This was posted 7 years 5 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PSN Weekend Offers - Rise of the Tomb Raider (PS4) $27.95, Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4) $19.45, Mad Max $19.45


Another PlayStation Store Weekend Sale with a couple of good titles up to 80% off. Full list below with prices:

Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy $59.45
ARK: Survival Evolved $62.95
Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration $27.95
Yakuza Kiwami $30.95
Batman: Arkham Knight $19.45
Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition $26.95
HITMAN™ - The Complete First Season $32.95
Cities: Skylines $39.95
DiRT 4 $57.45
Agents of Mayhem $47.95
Sniper Elite 4 $30.95
Sniper Elite 4 Digital Deluxe Edition $54.95
Just Cause 3 $13.95
Just Cause 3 XL Edition $17.95
Street Fighter V $17.95
Street Fighter V - 2017 Deluxe Edition $54.92
Batman: The Enemy Within - Season Pass $32.95
Farming Simulator 17 $30.95
Farming Simulator 17 - Premium Edition $44.95
Sudden Strike 4 $62.95
Aven Colony $24.95
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Legacy $69.95
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Trilogy $39.95
Mad Max $19.45
No Man's Sky $19.55
Tales of Zestiria - Digital Standard Edition $17.95
MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore $7.55
NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM $23.95
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 2 $23.95
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst $23.95

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Rise of the Tomb Raider is a great game.
    For anyone interested in Crash, it's only $49 at JB.

    • +1

      Totally agree, great game and amazing price.

  • +2

    No Man's Sky at $19.55 is well worth it. The game has had huge updates since the controversial launch and is lots of fun.

    Yakuza Kiwami is only a month old and already down from $62.95 to $30.95 - superb series of games and must buy price here.

    • Yeah I second that Yakuza Kiwami is a must buy. I also bought Yakuza 0 on special last month too from PSN.

  • +1

    My 2c: Max max is a bit of a grind but one of my favourites, definitely worth $20. Been waiting for Tomb Raider price drop, this is as low as it's been I believe. Batman Arkham is great but I gave up as the car scenes get tedious. No mans sky is supposed to be a lot better with a recent update, Just Cause is free on PS+ at the moment.

    • Just Cause 3 was last month :)

      • You're right! Jeez time flies.. I haven't even got around to playing last months let alone this months..

        • Yep, I’m in exactly the same boat!

    • +1

      Just to validate your comment, PSPrices shows this Tomb Raider price is the lowest it has ever been.

  • So tempted on getting Ark Survival. I just don't know! I've seen a lot of game play and seems like something good but heard lots of negativity. Especially it running at 720p on the Normal PS4.

    • I do not recommend it, especially at $62.95.

      I've had it for ages on PC and it's a buggy mess, horrible performance even on my beast PC so can't imagine what it'd be like on PS4.

      They keep adding half done new stuff instead of fixing and polishing all the other existing stuff.

  • Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition is my best value for money game so far for PS4. Hours and hours of gameplay with the included DLCs.

  • -7

    Crap sale - no reductions on just cause dlc season pass all addons cause the game was free last month. Playstation pulls the same stunt all the time - PUSHING THE XL EDITION instead.

    • +2

      Surely Tomb Raider 2 is ok?

    • +1

      The Just Cause 3 season pass was actually on sale from the 19th of July until the 16th last month, so you at least had 2 weeks time to buy the season pass after trying the base game with plus.

  • Rise of the Tomb Raider is a great game! For those on PC Humble Bundle monthly has Rise of the Tomb Raider as the premium game so you can get it for 12 USD plus a slew of other games at the end of the month.

    • -1

      its a good game but this is not a good price. gave the cake a plus vote because someone negged em it seems.

      4 negs for honesty gimme more

      • More like 4 negs because you were crying like a child about a very specific thing you were wanting not being part of the sale and your tinfoil hat theory about Sony doing it "all the time". It's a phenomenal price for Tomb Raider and some of the other games on the list. Curious to see what you consider to be a "good price" for a console AAA game?

        • -5

          humble link… 9.99 us

          no all the prices are crap in my eyes.

          and I negged you for trolling

        • @petry: That's for PC not PS4. Try again.

        • +1

          @petry: That's JUST the DLC pack for $9.99 USD.

          Making this COMPLETE PS4 price a bargain.

        • @petry: "and I negged you for trolling".

          Oh dear. I'm in for a sleepless night tonight now.

        • -1

          jeez you treat everyone as stupid do you? steam link plays that fine….

          but the game on DISC is 25.00 at mighty ape on xbox…

          and the upgrade was $8 I think not so long ago….

        • @petry: That link is for Xbox One, not PS4. Try yet again.

        • -2

          oh so you don't have a pc or an xbox you're just a Sony fanperson so sorry.

        • +1

          @petry: Not at all, but you're comparing wrong versions to the one on sale here today, in a PlayStation 4 listing. Don't try to take it off topic by making it a "console wars" thing because you're failing dismally with your arguments.

  • -1

    Not having an argument because gamers tend to use multiple platforms. you on the other hand trolling are defending a 30$ digital price tag for a game you can buy cheaper physically and resell. Go troll someone else Sony person.

    • +2

      Thanks for your terrible assumption, but I do game on multiple platforms. But that's besides the point, this is a Sony listing. Other platforms are irrelevant. It's like me posting a link for a cheap BluRay and you going "herp derp but it's cheaper on VHS".

      However you failed with your irrelevant cheaper prices anyway. Your PC link doesn't even come with the base game, just the DLC components, a bit useless if you don't own the actual game. And your Xbox link is for just the base game ($25) and the DLC you said was $8 not too long ago, being $33 total (excluding postage). More than what the listing here is - $27.95 for the complete game.

      Better luck next time, you really need it.

      • -2

        Not a contest and if you think I'm posting any cheap ps4 links on this site again dream on trollsome fanboy. pc humble package cheaper because of the other games with it, xbox package was cheaper but not currently. You're a troll selling an expensive playstation sale, deliberately being an arse. Congrats on stuffing everyone here - did you all get the cheap resi evil 7 today on ps4? Out of stock now - would have posted here but for the troll, and his fans.

        • I'd offer you a shovel, but you're doing such a fine job of digging your own grave without any assistance.. Have a re-read of your drivel once you've calmed yourself down a bit and hopefully you'll see just how silly your nonsensical rants sound to the rest of us.

  • +3

    I'm really just sticking around now for the @petry and @Puff Braddy battle that is going on here. Really, this is the fight of the century… brains vs. brawn, maths vs. random numbers, intellect vs. well, not sure what petry has there…

    • -2

      troll on, and on and on 2 someone who gives a shit.

      • The petry logic - Someone disagrees with him/her/it they're trolling. That bubble you live in must be lovely.

        • still at it arse - cause that's what talking your arse.

  • Finally got Hitman, yay!

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