Free Sample of Reize energy drink.
Also Available $0 Delivered Sample of Green Tea X50 Natural Energy Drinks or Protein @ Greenteax50
Free Sample of Reize energy drink.
Also Available $0 Delivered Sample of Green Tea X50 Natural Energy Drinks or Protein @ Greenteax50
Caffeine 50mg
Taurine 1000mg
Ginseng 20mg
Vitamin B1 10mg
Vitamin B2 5mg
Niacin(Vitamin B3) 20mg
Inositol 50mg
Vitamin B6 5mg
Thanks, I saw that but that's not a proper list of ingredients. Just an overview. They mention other bits and pieces on other links that aren't there. An example would be the bicarb stated under the healthy tab.
I'm looking for a proper ingredients list like other drinks have. Preferably in the % of product weight/volume order that everyone else uses.
I've got mine here, it says
Acidity Regulator (330), Taurine, Foaming Agent (500), Sweeteners (950) (951),
Caramel (150d), Caffeine, Inositol, Vitamins (B3, B1, B2, B6), Flavours, Ginseng Extract.
@d1s34s3d: In addition to above posts, the recommended mix is 250mL of water, but you can decide what is your preferred mix. It also goes great with soda water and you can try it with hot (but not quite boiling) water as well for something different.
I got some for free in the last deal on Ozbargain. This drink doesn't taste that great and they keep sending me sms about further free sample but asked for shipping cost to be paid.
This drink doesn't taste that great
I'll drink to that
It's up to you. But I suggest don't give them your real number
Yes, tried a sample of this from the last deal and the taste was…different. The word 'pleasant' comes to mind, quickly prefixed by a capital 'U-N'.
united nations pleasant?
Exactly, and would earn vetoes from more than just Russia and China I suspect…
i tried it in the last deal. wasnt really a fan, the caffiene effect lasted ages for me even though it was only 50mg. usually 50mg of caffiene in pill/coffee form only has an effect on me for about 6-8 hrs, for some reason it kept me up for ages (all three times)
Same here, I ended up adding around 10 or so grams at a time. Tastes horrible as well but at least it works.
This should stack well with the free maccaz large coffees on the app 🤗
I had a free sample and shared with my friends. Some of them love it some of them said it's disgusting. It really depends on what people like. I kinda like the taste but prefer my energy drink sparkling and even if you mix it wit sparkling water it's not the same.
sign up last time all I got was spams
i just love freebies
I signed up for this at least 1.5 months ago, never got the sample. Just lots of emails. Was actually interesting in purchasing it too… oh well.
Hi peregrine. Sorry to hear this. Hit us up at [email protected] with the email address you used to sign up and we will look into it for you.
Too much of your personal details for a sample. I will advise against it.
Hi RandomDeviation. Most of the details we need in order to send the product, the DOB is so we don't send it to kids and a few questions at the bottom help us understand our market a bit better.
Usually people fake DOB anyway
I was wondering the same thing to be honest. Any freebie will never get email or phone number.
I'd avoid this just because of the sweeteners used.
and the reason is ?
I do not believe that artificial sweeteners are good for the body. Plus whenever I have had drinks with such sweetners I always end up with terrible headache. Plus the flavour is usually easy to spot which I genuinely do not like the flavour of.
Did you see the other deal? First month free only pay shipping. 12 drinks - 6.40$, 30 drinks - 12.80$, 60 drinks - 19.60$, 90 drinks - 23.60$ shipping. What kind of courier costs 24$ for something this small and light. I was about to order it but this pissed me off big time.
Hi Ritchma, that includes our 3rd party logistics costs as well (picking and packing). We hope to bring these costs down as we grow, and pass on any savings. We believe that we are the best value energy drink you can buy and wherever possible we offer deals so people can try before they buy.
can i cancel after the first free month to see how i find them?
I got some from the free link here before and i think its terrible i gave some away and they said the same its a shame because i like the idea of the small packet to carry around instead of a can.
Looked at ingredients and never used any. Got 4-5 months ago
Taurine, or 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, is an organic compound that is widely distributed in animal tissues. It is a major constituent of bile and can be found in the large intestine, and accounts for up to 0.1% of total human body weight.
Got this yesterday and gave it a shot before heading to the gym after work. After reading the comments on here I was expecting an awful taste but found it actually tasted pretty damn good. Maybe my expectations were low? Will certainly utilise the remaining packets anyway.
Can't speak for its usefulness with the gym workout. I don't feel any effect from energy drinks etc. so maybe that's just me personally.
Great stuff guys. Cheers.
Got mine yesterday to and found it quite tasty. But the same as rloos, I cant seem to feel the effects from energy drinks. If it was in the supermarkets i'd buy it again.
Went to go buy some online and notice they dont accept paypal :(. Or well, Stick by my original comment.
Do you know what actual ingredients are in these? Can't find anything on the site. Also what volume is the recommended reconstitution serve? Wish to compare against my drink or choice before giving them all my details for a free sample.