Hi everyone,
This company offers free shipping, they don't mention it until check out but they're the only place I've come across selling magnesium spray that don't charge an arm and a leg for shipping!
$35 for 200ml
Hi everyone,
This company offers free shipping, they don't mention it until check out but they're the only place I've come across selling magnesium spray that don't charge an arm and a leg for shipping!
$35 for 200ml
H'mnnn… I do not recall mum dad or nanna ever using or mentioning this spray.
We like to see prices. Bargains have prices.
Does this make your teeth all shiny and chrome? Witness me!!
It's quite expensive…
So you are associated but just happened to come across it?
250 ml Magnesium oil spray free shipping on ebay. $25.00.
Anyone used magnesium oil spray? Does it really work?
I use the gel for cramping my son uses the spray for his basketball training recovery and epsom salt in the bath seem to help (epsom salts is magnesium sulfate and very cheap from coles).
I also use a low carb diet for weight loss and take magnesium as it seems to lower my magnesium and causes cramps so i take magnesium suppliments. The only suppliment i take and it really works.
Magnesium is absorbed through the skin, so yes a spray could work. You can also buy as a power and absorb in the bath.
I used it but it just made me itchy.
Zero effects I noticed other than that
"essential for muscle growth and repair"
My muscles grow and repair fine without it. How is this essential?
Because magnesium allows the body to produce more Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1), which is a major contributor to the growth and strength of muscles. Furthermore, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the cell's energy store, and is created with help from Magnesium…
I just threw up a little.
What a load of crap. Please go advertise your BS somewhere else
Your website does not specifically list the container's ingredients. Would you please confirm precisely what it contains?
Water + gliter
100% Magnesium Chloride
@wizzman23: Thank you. So you came across this while purchasing some magnesium spray as per your original description, https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/330229/revisions#658609vs6… and the website specified the ingredients only after my inquiry. That is interesting.
@wizzman23:No, they were not stated there before my inquiry and they are still not there now. https://modernminerals.com.au/pages/musclequestions
They are also not in your description here, which you have revised twice.
Lol 1 product on the site, with no discount offered?
Lol go away with your spam.
My PT got a sample of this the other week. She said it's helped with her niggling lower back soreness and recovery so worth a shot. Plenty of stuff online about magnesium sprays.
You could also buy Magnesium Chloride Flakes chuck in some boiling water put in a spray bottle. Its called an Oil but its one of those misleading names like dutch chocolate or jerusalem artichoke, its only because it feels slippery like an oil when you use it.