I have a part time small business that I've owned for 14 years and now want to sell.
The classifieds in our local newspaper is virtually non existent now days.
Gumtree seems to be the only alternative that I can find.
The business is only worth 20 k so a business broker would take a big chunk out of the sale.
Any useful suggestions would be appreciated
Where to List a Small Business for Sale?

This is a service business working for Strata Managers keeping common areas tidy ,placing bins out for emptying and removal of rubbish left by tenants.Established 31 years
The business is only worth 20 k so a business broker would take a big chunk out of the sale.
While not mega dollars, most work of a % of the price + a fixed fee. Have a chat to a few and see if you can get them to reduce it. If its priced right, it should sell in no time, so just easy money for them.
Otherwise try to get on to https://www.seekbusiness.com.au/ or https://www.realcommercial.com.au/
You might need to use a 3rd party though.
Also gumtree and facebook groups to get the word out as well, or some posters around.
Know your numbers, and maybe get a 1 page together of the numbers, tasks, rough hours required a week etc.
Thanks .Great ideas to follow up
Gumtree, but be ready for time wasters.
jimmyF is right that a one page info sheet will save a lot of time.
I would suggest getting somebody on fiverr or similar to format it/review it if you aren't an expert. If it looks polished you will get better responses.lol?
Nah, have a look on gumtree. People selling small businesses are posting stuff in comic sans with spelling errors.
Plenty of small operators are good at their work, but not at stuff like documents.
Thanks. Gumtree is free so I'll try that first
What is the business?