Cost of Asbestos Removal

We have finally decided to renovate our 30-year old bathrooms.
A few tradies came to quote, and the third person mentioned asbestos. So we did a Lab Test and found out downstairs bathroom/toilet/laundry is ok, but not upstairs (bathroom, toilet & ensuite). Devastated!

Next was to hunt for asbestos removalist. My o my, I s it me or what, I think this is a very "interesting" industry (Remove rude words). Starting from a first email quote of $1900, we're now looking at over $6k with the ever changing scope. This includes removal and f sheeting, ceiling and concrete floor.

If you have done this before, can you please give us some tips as to how to find the right person, without getting ripped off?


  • Should be about 2k per days worth of work. So if it takes them 3 days, should cost around 6 grand.

    • Thanks,that's a very useful point. Will keep this in mind.

  • Whatever yo do, get it done right. Freaking with asbestos leads to coughing up blood.

  • +1

    It's really bad stuff, pay the professionals to remove it and when you get the quotes ask them how they plan to remove it.

    If you don't know much about asbestos it pays to educate yourself on the risks so you can ensure they do it right and not leave a mess for you and your family to breathe in.

  • Where are you based? I can recommend a company that moved heaps in a property i manage for a good price (compared with others) if you're in Melb.

    But yep, it's danger work, has to be done correctly, disposed of in a certain way etc. so it is pricey.

    • And I assume they have to be trained and certified/licensed, wouldn't be cheap.

    • Ah that's a shame. I'm in Brisbane.

    • +1

      You should have reported them to workcover; that's terrible. I bet they had all the monkey suits on too but too bad for the neighbours.

    • Didn't you receive a notification?

      Maybe the Owners didn't know who they've got….. My MIL got up an AC guy who charged her extra $200 to install AC, and claimed that the walls contained asbestos. He turned up with a normal drill with no protection. Needless to say the 88-yr old lady gave him a spray…

    • There are dodgy contractors everywhere - They should definitely be reported - otherwise it continues on and people who do it right go out of business because people say that are too expensive. Were they at least wetting it down for dust control?

      There are (older) guys out there who will have no problem doing asbestos removal poorly because they worked with it back in the 70s/early 80s and so they've already been exposed and so they've already 'rolled the dice' - then they hire young idiots to help them who don't know any better, tell them that is how it is done if they want to get paid, and get away with it. It all appears okay for years because it can take a few decades after exposure before they get sick.

      However I wouldn't want to expose my family to it, they come and go in a day, you have to live there.

      • This "they come and go in a day"
        Just curious how much one can breathe in that stuff in one day? Considering anyone doing it would have done all the precautions and protection..

        Dont get me wrong, we want to do the right thing, but must he the right cost too.

        • Don't presume they have done all the precautions, some people are dumb enough to do high quantities of drugs or smoking that they know will likely kill them too, don't assume they are being safe.
          This stuff is not like being around a chemical or something where the air will clear it. Dust is released when asbestos is broken, and as long as the dust is around, at some point you can kick it up into the air and breathe it in (until it is properly disposed of).

          If you are unlucky enough, just one of those dust particles can wedge itself into your lung and get stuck there like a barbed fishing hooks, and then a couple of decades later it is still stuck there, so after a one-second exposure, years later if you are unlucky it can result in Asbestosis. They might be happy with their respirator/mask, but spread the dust all over your house.

          Sure like with anything, it is true that the more exposure you have, the higher the chances of disease you have, and exposure chances are increased whilst they are doing the work, but if they leave the dust around everywhere, it has to be properly collected and disposed and once it is spread around, good luck!

        • +1


          so after a one-second exposure, years later if you are unlucky it can result in Asbestosis Mesothelioma

          Fixed it for you.

          Asbestosis is caused by prolonged exposure (years) to high levels of Asbestos. It used to mainly affect factory workers and asbestos miners. Would be very unusual to contract it these days.

        • Thanks, true.

  • +2

    Leave it in place if you can?

    • +2

      This is actually a good point. If it is painted over / tiled over and not penetrated with holes, it is not of concern. Unless there is a fire or someone puts a hole in the wall.

      I'm guessing this would be hard to do if you want to make some substantial renovations, most people want to go to the extent that involves disturbing the sheeting. (It can also be in lining under vinyl).

      I would actually be more comfortable with not disturbing asbestos than risking a dodgy contractor (or even a good one who has an employee having a bad day) doing it wrong and putting asbestos dust through my house.

    • We've lived in this house for over 10 years now, and would have kept everything as they are if we could….
      Since it needs to be done sometime, we reckon best to do it now before things start to fall apart quickly…

  • +1

    It shouldn't be that bad. I had the whole underside of a house done for $1100 about 3 years ago (easy to remove sheets, but it was about 45 sq metres of material). Licensed guys, seemed to be doing the right thing, builder noted afterwards that he was impressed with how clean they left it. In Brisbane.

    At the same time I got a quote for the bathroom from the same guys (full strip out including floor removal and dumping of everything in it) and it was $1200.

    We ended up using some other removal guys through the builder for the bathroom, so i'm not sure what that actually cost, but if you're getting quotes for $6k there's something wrong.

  • +3

    We get a lot of stuff done at work removing asbestos. I don't see the invoices, but $6k does sound like a lot. Maybe the $2k per day sounds about right.

    Putting my flame suit on:
    As much as the hysteria is around, it is possible to do it yourself with (quite a few) precautions. Find out from your local tip how much it costs to get rid of it, get all the gear and you will probably come out in front. After doing some awareness training, I reckon I could do it as safe as a removal company. Also double check if your tip will allow a DIY remover to bring the stuff in, they may want some certification upon arrival.

    While asbestos is dangerous, it is only dangerous if you breathe it in and the stuff in cement sheeting is the least dangerous - loose fill insulation being the worst. So keep it damp/paint with PVA glue, wear breathing protection and use disposable clothing. Double wrap in thick plastic and sign it appropriately then wet wipe everything when finished.

    • Most sensible response! Will digest them and re-assess. I'm sure hubby is thinking hard now. He mentions here in Qld a Home Owner can do upto 10 square…I'm also pretty sure he'd be as careful as the Pro, if not more; He has a habit of over-engineering!

      We're already spending a lot of money on the reno; We are getting proper licensed plumber, waterproofer, tiler. Not trying to put ourselves thru any dodgy practice but

      • +1

        You might need to do 10sqm a couple of times though ;)

        • I really do not like Hubby to do it, he has enough other works already…..

    • In WA you need to be licenced to transport asbestos waste. You cannot put it in a regular dumpster.

  • +2

    Dont worry fashions come and go, sometimes black is in then its not, asbestos will be the hip thing in a few years.

    • +2

      It won't be the 'hip' thing it will be the 'lung' thing in a few years.

      • +1

        and 100 years ago, asbestos was the wonder thing, used everywhere even in cigarette filters.

    • No doubt with all the DIY renovators.

  • +2

    How much asbestos is there to removal? I'm also in Brisbane and had our bathroom and two bedrooms done in December last year. Used these guys (used to be called Absolute Asbestos):

    Cameron was the guy who came out to do our quote, he was helpful and explained the process.

    Cost was $31/sqm plus $275 for a clearance certificate, now I'm not sure how where this lands in the pricing scale but I was happy with their work and would use them again.

    Additional note - they broke a glass pane on a window, they did offer to replace it but we were changing the window anyway so it didn't bother me.

    • Thanks China. So how much in total you paid? Do you have a lot of tiles on the wall?
      Thanks for the referral, will certainly check them out.

      • +1

        Had about 100sqm so ended up costing $3,355. No tiles on the wall.

  • EDIT - Replied to incorrect thing

  • How much was the lab test, and how did you obtain the sample?

    • Lab test is $50 per item
      The person just removed a light switch and scrapped some sheeting around the plate.
      For floor, just chiseled down a tile and determined that there was no sheeting, just paper.

      • Thanks for that, very interesting, so the tester came to you and performed it in your house?

        • They took the samples to the lab, and got the results after a few days….

  • +1

    Make sure that you ask how they will remove it.
    The professional certified remover will isolate the area possibly with plastic sheeting over doorways etc.Then they will wet the sheets, punch out the nails holding the sheets onto the wall to cause minimal disturbance to the asbestos and wrap them up in plastic and vacuum the area with a professional wet/dry vacuum

  • The cost of removing, handling and dumping asbestos is HUGE. And you wanna make certain that not even a small amount of asbestos dust escapes and remains in your premises. This is SERIOUS stuff! Its no cheap deal anywhere. if so be very suspicious indeed! What people say here is probably of no use to you as you need a local asbestos remover and a local place to dispose of it. Search the internet, local classifieds etc

    • +1

      You can legally remove it for FREE, by yourself. So check your facts.

      • There are limits though, believe its 10sqm.

      • Not sure about that. I believe you must have a license - in NSW at least.
        Perhaps subject to quantity limits
        And very stupid to expose yourself to such a dangerous substance.
        So pls get ALL your facts right first

  • I had asbestos sheets removed from a bathroom in 2011 by a company called ARC Building Solutions. Their office is at Rocklea. Reading from the invoice, it says they removed 3 sheets of bonded asbestos, as per NOSC 2002 (2005), at a cost of $235 per sheet, so the total (incl. GST) came to $700.

  • -4

    Talk about scare mongering, the asbestos in our homes is not even that bad as far as types of asbestos goes. There's tons of it still in out homes, workplaces and even our primary schools. I would have no hesitation knocking down an asbestos wall and dumping it at the tip (like people did for years before it was labelled bad) it's the long term exposure of continuously working with it that is dangerous. Putting it in landfill is the best place for it. It's only when it's cut or drilled and the fibres get in the air that it's dangerous, No more of a danger than working with MDF or sitting in traffic around diesel cars. You do know that diesel fumes cause cancer right. Look up the world health organisations list of known carcinogens you would be amazed.

    • its not just labelled bad, it is illegal to dump it. Stop suggesting to people to do it.

      • You can legally take it to landfill, check your facts. There's several tips in Melbourne that accept it. I doubt anyone working at the tip could even tell the difference between cement sheet and asbestos sheet. Where do you think asbestos comes from? It's mined, from the ground, it's all around us already, it in our drinking water, dumping it at the tip is putting it back in the ground where it came from.

        • But you still need to treat it in accordance with legal responsibilities. Double wrapped, labelled, might need to book a time to deliver to the tip etc.

          Don't suggest doing something illegal like pretending it is cement sheeting.

    • Your comments are irresponsible; while not everyone who is exposed to asbestos will end up contracting mesothelioma the risks are real. I just heard today regarding a woman aged in her early 40's has passed. She was exposed as a child while father renovated the family home. Yet her father and siblings are not showing any signs off of the deadly disease at this stage.

      • Maybe people should learn the facts about asbestos.

        • As much as that tells you about asbestos, it doesn't tell you anything about finding, handling or removing asbestos. I agree that the hysteria around asbestos is a problem more than the actual asbestos, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be cautious around it.

          You are right about it not being that dangerous, but you don't mention taking precautions or taking the time to dump it legally which is probably why you have been down voted.

          Be alert, not alarmed.

  • +1

    Asbestos killed my father , a very long and drawn out death. It can be lived with as long as it is sealed into the building by boxing and coating. Asbestos dust is the killer and removing it runs high risk of contamination and this is where the expense is. Get several quotes if you want it removed sum up who you think will do it safest as the cheapest option may not be the best piece of mind or leave it there and maybe inquire about how to contain it as a cheaper option. Its your living environment,put a price on your own safety because you will be living(or not) with that choice. Cheers and goodluck.

    • Very sorry for your loss. Must be very hard for you and your family….

      Thanks for the guide and info. Will keep these in mind.

      Yes, we want to do this right but what we detest is the difference in quotes. They all say they will do the right thing etc. But the irony is we are not allowed to be home when the demolition takes place. How do we know for sure that every sign of asbestos is removed? The cheapest may not be the best, but the most expensive may not be the best either…..It's staggering that half a day job will cost two grand.

      • Look for recommendations or examples of prior work.

  • My dad has worked in asbestos removal for the last 30 years, message me if you'd like a quote - he has all the equipment etc but only for Melbourne

    • Thanks but we are in Brisbane…

    • Hi,

      I need to dispose something correctly. Want to enquire the cost for a small disposal. Needing a quote please.

    • I'm interested in details for asbestos removal, but cannot seem to message you

  • hi there all , I run the office for an asbestos company. For asbestos removal for a bathroom walls and floors toliet, splashback, bath panel shower etc the cost would be around $1200 or there abouts. $6 k seems very high. If a job was to go a full day the average cost is $2200+ per day… cost for clearance certificate is $250.

    If anyone does see asbestos workers throwing the AC sheeting down into plastic or their vehicle should be reported - take pics and videos and get straight on the phone - Worksafe will come promptly to shut them down. Anyone that is serious in this industry abides by the proper regulations.

    We have heard a lot of stories from some of our customers where removalists have done the job with out any PPE or clean up after themselves… which is just silly this is dangers stuff!

    Hope that answers some of your questions :)

    • Thanks Garth! Handy info.

  • +1

    I'm going through this painful process now. I found the Oneflares Asbestos Removal Cost page helpful, has a pretty good breakdown on costs by size, type (cladding, ceiling, etc.), and by location.

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