This was posted 7 years 5 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

5000 Free Pizzas @ Domino's - Today 3/10 (Facebook Login Required)



Same like last week…
5000 free pizza, starts tomorrow today - Facebook Login required

Please note: the exact date is yet to be confirmed - please keep an eye on Domino's social media sites and report the mods once the date is published.

Edit: Confirmed on Facebook that it's today and not tomorrow. Discussion

Edit 2: Updated link to Facebook post, available 'some time this afternoon'

Terms. Free codes expire 10/10/18.

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closed Comments

  • +21

    Every time I try to study something like this happens, not going to be able to concentrate now.

    • +2

      Idea: dont study ozbargain deals.. study books. ;-p

      • +12

        I've been studying Ozbargain for Dummies written by Broden Publishing.

        • +6

          Great read, I'd also recommend JV's OzBargain commenting for dummies. Has a great guide on how to bold random words.

  • wooot setting timer for 4pm :)

  • +3

    Free 5000 pizza

    For each person?

    EDIT: And thanks Bappy, I've set a reminder.

  • Why doesn't dominos just give them away to the homeless?

    This just fuels greed :(

    • +10

      because that wont drive as much traffic to their site

    • +2

      Why doesn't dominos just give them away to the homeless?

      If they did we'd all just move out of home to get the free pizza.

    • Homeless won't spend the $22 minimum to have their pizza delivered.

  • last week one, is it valid until OCT 25th? Some of you mentioned 4th, some 25th….

    • On facebook it wrote the 4th , when you claimed the voucher it wrote the 25th

      Unless a dominoes rep comes on and says which one it is , we will find out on the 5th if vouchers have stopped working.

      • +2

        i asked dominos on facebook, they said it expires on the 25th

  • +1

    They went before 4pm last time. Who knows what time this time

    • The first two giveaways went at 4PM and last week's was 3.30PM.

      Missed out on last week's freebie because my dog decided to attack a blue tongue lizard in my backyard and distracted me.

      • +2

        Hope your dog is ok.

        • Thanks, stupid blue tongue was covered in ticks.

          Luckily he's on tick medication but I still checked him over.

        • 'Hope your dog is ok.'

          Erm, I do too but the dog attacked the lizard, not the other way around… I hope the lizard is OK. Blue tongues are totally non-aggressive, unless they are directly threatened/attacked. No way the bluey started this fight! And I suspect you mean 'mites' Scab, not ticks, and I strongly suspect that mites that live on a reptile would be highly unlikely to live on a mammal.

        • @Scab:

          '… stupid blue tongue was covered in ticks.'

          Why is the blue tongue 'stupid'? Because your dog decided to attack it? Your logic escapes me entirely.

        • @GnarlyKnuckles:

          And I suspect you mean 'mites' Scab, not ticks

          They were brown ticks, extremely common on reptiles.

  • +11

    I'm going to cancel my interview for the position of CEO at a very well known company just to get this free pizza

    • +5

      CEO of Dominos?

    • +11

      I've put matchsticks under my eyelids and inserted an intravenous drip so I can stay online for this deal.

  • +5

    I'm not 100% sure this is actually for tomorrow, isn't the email insinuating that it's on today and that you should check back for tomorrow's free deal (which would be something else)?

    Also it states the free pizza code is valid until 10/10/17 which is 7 days from today and in the past they've advertised it on the day, not the day before.

    What do others think?

    • +1

      Yeah it's weird as they haven't released today's deal, it's supposed to be a freebie every day and usually released by 2PM.

      However, all the previous free pizzas have been on Wednesday so I'm confused.

      EDIT: Nothing listed on their Facebook page:

    • +1

      Hi Hamza
      Yeah I am bit confused too
      However the bottom part of the banner says "Check Back for Tomorrows Free deal"

      Please feel free to update the subject accordingly

      • +4

        Yeah that seems to be indicating that you should check back for tomorrow's free deal which would be something else, not this deal. Like free drink or free toppings like they've done in the past.

        Edit: Scab makes a good counter point though that it has been Wednesday in the past and also they haven't posted anything on Facebook yet.

        • +2

          I've updated deal for now and sent a message to Domino's for clarification, they are usually pretty quick. I'm 80% sure it'll be today 3/10 but please don't take my word for it!

        • +2

          @hamza23: I think it's today, according to their responses on their facebook

          Domino's Australia Hi,
          Be sure to keep an eye out on our Facebook page some time this afternoon for a post with the link ;)
          *Terms and conditions apply - see here:

          posted 8 minutes ago

        • +1


          Thanks yessum and LimeGreenAussie. Updated deal now.

    • Its today they replied to a post to their page that said watch out this afternoon

  • +1

    Missed out last time. A bit sneaky from dominos. Well played!

    Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice …. ummm fooled man can't get fooled again! ;)

    • +3

      We will see about that

      • +2

        Oh it's on like donkey kong!

    • +3

      Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice

      Fool you twice, no pizza for you.

      • That hurt my feelings.

  • -3

    apparently the last lot of free pizzas went in a couple minutes. Those who are prepared to be on standby the entire day to get your free crap made pizza, i feel sorry for you

    • -1

      Last time, I just had the page open in my web browser and I randomly clicked into it and refreshed the page and saw the post had been up for 1 minute and I managed to score 2 pizzas.

      • -6

        No, last time, Jesus flew across the sky, but you missed it because you were to busy with your head in the damn phone trying to score a free pizza

        • +2

          Hahaha you seem extremely salty about the whole free pizza situation. Is everything alright at home?

        • +1


          no, wifey has been neglecting me, and yes im very salty…… want to taste? plz

        • +4

          R U OK?

  • Dont see anything still today 3/10, guess should be tomorrow.

  • I feel like there should be more people here to jump on and comment on this deal but I guess we are the special lucky ones :)

  • Confirmed for today. They've just posted with a comment on their page "Be sure to keep an eye out on our Facebook page some time this afternoon for a post with the link".

    • +1

      where did you see that? the last post on their fb page is about Alex the delivery driver.

      • +1

        It's an official comment by Dominos in reply to a vistor post.

  • +7

    Just a tip:
    Go to the Domino's Facebook Page and click/drag your cursor on the 'Following' button.
    A pop up will appear with an option to get a notification every time they post.

    • +7

      I've found that Facebook notifications are often delayed for pages I follow, the notification often doesn't come until 15-20 minutes or so after the post, the promo may be over before you even get the notification. Maybe I follow too many pages?

      For example I was already following Domino's however I'm yet to get any notification of their post 5 minutes ago announcing the promo.

      • You're right.
        Seems to be asynchronous :(

        • asynchronous

          Is that one of the Facebook genders?

        • I just got the notification now, 29 minutes after it was made. Even though if you go to the notifications tab it says 29 mins ago (ie the post time, not the notification time).

          Previously I didn't get notifications at all until I liked the page, despite that not being an apparent requirement to get notifications on a page.

        • +1


          Same, I still haven't got the notification of the last post yet. Apparently it has been a prolonged issue for quite some time.. Didn't realise but thanks for being a life saver!

          Not sure how i can delete my comment, so if you see this, please feel free to hide my comment to avoid further confusion :P

    • +1

      they modified an old post last time….

  • 4PM it is then…

    • +2

      3PM for shizzle - 30 mins less each giveaway

      edit: admittedly if I was running the comp it'd be 3:17 (just to keep the RSI levels high)

    • Dominos. Expect the unexpected.

  • +1

    4.30pm lads

  • +7


    EDIT: Some of the idiotic Facebook comments are hilarious, great reading to pass the time.

    • +2

      How is your dog behaving today scab? Maybe I should send my pet lizard again :)

      Edit - NVM - sorry didn't know the lizard had ticks, definitely was not my lizard
      Hope your dog is OK

      • +4


        I'm prepared this time, I've shut his doggy door so he can't go outside.

        He's sitting at my side now waiting for the free pizza, he tried to hump my leg to distract me so I just let him.

    • +5

      Yeah haha

      "Tried doing it but what’s the discount code?"

      "I clicked the link nothing happened"

      "Been trying since 2pm"

      "I hope they pick me I'm starving! How do I know if I'm successful??"

  • Camping it out =)

  • +7

    When does a dream become a nightmare?

    • i am sure you have the answer to that Oh Dungeon Master.

    • We'll find out in a bit now won't we ….

  • 4pm?

    • Evidently, no.

  • +2

    Looks like 4.30 or 5.00 today

    • it better be 3:15…. gotta leave work…

      • You would've already missed it if it was 3:15

        • +1

          AEST Daylight savings

        • 3:15 is in 6 minutes time.

        • @blehgg: that makes sense

  • Guess it's not 3pm then :/

    • +1

      Depends where you live - 4p.m. in Vic now (daylight savings)

      • Ah yes my bad.

      • Ohhh, that thing has started back up again has it?
        Bloody hell QLD, pull your finger out.. ugh hate that we are still behind (both literally and figuratively) in this regard.

        Well that certainly gives a lot of the comments here in this thread a new meaning, and a hell of a lot more confusing.

        • +3

          Well that extra hour can really fade the curtains…

    • +1

      mate, did you miss out on daylight saving

      • I miss out on a lot of things. Pretty sure a free pizza will be one of em :/

  • still no pizza. :(

  • +4

    Who wants to guess the time, I reckon 4.30PM?

    • Think you got it right

    • Count me in for half past four as well. Dominos got my eyes on you.

      • +1

        I forgot to post the terms and conditions for my promo, if you're wrong you have to buy me a pizza.

        • +1

          My lawyers are looking into this as I type.

      • nope

  • Is it finished already?

    • +1

      hasnt started yet

    • no

    • +11

      Is it finished already?

      Yes, sorry you missed out.

      • -4

        Good i didn't waste my time on Facebook like you did

  • +4

    I'll just keep reading about Alex then.

    • +1

      12 years is along time, they would have made so much money from him…
      edit: jobs a job i guess, i wipe butts for a living…

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