Poll: Best Travel SIMS for Europe in 2017

Moderators at OzBargain have decided to run yearly polls to decide the best products in popular categories that get asked repeatedly in the forum. Our aim is to have a central thread where users can vote on the items, suggest options and also change their vote throughout the year. The polls will end once the year is over.


What is the best Eurozone Travel SIM for the year 2017?

If you're traveling to Europe, most likely you're be crossing between different country borders.
Alex Kidman from Lifehacker suggests:

"You could opt for a separate SIM in each country, but that is going to involve quite a bit of work even just dealing with the paperwork and fiddly small change, not to mention potential APN settings on each device. Frankly, it's just not likely to be worth it when there are options that you can set up from Australia that should work with no SIM fiddling at all."

As of June 2017, Roaming charges have been completely abolished by the European Commission, meaning that you can pick up a SIM card in France and travel across to Belgium and Germany, and only have to pay the usual domestic rate.

Some Important points to consider when choosing a Travel SIM:

  • Whose cell network you will be using. Vodafone generally covers quite a large part of Europe, as does Three, O2 and Orange.
  • Be sure to check the roaming inclusions of the plan you're buying. Most telcos will offer between 40 to 50 different destinations for certain plans, but if you're traveling outside of the listed areas, there may be additional charges for call, data and texts sent in other regions.

So what's your favourite European mobile SIM plan for the year 2017? Make your suggestions below, and be sure to justify why it's the best for you.

  • Don't see an account that you like in the poll options? Make a (sensible) suggestion and we'll add it to the list.
  • You are allowed to change your vote.

How to Suggest a Poll option? Simply type into the textbox above your Comment box and then submit your comment.


Poll Options expired

This is part of What Should I Buy poll for 2017. Check out other recommendations from the OzBargain community.


  • Suggested Giff Gaff 5GB 15GBP ($25.26AUD), 9GB 18GBP ($30.32AUD) - less 10GBP referral credit

    Giff Gaff is a well known 02 reseller in the UK/
    They have a range of 'Goodybag' offerings.

    As of now : "Our plans, we call them goodybags, include data, minutes and texts to all the countries in the EU and selected destinations, so you can do all the things you would, at home, but without any extra cost. The same goes for our Pay as you go prices as well. Bring on the sunshine"

    You can only order a sim direct from GiffGaff - they even ship overseas as well now as it appears.

    If you get referral you also get a 10GBP credt.

  • Lebara in whatever country you go to…

    They sell them everywhere.

  • +4

    Just came back last week and grabbed Three PAYG. No major flaws IMO, can be activated in Australia just by popping into your phone. 9GB to use overseas. You'll however need extra credit to make/receive calls which can be bought with an UK credit card, or from eBay with a markup. Also note you only have access to 3G networks outside UK.

    • 12GB.

      • You can use up to 9GB roaming (outside UK). The total allowance is 12GB.

    • I have just finished using this sim for 3 weeks in Italy, good consistent data speed and surprisingly I was able to receive calls and make calls from the sim to Italian mobile numbers as well which came in handy. I was also able to hotspot/tether from my Samsung S5 to my laptop as well.

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