Where to Get PC Pre Built?

Hi all, I recently created a PC under $1000 for gaming.(https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/ZqHTKZ feedback would be appreciated ) After months of research, I am very unsure of actually building the PC itself.

I have looked at MWave (a local computer store), and they charge $150 for a CUSTOM pre-built PC. If I get windows 10 home I am not sure if they pre-install it on the PC? I can get the PC picked up from there.

Then I looked at CentreCom. They charge $90 for a CUSTOM pre-built PC and they pre-install windows 10 home if you buy it. The problem is, I will have to get the PC shipped (I live in VIC), which I am very concerned about something breaking in the PC.

Where should I get the PC CUSTOM pre-built from, and if you have any other suggestions of companies that pre-build PC's I would like to know please :)

Also this question is not relevant to the forum question, but if I buy all my computer parts seperatley then go to MWave, will they build the PC for me with a $150 fee?

Edit: I meant custom pre-built (not pre-built as in a stock model), as in I select all the parts and the shop builds it for me. I dont really care about how much it costs me to get the PC built, I just would like a reliable company to build it for me.


  • +7

    Are you hesitant to build yourself? It is a lot easier than you think. You can then put that $150 to an i5 :)

  • +1

    Mwave is very pricey. I would go to UMART or MSY and pay $80 for a custom built Pc. I usually call them "CTO" or Custom to Order's.

    Prebuilts that you buy off-the-shelf, ready to go, are mainly for convenience (that is, for less savvy people who can't be bothered to find a parts list and come up with a build) so you will pay extra for that convenience.

    If you have an hour or two of spare time you could save about a hundred, just building yourself but if strapped for time go to MSY.

    • +3

      Pre builts often have shitty power supplies and ugly cases.

      In every situation they are specced with the highest margin components rather than those which are most suited.

    • Sorry, I meant a custom PC that they pre-build it for me. If I buy all parts separately then go into MSY, will they build the PC for me?

  • +3

    I myself, was very paranoid about breaking components many years ago until I gave it a shot.

    It's honestly very easy! — You pretty much can't break anything, if something doesn't work just look over it and see if it's in the right way, etc.

    The only issue that you will find out from a first time builder is your Cable Management! You don't want to see my first build, the Cables Management was terrible.

    First off, OP: Watch this video(youtube.com) it will 100% have you questions answered.

    Take your time and enjoy it! If in-doubt always refer to your Manuals that come with your components, or there is always your friend Google!

    If you're ever stuck with something, feel free to PM me. I'd be more than glad to reach out and give you a hand!

    • +1

      Thanks for the help, but like I said, I really don't want to build a PC by myself. I sometimes build up anxiety and frustration when doing tricky things like this, I'd rather get someone to build it for me.

  • +2

    It's really easy mate, you can also pm me if you have a problem. Willing to help

  • +1

    Highly suggest doing it yourself. Here's one of many guides: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/build-your-own-pc,2601.h…

    At any stage you can go to youtube and search for installing X in Y and see someone doing it.

    It's really so simple that after you build one you will be able to build another without a guide.

    Also for parts prices Staticice and Amazon should be checked before anything else. Usually MSY will be cheapest (they're covered by staticice search). Like you I use PCpartspicker to save the upcoming build configuration though.

    • Thanks for the help, if I build a PC how do I put windows 10 into it? Do I buy a windows 10 USB key? I am very new to PC building. Sorry 😬

      • I did it a few years ago myself, so things may have changed since then.
        You should be able to download win10 through a program. It'll give you the option to install on a disk or usb drive.
        Just need to have it plugged in when you boot up and it'll go through the installation process. You might need to set the usb as the first bootable drive.

  • Then I looked at CentreCom. They charge $90 … The problem is, I will have to get the PC shipped

    From personal experience Centrecom will not screw you on stuff arriving damaged, they send a return shipping label and you just take the item to a post office with the label on it. But like I and others say, it's simple to do it yourself and once you've done it once you can upgrade it as you want etc.

  • There's also lots of YouTube how-to videos. Its very easy to do it yourself … unless you are a especially impatient or uncoordinated. The main areas to be careful are making sure you don't zap your parts with static electricity (is super rare but easy to neutralise your charge by holding other metal things) and take it slowly inserting the CPU into the socket as it's easy to bend its fragile pins. View a few YouTube videos to see how difficult/easy it really is!

  • Again, I would advise to do it yourself. If not, then I would advise to get it built by the place you are buying the parts from. That way they have 100% responsibility for the build. If you buy the parts to provide them and there is an issue, it is easy for them to point the finger at the part and then it is your problem to get it replaced. I would not want to be in that position.

    • I agree with you, if I buy the parts myself what PC company(s) will build the PC for me?

      • I have used Umart in Qld before but not sure about Vic. They were fine but the cable management left a fair bit to be desired.
        I agree with you that you would want somewhere local where you can pick it up to avoid potential transit issues.

        • Thanks, I will keep Umart at the back of my head, there is one in VIC, but it is 'permanently closed' ?

  • Umart will do it for you. Check their prices.

  • +1

    Would recommend to build yourself, call a friend, etc.

    last time i read on here about some people going on about paying an assembly fee they mentioned getting it airtasked, maybe check out airtasker.

    • I really have no friends that know how to build computers, thanks for the help.

  • Op you should probably be aware most of these places won't build you a PC unless you get the parts from them.

  • Check out GR-TEK(gr-tek.com.au), I got my gaming pc built through them.
    You choose all the parts you want in it then they build it and ship it out to you, reasonable pricing too.

    • Thanks, I will check them out

  • +1

    If you know how to use this stuff(10753-presscdn-0-8.pagely.netdna-cdn.com) you can build a PC.

    Not only will you feel comfortable upgrading your PC sometime in the future you would of saved money which is what this site is about.
    I built my first PC few years ago from youtube videos.

    EDIT: Looking at your build it's pretty similar to what MSY has on offer atm for $799 look here(facebook.com)

    • Thanks for suggesting that PC from MSY! I really would like to get it now although I'd like to buy parts when there's an eBay sale or after Xmas. I actually was going to build a ryzen PC (https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/hmcsTH), thanks for your help

      • There an ebay sale now.

        But rememberonly compare prices once you include postage cost.

  • Man, I used to have so much fun building PCs. During a week's work experience in high school all I did for a week was build PCs for e-pc… I think this was before it morphed into centrecom. Ah memories!

  • Buy the parts and put the job up on fiver or airtasker, have them come over and build it at your house.

  • Your PC is fine for gaming, go for a 1060 GB if possible though, EDIT: like this https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/xj2sTH I just bought and built a high end gaming PC and am reasonably skilled (have built before) and yes it was marginally concerning, but it wasn't impossible, especially if you do things in the right order, the most difficulty came from me just doing it in almost whatever order, would've been half as difficult if I planned out the build a bit easier. If you're careful and follow a few build videos online, agree with the others, save your money. Otherwise you can spec up this PC at a store, find the place that'll put it together for the least additional cost that's near your location, it may come with an additional warranty. Other problem is will that single store have the best prices? Not only will they charge for assembly, you'll possibly have to wait until a few of the parts are in stock, but also they're less likely to have the best prices. Possibly go for a similarly priced pre-speced build from a store because they're more likely to do it faster and have the parts in stock sooner.

    • What's the difference between the 1050Ti and 1060? I'm only going to be playing basic games like ARK, csgo, overwatch etc.

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