is there an avocado tree in balmoral?
I heard about it in the pub.
is there an avocado tree in balmoral?
I heard about it in the pub.
OP got too smashed in the pub.
is there a balmoral tree in avocado?
I saw about it in the bup.
Hi, is there a banana tree in Manly? I hear there is one near the post office?
Seriously? chances are it is on private property. Are you hoping to steal someone else's avocadoes to save a buck?
I think you might be confused mate - Balmoral Avocados
Might be time to cut back on the schooners eh?
No idea, but I know there is a lemon tree in Springfield! :p
You like to dance close to the fire, don't you?
I actually planted 4 avocado trees on the footpath in Glebe, they are baby atm, you're welcome to some in 5 yrs time when they fruit. :)
Do government have public liability insurance? Because its a liability to the public with their level of silliness.
As a nation, we need to provide employment opportunities to people who are below the line when it comes to thinking for themselves. Thus we have low level government bureaucrat positions.
do smashed avos grow on trees?
Only the ones planted after 2k.
Man, you think you've seen everything and then stuff like this gets posted. Hahaha