Available in store and online.
Also comes with 4 bags for that authentic Chiko milk bar experience.
Used to live on these as a kid along with corn jacks and Sunny Boys.
Available in store and online.
Also comes with 4 bags for that authentic Chiko milk bar experience.
Used to live on these as a kid along with corn jacks and Sunny Boys.
Also instore, nationwide.
It on page 7 of the current catelogue.
No, and I won't be your dim sim either.
I make my own dipping sauce.
All good, no meat content.
Aunty Pauline used to sell these in her previous career.
They have 4.5% beef, or at least something that resembles meat.
Looks like you're not going to Paradise.
Used to live on these
Now we know how you lost all your hair😎
Its pork beef all right. no 47 virgins dude.
I'm boycotting Chiko, as they didn't give me one of those gloriously crappy plastic hands during the promotion last year. ;D
I wanted to go out with the Chiko chick.
Really? Is that ALL you wanted?
i am surprised, think they are stuck with so many hands they actually sent me two :P
You're not allowed to make jokes on my deals or the mods will get you.
Collapsed comments get more view, it's science.
Sunny Boys - in the mid 80s they had a contest where you won a free sunny boy if the inside packaging said "winner". Didn't take long to figure out that sunny boys were made in different factories. The winning ones were made in Sydney and the non winning ones in melb. And the packaging said where they were made. So my brothers and i would head down to the milk bar buy a Sydney made Sunny boy each. Eat that and then claim our free one, eat that and claim our free one, etc. Good times
won a free sunny boy
Yes, the winning ones had yellow writing on the inside, used to win heaps of free ones.
I went to 2 different primary schools. In one of them Sunny Boys etc were called a Frozen, and a wrapper with yellow writing was called a Lucky. At the other school you'd buy a Jubbly, and if you were lucky you got a Free.
None of us had actually seen this fabled yellow writing, and I remember one kid scrawling a few horizontal lines with a yellow crayon and presenting it to the canteen mums.
At the other school you'd buy a Jubbly
Please don't ever call them that again.
Can you still get them in school tuck shops today? Seems to me it would fall into the category of too much pleasure/fun for the food nazis to allow.
Did you post it in the newspaper section for other future ozbargainers
Perfect for the grand finals!!!
Chiko roll ingredients: Wheat flour, cabbage, water, cooked barley, carrot, beef, animal fat, wheat cereal, celery, onion, green beans, textured soy protein, salt, sugar, acidity regulator (450, sodium bicarbonate), hydrolysed vegetable protein, spices, emulsifier (471), colours (102, 110), flavour enhancer (635), antioxidant (320). No artificial flavours or preservatives.
Hahahha good timing right above my post!
Hydrolysed vegetable protein = MSG
They love to call that stuff different names.
There's actually meat in there somewhere?!
'animal fat'… that's the ground up parts, the filler.
Ingredients: Chiko (100%)
Is there a gluten free/vegan/GMO free/PETA certified option?
…. 😜
Isnt that the CHUKO roll
Lol those ingredients!! So awesome…!
Hi Scab, had a cholesterol check lately?
My cholesterol is perfect, had a blood test a month ago and the doctor said it was ideal.
He also wanted to check my prostate but I wouldn't let him.
Why you block him?
Do these have any fibre?
I was feeling peckish for some GMO industrial waste.
Wheat Flour, Cabbage, Water, Cooked Barley (Water, Barley), Carrot, Beef, Animal Fat (Beef), Cereal (Wheat), Celery, Onion, Green Beans, Textured Soy Protein, Salt, Sugar, Acidity Regulator(450, Sodium Bicarbonate), Hydrolysed Vegetable Protein (Contains Soy), Spices, Emulsifier(471), Colours(102, 110), Flavour Enhancer(635), Antioxidant(320).
What even is a chicko roll? Some sort of veggies and a bit of meat in batter?
You must be new to our country, welcome.
Lived here for my entire life, only heard of them casually.
You poor, overly sheltered young grasshopper.
Buy and live!
It's made from fat and deliciousness
Friggin' love Chicko Rolls and they're BBQ'able too! Formulated this method myself last Australia Day:
Cooked: https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/67715/52588/chicko1.jp… - Mmmmm, lovely charry grill stripes… mmmmmm.
Ready to eat: https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/67715/52589/chicko2.jp… - Look at all those VEGGIES!!
Not quite as good as being deep fried in over-used oil at the local chew'n'spew but close enough :)
Bless you.
was $5.89 ??? who is paying extra 10% online???
That's awesome, should be the national anthem.
I lost my nut at "derro".
Love how the box is a cacko hold but the ad is 95% righto.
Ewww, never had one of these before but that ingredients list looks positively nasty.
You misspelled 'tastey' ,
that bloody autocorrect
Sigh!! Ozbargain deals are so mediocre now. $2.50 off a chiko roll gets 50 upvotes.
Bring back the real deals :)
Op - not criticizing you. I like chiko rolls but I miss ozbargain of the yester years !!
Does anyone know if the cornjacks are also on special? Chikos are great but the Chiko Cornjacks are beyond awesome.
Never seen Cornjacks on special and only Woolies carry them, Coles for some reason don't.
No Artificial Flavours or Colours
Colours (102, 110), Flavour Enhancer (635)
102 Tartrazine = artificial
110 sunset yellow FC = artificial
635 ribonucleotides = artificial
What a joke…
probably the same stuff they feed salmon to get their flesh that orange colour ….. yet we think farmed salmon is natural and healthy …….
I remember in the 70s when you bit into one of these the cabbage would be stringy. Now the insides are just mush (and not very nice mush!)……
I remember in the 70s when you bit into one of these…
… they were edible. Yeah, I remember that too. They're truly awful now. I've had from fish shop and cooked at home. After two tries I wound up throwing the rest away.
Try them with a bit of ground pepper ,then dip in sourcream
Thought I saw chinko
hahaha racist!
Food fit for a bogan.
Used to live on these as a kid along with corn jacks and Sunny Boys.
When I was a kid, they were worth eating. They're terrible now.
Maybe it’s because I’ve been up all night but is the picture on the box a little suggestive?
I’ve been up all night
Priapism is no joke, get that checked out!
They've always done that. Nymphos draped on motorcycles with chickos jutting upwards from between their legs, etc. They'd sell more if they simply made them the way they used to (taste good again).
Pro tip, wait until they cool down and whatever you, don't squeeze.
These were made for flanno-wearing, Winnie-blue smoking yobbos who didn't want the stigma of ordering a spring roll.
Classic localisation marketing: catchy name, sex it up, fill with scraps and make a motza.
They don't make Sunny boys anymore, I went to buy some recently and discovered they have been discontinued.
All the good stuff has been discontinued. 😩
Or had the recipe changed. Eg Banana Paddlepops.
Childhood … ruined!
Great. These are good done in the air fryer. Give them a bit of cooking spray first, cook and enjoy!