Looks like a decent price for this
Sony DSC-H400 Compact Camera with 63x Optical Zoom $269 (Was $449)
Looks like a decent price for this
Sony DSC-H400 Compact Camera with 63x Optical Zoom $269 (Was $449)
How far can they zoom?
How far can you throw the phone?
I'm tempted to get this camera to take pictures of my junk. Impossible to do with a smartphone camera. I might find it with 63x zoom.
@kahn: Can pick up a refurb for $75k US. IMO not sure it's $74,731 of extra value to see how many atoms your johnson has. http://www.labx.com/item/hitachi-s-4500-sem-with-edx/3998544…
3x zoom on the note 8. Galaxy k zoom did 10x zoom.
With that amount of zoom, only good for taking voyeur!
I assume this is hitting EOL, I looked at buying one of these 3 years ago but the image quality of this thing was poor and it was super slow to focus. Picked up a WX350, dropped down to 20x zoom but absolutely everything else was better for the same price.
It's a great price for something to take photos of the moon or if you're having a peek at your neighbours, plus it's very nice to hold, but beyond that there's not all that much to it.
Link to the DP review site, supplies lots of extra info of this camera: https://www.dpreview.com/articles/0796870737/got-zoom-sony-i…
Nice price OP
Anyone who purchases this camera get their details automatically registered in the Australian sex offender list.
I still have the Sony A3000 bought a few year ago look similar but only about 3 zoom ( 18-55 OIS ) .
me, too. but I also got the 55-200 lens for it. takes amazing pictures on a sunny day, and brings the zoom to 18-200, which is slightly over x10 lol
I think that's what I got, it's been great, and FHD videos are excellent too. Never invested in any extra lenses but was thinking of buying an SLR up until then and completely don't care now, camera does everything you want and quality IMO is excellent, pretty sure I paid under 250 with a 30 buck Sony voucher thrown in
Damn I was after 65x Optical Zoom
Take 2 steps forward
What about if I am on a cliff? I need that 2x man!
Still valid advice
720p …. need 63x at 4k
Panasonic and Nikon got that, no wonder Sony dumps old technology
Panasonic and Nikon got that, no wonder Sony dumps old technology
They're selling this cheap because it's end of life. Your assertion that Panasonic and Nikon destroy old stock instead of selling it is absurd.
I know right. I love science too.
Pretty impressive for $269. Good luck getting your smartphone to do that.
rofl, she does a squeeze ass test before doing her squats, wanted to confirm she needs to do them today.
I would have bought it if it was 64x optical zoom.
whats 1 x between oz bargainers
Was thinking of buying a DSLR. Is this a good one or is it really just for zoom?
About the only thing in common is that they both take photos.
Different uses for different markets.
Have a look at the micro 4/3 & mirrorless options before going all out on a DSLR…they are big and bulky and require a commitment to actually use it.
'The best camera is the one you have with you'
I've been using a DSLR at school and really like. Know how to use it. Have a pretty good camera on my phone (Galaxy S8+) but want a step up. Is there any decent DSLR's for about $350?
On gumtree there are, I picked up a D7000 for just $300 a few months ago. You won't find any decent DSLR for $350 new.
entry level nikon’s and canons get close to $350 when ebay has %off sales and they have rebates eg nikon d3400.
although people talk about zoom and pixels vs phones , the size of the lens and ability to capture light due to size is when a dslr really sets it apart from phones eg in low light conditions or fully zoomed and you want to crop or enlarge image later.
i use phone for emergency pics and my dslr for when i know i will take pics eg kids birthday parties creative landscapes or architectural pics.
'The best camera is the one you have with you'
This. I went on a trip recently, and I never even touched my little point and shoot camera. I used my phone the entire trip. I also like my GPS coordinates in the EXIF metadata.
Reviews are average, it's really only got the zoom going for it apparently. Good for the price though
To be fair, this isn't a DSLR, it's mirrorless. It also has a permanently attached lens so you can't go changing it for a sharper one.
oops, meant to reply at a different level
make sure it can take a screw in UV filter for lens protection , my sons nikon doesn’t have a thread for filters and an adapter was prohibitively expensive.
SLR makes a clunk sound, enough to scare birds or waking up the chick you are spying at.
SLR really want post processing, so use the raw file and throw something at it like optics pro to correct lens issues and then you are cooking with gas
Zoom and Enhance!
At what magnification zoom is a tripod necessary to avoid blurring due to camera shake?
How bad is your parkinsons?
20x for me. At 50X on my little canon SX on a tripod, I use 2 second shutter delay to prevent blur from pressing the shutter button….
20x for me. At 50X on my little canon SX on a tripod, I use 2 second shutter delay to prevent blur from pressing the shutter button….
You need to use a constant action that doesn't pull or jerk when pressing the shutter and thus move the camera. I generally don't have problems using 50x optical zoom on a Panasonic camcorder taking photos whilst videoing. It's all in the technique.
It might be fair to consider that your camcorder has a little more inertia than my light SX50, and the light tripods such portable devices would be used with.. I too had no problems @ 50X on a SLR Pentax and larger lens, but I'm comparing like with like. This is a light point-and-shoot and the act of touching the shutter is enough to introduce a bit of jitter.
It might be fair to consider that your camcorder has a little more inertia than my light SX50
The HD model with 50x optical is under 300g and 4K with 20x optical is around 350g. The SX50 is 550g.
The shutter button on the Panasonic camcorders is not at nice as that on a camera and takes a reasonable amount of force to use. At best I'll use a monopod but often the best at hand is leaning against something to steady the body.
I know what you mean about movement but you can get good shots, about half mine or more at that range will be slightly blurry.
Thank you terrys.
Of course Nikon P900 is much better than this camera, however more expensive.
Thanks for that
there is a new one out with 4k movie
not worth imo. spend a bit more and get alot more value. this is reaallly old tech.
the Panasonic bridge camera does 4k movie
the Panasonic bridge camera does 4k movie
Who cares, your negative vote on this deal is unwarranted and unjustified. How much is the Panasonic and if it's so good why haven't you posted it as a deal.
If you need a 63x zoom, this had to be the cheapest way to get one. No doubt the shots will be decent ad are most modern Sony cameras.
Sony Super-zoom is really crappy from my past experience! Never again !!
1/2.3 CCD Sensor. Your iPhone or Samsung is better than this.