This was posted 14 years 4 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Egreat M35A 1080P $199 Save $50 Use Coupon Code M35oz


20 pcs only, This media tank is a small tank shaped media player than can play almost all video formats available today. It is in a high quality aluminum case with a touch panel on top. HDD can be added without opening the unit. Unit comes with HDMI cable, remote control, power unit and all accessories. It is based on the popular 8635 media processor that has been superseded by the 8643 and used Syabas firmware under license and is very similar to PCH A-110. Items are all brand new and is a great chrissy gift, full warranty in Australia.

MOD: edited title to reflect actual price/

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closed Comments

  • -2

    So just a different version of

    But double the price andthensome?

    I would love to hear from the rep how its different and then justify the price increase

    • +1

      That DX one uses a Realtek chipset, not a Sigma. So there is absolutely no comparison, they are different devices. I am not saying that one is better than the other, but that your comparison is completely invalid.

      The MOST important thing when choosing one of these media players is the firmware, and that is what you are paying for when you choose a name brand like eGreat, Popcorn Hour, etc. A no-name device from overseas will be cheaper, but what heppens if there is a glitch or problem with operation and/or decoding?

      And a professional company like Streammaster, who specialises in these machines, provides levels of support infinitely better than a normal "retailer".

      • a $100 extra could easily represent a better build and quality of player, sometimes its better spend a little more money.

  • +1

    Cub3 can you find a cheaper version of the same product?

  • mods are quick to delete, where did the other comments go?
    how much discount does m35oz entitle us too????

    • +1

      why delete the comments?
      why have comments at all????

      • im on the page, no comments have been unpublished. Are you sure there were some before? I'll pass onto scotty

        • Cub3 made a comment questioning if this was a good deal and someone else replied in a very straight up answer, it just seems very strange to me that they disappeared?

        • nothing has been deleted. ill highlight for scotty to look at this page.

      • +1

        have you got the tab "show all comments" unclicked?

        look for it on the top left under op's post

        • nice :) +rep

          when people neg a comment, once it reaches a threshold it hides the post. you can still see it though

        • I just unchecked it and now i can't get it t stay checked. What can I do?

  • comment is under "hidden" as it had -2 votes… which is fair enough… I didn't mean to come across as 'snarky', just was questioning the product as I am shopping for one myself

    llama came up with a very concise point about my comparison (with a dx sku) that was flawed… (retracted neg)

    hit the "Show all hidden comments" button and you will see it…

    edit: cant seem to retract my neg vote.. will try again later

    • It has to have -3 votes before your comment is hidden, which it did.

  • +1

    Just for clarification, after the coupon code is used the price is actually $199, The M35 is essentially the same machine as the popcorn hour A-110 for which we still get plenty of inquiries despite the fact we can't get them any more. The M35 has a far nicer casing, touch panel and extra I/O.

    Just type in m35oz as a coupon code and the shop will take $50 off the normal $249 sale price at checkout which will make the price $199 + Shipping.

    The sigma chipset has been traditionally more expensive than the realtek chipset units (which we also have), while the newer realtek chipsets are closing the gap on sigma, the Sigma chipset is widely recognized as being preferred. The M35 unit, casing, firmware and remote are all of far higher quality than the other units mentioned earlier in this thread.

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