This was posted 7 years 5 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Folding Knife $0.70 @ Kmart (Carrum Downs, VIC)


Stumbled across these at my local Kmart. Very cheap, guess they don’t want to sell knives anymore?

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Did you rehearse for that crotch shot?

    • OP what brand pants are they?

      • +6

        Kmart corduroy.

      • +1

        Zanerobe chinos

      • +1


        • I think you're right, I can almost see his app.

    • RoboGuy?

    • +3

      Is that to show scale?

    • +1

      7 inches is well above average

      • That's what she said

  • +38

    Love the title!! Am slightly concerned you bought 15 of them.

    • +6

      Am slightly concerned you bought 15 of them.


      • Gifts for friends and family….. :)

        • +8

          They might stab you if they don’t like it…

    • +12

      he'll be able to sell these for at least $1.20 each on ebay, making a significant profit in percentage terms.

      • +5

        Is broden back?

      • +7

        After factoring costs such as postage and the Ebay ad fee (if applicable) he'd have to sell these higher than that to make a profit.

      • +1

        sell these for at least $1.20 each on ebay, making a significant profit

        Unsure if serious…

    • +3

      OP lives in Melbourne so I can sleep peacefully :)

      • +10

        Kmart knives aren't what you have to worry about in NSW ;)

        • +1

          Hahaha so true! Don't underestimate the old people though - those handbags and false teeth hurt! All this bad rap about young people and gangs..

    • +4

      One for each gang member.

  • +4

    Why, oh why, would you be taking knives to a gun fight?

    Are you forming a 15 member terrorist cell?

    • Lol old school me knife diving of like 15m here we come!

    • +1

      What if 7 of them are dual wielding. Oh and I've seen people hold them in their mouth as well. So maybe 5 triple wielding members?

    • I bought 15 because, how often do you see a folding knife for under $1

      • +11

        Apparently not that often with you buying all of them

  • +1

    reckon… this will be the next enelope unicorn find.

  • +6

    …are those pants soaked in blood??

  • -6

    Aren't these illegal?

    • +3

      if they're illegal i doubt kmart would be selling them for 70c

      • +9

        It's the perfect crime

        • +5

          Crime on a budget.

      • +2

        If they're illegal it's the perfect reason why Kmart is trying to offload them haha ;)

    • Sexting? Depends on your jurisdiction.

      • the lowdown is that if you get asked by cops to empty your pockets and you have a knife and you dont have good reason for carrying one, then yeah you could get up on concealed whatever charges

        if youre going fishing and you have rods reels tackle then you have an excuse

        • That’s the problem though, what’s a good excuse? I think the definition might rely on specifically needing a knife, as oppose to maybe needing a knife for some unforeseen circumstance.

          Put it this way, I definitely wouldn’t want to have to test the theory.

        • +1

          More like you take out 15 of them

        • +1

          @Jawanzar: young girl at work recently told us all her male friends carry knives in the car for protection, I was like ROFL, why is the mob after them? The police are gona charge them if they ever search their cars.

        • +1

          @Slippery Fish: The police are going to charge them as well as not be there when they need a weapon so they're certainly being useful … not.

        • +1

          @Jawanzar: Just have a few bags of apples in the car and tell them it's your fruit knife

        • +1

          @Jawanzar: Or tell them you recently joined the circus and that you're an apprentice knife thrower…then offer to test out your skills :)

    • +1

      No, well not specifically, I mean it depends on where you live, but I think in most states anything larger than 3” being carried is classified as a prohibited/concealed weapon and depending on your circumstances might land you in serious doodoo? Don’t quote me on this but you’d imagine that going fishing or camping you’d be right to carry one without any issues.

      Flick knives are illegal, which do fold but they’re a different thing, they release via a trigger I think.

      This is essentially a pocket knife but without the other bells and whistles.

      • +2

        In Victoria,…
        "You can’t carry knives, including kitchen knives, Swiss army knives or box-cutters, batons, cattle prods or bayonets without a lawful excuse.

        A 'lawful excuse' could include having the weapon for work, sport, recreation or a weapons collection, display or exhibition. Lawful excuse does not include self-defence."…

        • But you could carry a leatherman if you wanted a sharp edge at all times.

        • @Slippery Fish: Not really sure that is true … a Leatherman isn't that different from a Swiss Army knife

        • @syme321: you just say it's for roadside repairs on your car, how else do you replace clamps ect.

      • +2

        Rules changed afew years ago but it was if customs could flick em one handed they refused to let em in, us collector types had sellers tighten the bolts so it wouldn't open easily with 2 hands so it couldn't be done 1 handed.

  • location

  • -1

    It's against the law to carry​ a knife in NSW.

    • +1

      not quite.

      • +66

        Actually the other day the police broke down my door and tackled me midway while chopping garlic

        • +15

          I used to play footy with a guy nicknamed "garlic". Now I know what happened to him.

        • I just had the Middle Eastern Crime Squad raid my house because I was making tabouli.

    • +4

      It's against the law to carry​ a knife in NSW

      Please back your claim up with something?

      • He isn't wrong. I have quite a knives that I use for camping and had to look this up a bit when buying them.

        There is a Summary Offences Act in NSW that mean you are not allowed to carry a knife with you in public or in school unless there is a reason for you to be carrying it. It covers pretty much every situations where you might need a knife (with some grey areas). Situations include preparing food, part of your occupation, recreation, etc.

        However, it does mean that you will most likely not be allowed to carry knife with you as part of your "everyday carry".

        • +1

          He isn't wrong.

          Yes he is!

          It's not against the law to carry a knife in NSW if you have an acceptable reason for it's use.

          There is a Summary Offences Act in NSW that mean you are not allowed to carry a knife with you in public or in school unless there is a reason for you to be carrying it. It covers pretty much every situations where you might need a knife

        • @OzBragain: Nope. You can't say that it's part of your everyday carry or say you are using it for self protection as a reason. So if you walk around the street carrying a knife and going shopping. That would not be allowed.

        • @mjin03:

          Not sure why you're having so much trouble getting your head around this.

          It is not against the law to carry a knife in NSW.

          It is against the law to carry a knife in NSW without a valid reason for it's use.

        • @OzBragain: What's your valid reason for carrying a knife as EDC? I don't understand why you can't understand that EDC is not a valid reason. That's like asking "Why do you carry a knife?" Your reply: "I just do.

        • +1


          What's your valid reason for carrying a knife as EDC?

          None. I'm not some tactifool who thinks I need to carry a knife everywhere for no reason.

          I don't understand why you can't understand that EDC is not a valid reason.

          You keep carrying on about EDC. There are plenty of valid reasons to have a knife with you in NSW but this isn't one of them.

          That's like asking "Why do you carry a knife?" Your reply: "I just do.

          Wow! Put down the crack pipe champ!

          Back to where we started…it is not against the law to carry a knife in NSW if you have a valid reason for it's use. Situations include preparing food, part of your occupation, recreation, etc.

        • -2

          Relax mate. Don't get so mad. Original statement was "It's against the law to carry​ a knife in NSW."
          You keep saying "No it's not if you have a reason!". So hen I hope you understand this "Yes it is if you don't have a reason." If something is illegal without a reason that means by default it is illegal. So the guy isn't wrong.

          I hope I explained it clear enough for you. I am done mate. This is my last reply to you. If you still don't get it then there is nothing more I can do to help you. Relax and think about this a bit.

        • +1


          Wow, way to resurrect a dead thread there champ. Your persistence is admirable even if your reading and comprehension skills are somewhat lacking.

          Original statement was "It's against the law to carry​ a knife in NSW." … So the guy isn't wrong.

          No buddy, the guy (or girl) is wrong and I'm truly amazed that even after all this you're still struggling to understand why. The statement cannot be correct if it's okay to carry a knife under some circumstances.

          We both agree that statements A & B below are correct.

          A. It is against the law to carry a knife in NSW without a valid reason for it's use.
          B. It is not against the law to carry a knife in NSW if there is a valid reason for it's use.

          Hopefully you're still following.

          Now, given these are both true, it is impossible for the original statement to be true as it contradicts statement B above.

          Since I'm such a nice guy and have a bit of time this afternoon I'll give you some more examples to help you get your head around it.

          1 -
          It is not against the law to carry a loaded firearm in NSW.
          It is against the law to carry a loaded firearm in NSW without being licensed and authorised to do so.

          Both these statements are correct but if I was to say "It is against the law to carry a loaded firearm in NSW" I would be wrong otherwise police, armed security, defence force personnel etc would be breaking the law every time the went to work.

          2 -
          It is against the law to steal a car in NSW.

          This statement is correct and needs nothing else to qualify any conditions around stealing a car. It's just illegal.

          Okay so two examples is all I can be bothered with today but hopefully they've helped you understand the difference between sometimes against the law and always against the law. Let me know if you're still having trouble with it and I'll see what I can come up with.

        • -1


          You do know that it's acceptable to steal a car if you can prove that you are in danger and you believe it was necessary to steal the car to avoid the threat?

          So I guess it's no longer illegal to steal a car according to your logic.

        • @mjin03:

          I am done mate. This is my last reply to you.

          HAHAHAHA…You're even having trouble understanding your own post.

          You do know that it's acceptable to steal a car if you can prove that you are in danger and you believe it was necessary to steal the car to avoid the threat?

          This is very different to what we're discussing here. I believe you're eluding to the idea that it's acceptable to break the law under certain circumstances to protect yourself or others. This doesn't make it legal, you're still breaking the law but there is provision for you not to be charged due to the circumstances.

          I see you're still having trouble understanding and that's okay, you'll get it one day. In the mean time, I've included some links that you might like to get someone close to you to explain.

          SUMMARY OFFENCES ACT 1988 - SECT 11C Custody of knife in public place or school

          (1) A person must not, without reasonable excuse (proof of which lies on the person), have in his or her custody a knife in a public place or a school.

          "without reasonable excuse" is included in the act. It's written in fairly simple language but what this means is everyday normal members of society are not breaking the law by carrying a knife in NSW if they have a genuine reason (that they can prove to police) for carrying the knife. List of reasons are listed in the link.

          Now lets look at the example of stealing a car.

          CRIMES ACT 1900 - SECT 154F Stealing motor vehicle or vessel

          A person who steals a motor vehicle or vessel is guilty of an offence.

          That's it. There's no list of reasons where it is not against the law to be stealing a car in NSW.

        • -2

          Holy crap mate. Why are you are so mad? I am just replying because I didn't expect you to be so mad and have no reply. I didn't expect someone to reply when I said I won't be replying. It would have been like talking to yourself. Unfortunately, now I have you doing your little research and what not as if it's an assignment. I am sorry man, take it easy, it's the weekend and you don't need to work so hard.

          Let's keep it simple.
          Carrying a knife is illegal but legal if you have acceptable reason/circumstance.
          Stealing a car is illegal but legal if you have acceptable reason/circumstance.

          For you it's somehow different when the circumstances are written on the same page. That's all right mate, what you do is none of my concern. You need to relax though. I really hope you don't have lots of these arguments with people on the net and you only do this with me cause you are somehow really fond of me or something. Enjoy your weekend.

        • @mjin03:

          Holy crap mate. Why are you are so mad? I am just replying because I didn't expect you to be so mad and have no reply.

          You poor thing, you really are having trouble with pretty much everything on here. I'm not in the slightest bit angry, while my softer side does feel sorry for you I'm really very entertained watching you chase your tail with flat earth type arguments that have no logic or basic understanding behind them.

          I didn't expect someone to reply when I said I won't be replying.

          Huh!!! This is hilarious.

          Unfortunately, now I have you doing your little research and what not as if it's an assignment.

          Sixty seconds on a search engine isn't what I'd call an assignment but if that's the standard you're used to then it goes a long way explaining why you're unable to get your head around this simple concept.

          You don't understand the knife carry laws in NSW (and laws in general) so I thought it might be helpful to give you direct links to some acts. I thought you might get someone to explain them to you in a way you may be able to make sense of but I guess you tried to do it by yourself again.

          I am sorry man

          There's no need for apologies but thank you all the same.

          Let's keep it simple.

          I can see how this is the best approach for you. I've been trying and not sure how I can make it any simpler but will do my best.

          Carrying a knife is illegal but legal if you have acceptable reason/circumstance.

          You're so close, you're nearly there champ.

          Carrying a knife is illegal without reasonable excuse but and legal if you have acceptable reason/circumstance.

          Stealing a car is illegal but legal if you have acceptable reason/circumstance.

          Oh no, I thought we were getting somewhere. It is never legal to steal a car. Please don't take this as legal advice (you'll have to do your own assignment) but I think you'll find that anyone stealing a car for any reason has committed a criminal act (that means it's illegal or they've broken the law). This person may be able to use duress, necessity etc as a defence and, if successful, be found not guilty in court but they've still committed a criminal act when stealing the car.

          …and you only do this with me cause you are somehow really fond of me

          Yes I am, I'm glad you noticed.

        • -2

          Too much to read. I'll assume it was a cool story mate.

        • +1


          All good buddy. Maybe come back to it in a couple of years and see if it makes sense then :)

          FWIW I haven't been negging your comments…each one makes me smile a little more.

  • 15

  • +11

    Sharp deal

    • +2

      A cut above the rest.

  • +2

    Bikies deal

  • +3

    He bought 15 cos KnifePoint Kmart probably sold out already so he's otw to Maribyrnong.

    • +2

      I bought 15 because, how often do you see a folding knife for under $1

    • +2

      He bought 15 because its carrum downs

  • +1

    It's fine. He lays carpet for a living.

    • +1

      I used to play footy with a guy nicknamed "carpet". Now I know what happened to him.

  • +2

    i bet they use the crappiest steel for the blade, so i'd say the OP is justified in getting 15 of them :D

  • +1

    Bigger than 3' is a weapon ..
    I'll have to change my user name to 'dangerous dude'

    • Bigger than 3 ft? Do you wrap it around, 'dangerous dude'?

  • Just saw a couple of these put to good use in "Shot Caller":

  • +1

    Bikies will love this deal.

    Edit: Hmm, I wonder what Holden Commodore the OP drives. I see that trac ctrl button :p

    • +1

      Vt Calais 😂😂

  • Edit: just looked at the receipt

  • Thanks.. will come in handy when walking down Melbourne CBD

    • +1

      Or Carrum Downs

  • +2

    I am old enough to remember that Kmart used to sell shotguns and ammunition.

    Knives.. meh..

    • +2

      I still got a box of ammo with the KMART price tag on it

      • would love to see that!

  • +5

    I lived in Carrum Downs for 15 years (Just of Lyrebird Drive). These knives were standard issue for all Carrum Downs school children. They are getting sold at this cheap rate because of the metal detectors keep picking them up under their clothing, so all the kids have switched to non detectable porcelain knives (and fully automatic weapons). I also hear from the kids that the metal blade kept snapping off in their stolen cars ignition when heading off to primary school. FYI :-)

  • They won't even try to charge you for it if you unfold it before reaching the checkout. The fuzz might charge you for it though…

  • I understand the do go consensus here but not many people EDC a knife. Most people do the right thing. Plus more attacks take place with kitchen knives then actual hunting style knives.

    Fishing,hunting,camping,bush walking are a few legit reasons to carry. Your work might be a legit reason to carry an EDC.

    I use a folding knife while doing gardening for light work.

  • not sure if one can bring one to QLD. Tried to buy a knife in the Fortitude Valley but they do not sell any knives due to the high crime

  • +3

    Now for a rare serious question: have these been sighted at any other kmart at this price?

    • +1

      none at K-Mart Sylvania

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