Since this morning, I have been seeing an advertisement covering almost the whole front page section. First I thought my computer is infected by adware. But after trying on different computer different place, I'm still seeing this advertisement. Wondering if anyone else getting this ad?
How to Close This Ads That Cover The Whole Front Page?

Do you guys have any say in what ads are displayed?
We can specify
- what ad networks are allowed
- what ad technology are allowed
- what URLs and keywords are blocked
However programmatic ads these days can be quite messy — layers upon layers of seller/buyer desk, networks, exchanges, etc. You ended up not knowing what ads are displayed.
However in this case the whole-page ads should never be allowed. We don't allow expandable or any pop-over / pop-under either — nothing should go beyond their restricted rectangle. So obvious one of the network allowing an offending ads to slip in.
Ad block plus.
That's why i dont see it.
You can turn off ads if you're a registered user. no need for ad block
Thanks. Did so and white-listed this site.
Oops.. I thought I had Adblock disabled for OzBargain!
Sorry Scotty, now disbaled!AdGuard AdBlocker
uBlock Origin
Typical of the "Yes" campaign to go overboard with their advertising. Full page ad on a website? Disgraceful.
plus the SMS
Makes you wonder about who is looking after their marketing. This is a sensitive issue and using annoying marketing techniques is not going to get you anymore 'yes' votes. If anything, they are probably just annoying those who are undecided and make them vote against you.
Apparently Alan Joyce gave them a million dollars in one hit, you can buy a lot of spam with that sort of cash.
Indeed. I am a yes voter, and agree strongly with their cause, but when I first encountered the full page ad I thought this is going to rub a lot of people the wrong way.
Typical of the "No? campaign to basically block people from living their life freely, rather than just covering some website.
No political discussion here.
Who do you think you are?
Try and stop me?
The only ad that has ever bothered me was that black car ad forgot now which manufacturer that kept filling up most of the screen whenever I would try to scroll the main page. It comes and goes but when it's up and active it is annoying.
We discovered that yesterday & have been trying to get Google to disable those whole-page takeover ads — definitely not something we signed up for. It's misbehaving on OzBargain right now and you'll need to reload the page to get rid of it.