Hi we have an old Samsung ua32d4003bm tv with very limited ports available. Could someone more tech savvy let me know if there is anyway of plugging some headphones into it? My mother inlaw turns it up to 11.
I have hdmi/dvi in
Component/av in, audio L audio R, and video red blue and yellow
Plus a service port.
Sadly that is it!
Can anybody save our sanity??!
Thanks in advance
Help with Audio out on a Samsung TV

Hi ausdday
Thanks for the reply. Can either of these work if I don't have audio out?
Cheers birdyzoneHi ausdday
Thanks for the reply. Can either of these work if I don't have audio out?
Cheers birdyzoneSorry, I thought the RCAs (Red + white + yellow) are output, they are in fact just input to the TV. My bad.
In this case, unfortunately no. You can't use those that I mentioned.
It depends on what you normally watch using that TV. Maybe having a set up box with audio output might help in your case. Basically, just make the TV "Smart". In this case, you can video output of the set top box to the TV, and audio to the headphone/speaker. The set top box you are looking for should have audio output. Try google yourself first. I can help after work if you still can't find anything.
If you are using the tuner in the TV:
The only specs I could find for that model http://www.graysonline.com/lot/0058-2117964/audio-tv-and-hom… suggest there are no output ports.
Maybe one of the listed ports does dual purpose as an output port.
Other ideas:
1. phone pickup (on TV speaker) to amplifier to headphones. "amplifier" could just be an old cassette player with recording function. Often they came with a phone pickup.
2. http://www.tunity.com/ Edit: "For now Tunity works in the USA only."If you are watching on Foxtel, then you may be able to plug headphones into the set top box.
Thanks oerpbqk
Thanks for the ideas. Yes I don't know if any of the ports have dual use and hopefully one of the mega minds of ozbargain have experienced this before.
Sadly no tuner, no foxtel, just the antenna out of the wall.
CheersThe graysonline listing says it has "dts 2.0+Digital Out"
Is there an optical connector that looks like this? It will probably have a little plastic cap on it. If so you can just buy a device like this.
Alternatively get a set top box and run headphones from the audio out on the set top box (with an RCA to 3.5mm adapter), with the HDMI connector into the TV.
There should be heaps of cheapo digital set top boxes on Gumtree. Just offer someone $5.
Thanks ausdday and inherentchoice
No optical on this model but the set top box looks like a plan.
Thanks to all for you input.
Ozbargain awesome as always👍No problem at all. In fact, I google the image of the back of the TV, there is a port to the RIGHT side of the USB, the image is too blurry to tell what exactly the port is, but it surely looks like a 3.5mm output port for headphone.
I had once own a 32inch samsung TV, and the headphone audio output looks like the black square with a 3.5mm hole in the middle.
https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/91QwQsZBM4L.SL256.jpgHi ausdday
That port is marked Service.
No idea what it does but I put a 3.5 headset in and alas no luck. Seems like this series of Samsung TVs were pretty stingy.
or you can go bluetooth