Orange Red Bugs in Garden Shed?! What to Do!


Two months ago, bought a place and moved out of my parents home :)

I have a small 4*3 m shed in the backyard that I'm using to store the mower and some other equipment.

I've noticed over the past month that it is becoming increasingly INFESTED with these small bugs with black legs and orange/red (tear drop shaped) abdomens. They are EVERYWHERE in the shed. I'm surprised by how many there are! I would've expected that spiders/geckos would've preyed upon them by now, but they only seem to be increasing!

What should I do!?! What the heck are these things?


link to photo:

link to video:


  • +19

    You are not ready to move out yet. Move back in with your parents.

    • +1

      Hahaha. Don't down vote this! This is hilarious haha

  • +3

    Do you have a photo? Might make things easier to know what it is? Otherwise there is this reddit page who helped me before.

    If they're small bugs, possibly bug spray might help? Or a bug bomb, or maybe diatomaceous earth (I love the stuff) will get rid of them and I think healthy for animals.

    Hopefully it isn't anything too bad.

  • Hold one a bit closer to your monitor so I can get a better look

  • Rhopalidae (Scentless Plant Bugs)? They're also called red-eyed bugs and are harmless.

    Do they look like this?

    • +1

      I think that's it! Check out the video I've uploaded :) Thanks!

    • Are these the same as the Rhopalidae? I think so

      • Apparently nothing to worry about. They carry no disease.

  • ok…not redbacks??
    Google for a natural bug killer that is safe for animals that might go there…

  • They look like Boxelder bugs to me but a little hard to tell from the video quality.…

    We get them, what I do is just fill up a spray bottle with water and dishwashing detergent. Spray them all a couple of times a day for a few days and they will all die off. The detergent breaks down their bodies for some reason. No need for chemicals. If they are Boxelder then I can guarantee this will work as I've done it several times over the years and it always gets rid of them quickly

  • +1

    Nuke them from orbit, its the only way to be sure.…

    Going by your video, faaaaaarrrr too many happy campers in that shed.
    Kill them, kill them all.

    1) Buy Mortein Roach Bomb
    2) Place in shed
    3) Await the carnage.

  • Go to public parks/friends' garderns and try to capture some of the biggest huntsmans you can find. Bonus points for some redbacks and white tails also.

    Now release them in your garden.

    Just to be safe, release some of the spiders inside your house also (make sure you spread the whitetails and redbacks around the place and put some underneath your bed)

    You wont have any bug issues anymore

    • Huntsmans make me shat my paants

  • Panic.

  • +12

    Sun dry them and pack em in 50g sealed brown bags and sell them at hipster grocery store.

  • +5

    Get a tissue and then very, very carefully, burn the shed down…

  • +7

    4m x 3m shed, with a growing insect population proving it's desirability as a habitable structure?

    That, my friend, is an Airbnb room waiting to be discovered!

  • +1

    Option 1: RUN, Forrest, Run!

    Option 2: Grab some in your hand and report back to us of the outcome.

    Option 3: Burn, baby, Burn…

  • +2

    Why do people always want to kill something they don't understand? They're probably harmless little creatures that are part of nature's plan. Leave them alone, they're not doing you any damage.

    • +1

      Did you see how many there were? Literally 100s, maybe 1000s in the shed. That's not normal. There crawl all over my staff, lay eggs… it's annoying. I'm not scared of them, I'm just curious and wanted some advice on how to KILLLLL THEMMM!!

      • +1

        You can't ask them nicely to please find a new home. They infested our house so badly that you couldn't walk outside on one of the walls without being swarmed by them, and they would completely cover the clothes on the washing line..

  • +3

    As a professional/amature orthonoligist ; the red bodied black legged devil bug (common)
    bugisvelosoraptor (complicated)
    Must be given a wide birth
    Get yourself some yellow and some orange tape if you can find any ,
    and tape the whole property off

    Also approach your local authority and apply to have the area declared slightly safer
    Good luck and God speed young man
    I'm just glad you confided in the semi-professional's here at ozbargain
    You could have been led astray going anywhere else

  • +7

    Hold on for a couple of weeks. Kim Jong-un will be sending over something to wipe them out.

  • +1

    Have had these bugs in my garage/sheds for years and have had no problem. They come and go. Mostly see them crawling around outside, mating (they join at the bum and walk around together, looks kinda funny). Sometimes they get in the house only due to being on a shoe or something.

  • +2

    This must not be a real oz bargain chat. Couldn't see one suggestion of bikies. Seriously though, the wa Dept of agriculture has a reporting app that they tell you what an insect is-

  • +4

    Buy a chicken, it will eat the bugs and you will get free eggs.

  • some sort of stink bug?

  • +1

    Did you try politely asking them to leave?

  • +1


  • +1

    Ozbargain comes up with the goods, this should take care of them for a while.

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