time.

Referral Links

Referral: random (255)

$50 cash in VIP Wallet for the referrer after referee signs up to a new hosting service and either a new domain name or transfer an existing domain name, and remains an active customer for at least 60 days

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closed Comments

  • +4

    I knew :) and using since August last year

    • I did not and spent the money on buying one for $50.. bad

  • VentraIP is not offering anything so why are they mentioned in the title?

    • +1

      The only thing they are offering is the ability to install it with a single click install, you don't get that everywhere.

  • +11

    How is this a deal? Let's Encrypt has always been free.

  • Requires purchase of domain hosting from VentraIP. Misleading title.

    • +3

      let me know what you'd prefer as a title happy to update it.

      Free SSL Certificates for Life that's true. Never said hosting or domain was free.

      ps: I don't really care, just thought i'd save someone 50$ that I paid to buy a cert when there was a free option available

      • +1

        I think you should just remove Ventra IP from the title. The SSL certs are free with or without them.

      • -1

        It's not a deal because it's the normal price for a lets encrypt ssl cert.

        • +1, correct.

  • +3

    Going to print out and stick it up onto the wall in the pool room with my sister's hairdressing certificate

    • There's so much serenity in having one of those SSL certificates.

      • Yes she would love the Mumbo Jumbo of random characters , just make sure you increase the font size.

  • +3

    The easily way to get started with Let's Encrypt, is to download CertBot.

    Let's Encrypt works with any web server or hosting provider.

    • Not quite "any", but most of them, yes.

  • Mhhh … so what is the difference to the $49.95 certificate they offer ( )
    Why would somebody buy this when it's available for free?

    • +2

      Not much of a difference in practice for the first 2 levels, but wildcards and EV is not available to LetsEncrypt.

      With auto renewal handled by VentraIP, the difference with LetsEncrypt which expires every 3 months is diminished.

      Also this is a shared hosting thing, which means auto renewal yourself will be a pain in the arse as you can't just run a cronjob on the server to automatically renew. It just makes things much easier overall.

      • Thanks … so looks like I should just get this. Free!

    • +1

      Why would somebody buy this when it's available for free?

      I did this because I didn't know of this free option, Now that I know Won't happen again,

    • As much as Let's Encrypt has lowered the bar for securing a site and made it a lot easier for anyone to do it, they still haven't got the same widespread trust relationships that the major providers do. So, for a personal site LE is perfectly fine - for a business critical application you'd be better off buying one from a major provider. Let's Encrypt is better than nothing, but it's not a good fit for everyone.

  • Panthur etc all offer this, hardly a deal.

    For basic SSL no need to purchase anymore.

    • I wish I had known this before my friend.

      I kept purchasing the $50 certificate from VentraIP for the past 4 years, of course they did not bother to tell me that that was a cheaper option.

  • -3

    Not a bargain offered by VentraIP but by LetsEncrypt.

  • -4

    Wut. Let's Encrypt is free. Always.

    • But does it always come with the "auto renew" feature … this is for me the unique point here that I don't need to worry about it.

      • Yes. Yes it does come with the auto-renew feature. This is the entire point of let's encrypt. They set it to such a short period so you're forced to automate renewal.
        I can see the clueless mangers or their marketing team are down-voting me.

        • Correct me if I am wrong. But looks like you have to be with certain hosting providers to make use of "Let's encrypt". You can't sign up directly with them.
          I found a list of providers here:…

        • @mini_wombat: Not sure if you're trolling or not but literally anyone can use them. If you aren't trolling please don't be the one doing the security setup as you'll probably configure it wrong. I have a let's encrypt certificate for my NAS box…

          "Free: Anyone who owns a domain name can use Let’s Encrypt to obtain a trusted certificate at zero cost.
          Automatic: Software running on a web server can interact with Let’s Encrypt to painlessly obtain a certificate, securely configure it for use, and automatically take care of renewal.

        • +1

          @elitistphoenix: Sorry … there are people out there who don't have that much knowledge about these things (such as me). I personally would have no clue how to set that thing up and prefer simplicity … so a install via cpanel is a great thing (at least for me).

        • @mini_wombat:

          Ditto for me, simplicity of a single click install is worth toons and tons of saved time..

  • +2

    Will Let's Encrypt integration be coming to Synergy Wholesale OP?

    • So much this!

  • +1

    Admittedly I had transferred my business across to VentraIP and found their auto-renewal for Lets Encrypt extremely handy given I had issues automating it with my previous vendor using Linux Scripts. May not be considered a bargain but it saved me time and effort. So, to me personally, that's a bargain in itself and to any non-IT readers, they will find it handy as well. :)

  • This isn't a bargain at all because there is nothing to be saved here. Let's Encrypt is always free. This is OzBargain not OzHostingControlPanelFeatures.

    • -1

      People who don't know what they're doing are down voting here unfortunately.

      • Because this isn't a bargain, it's a feature.

  • +2

    Not a deal…

    More of a function…?

    • Agree, this has been implemented by other hosting companies too

      • I use a PHP and/or Powershell script to get the certs…

        Then install it via cPanel…

        • -1

          Care to share the scripts for a mere peasant like myself?

        • @televisi: What language do you want it in?

        • @NGPriest: PowerShell is good for me :) thanks heaps

      • wow. So if people are down voting this comment it's obviously their marketing team on here.

        • Wished i could join in on the fun…

          Your negative votes have been revoked 3 times over the last 90 days, and you are not able to vote negative.

  • +1

    The real problem is these long time members that don't know the negging rules. Report button exists for a reason.

    • Haha let them neg away

    • Neg'd and reported

  • +1

    You can get the certificate for free and set up a cron to automatically renew

  • +3

    The certificate is always free and of course you can install the certificate yourself and setup scripts to renew automatically…
    But the point is, many people have no idea how to do it. They would have to ask/hire someone to do it for them. There is a potential saving here. Some neg comments here are talking like "I know plumbing so free tap installation is not a bargain" which is not quite fair.

  • Let's encrypt has always been free, but many hosting services don't allow you to use it in favour of selling you their own product.
    I'm slightly inclined to vote negative, but given the host is one of a rare breed that actually do allow use of Let's Encrypt i think there is some value here.
    I'll stay on the fence and not vote at all.
    Hope the above info helps those who don't fully understand the situation.
    Go easy on those who vote not a bargain, they do kinda have a point.

  • +1

    Just went through all the details about SSL for an ecommerce site with hosting through Hostpapa.
    (and yes it's FREE with them if you get hosting, or even create an add on domain to an existing hosting plan)
    Now they also have GlobalSign SSL for $30 a year ($US I think)
    Asked them what the diff is between the FREE "Let's Encrypt" and "GlobalSign"
    Let's Encrypt….
    1. No Malware protection
    2. Not Insured
    They said everything else is the same.

    (Not affiliated with Hostpapa before anyone starts!)

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