Best Games for Nintendo Switch

Hi all,

I've had a Nintendo Switch since launch and have played the hell out of Zelda (although there's still plenty to do) as well as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I've just started playing Shovel Knight (which I'm loving) however was wondering what other great Switch games people would recommend.

What are some of the best Nintendo Switch games you've played and would recommend to others?



  • +2

    I don't have a Switch, but many people are praising Splatoon 2 lately.

  • At the moment, I'd strongly recommend Splatoon 2 based on personal experience, I've never played Splatoon 1 so I can't compare them, but it's fantastic!

  • Splatoon 2 for sure, great game and awesome online play, very addictive. Arms is ok but I just can't seem to get myself into it. I want to enjoy it more but Splatoon is a must have

  • +1

    Sonic Mania. Incredibly fun game.

  • +1

    My son is constantly playing Disgaea 5, I dont think the switch has been plugged to the tv in weeks, he just carrying the switch about like a 3DS everywhere playing Disgaea 5.

  • +1

    I'd play mario + rabbidz kingdom if i have a switch
    Watching the videos in youtube, it looks very funny and lots of fun

  • Mario and Rabbidz has actually been a blast. Didnt think I'd enjoy it as much as I did. It's all to last time till oddessy

  • Bunch of us at work bring in our switches once a week and play Splatoon 2 together… Great fun, games are short (no longer than 3 mins) so it's a good shooter to play casually, reasonably short learning curve too. Also just picked up Mario Rabbids, suprisingly the combo works really well. Very addictive! But no online multiplayer.

  • +1

    Shantae: Half-Genie Hero and Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove are great if you're at all interested in 3D platformers.

  • I've been playing the shit out of MHXX. Don't need any other game.

    • Wait. I haven't been following it at all, but…
      MHXX got a release outside of Japan?

      And here I am playing Monster Hunter Stories like some kind of casual lol

      • +1

        I didn't get the appeal of MH stories and there's no way I'm going back to the 3ds when I've been on the switch so I got the Japanese MHXX.

        There are so many guides on helping with the mhxx translations that sometimes I forget I'm even playing a Japanese game. Would definitely recommend it.

        • +1

          I like to just play 'different' games, so I am enjoying MH Stories, but it's definitely for the younger audience. I also appreciate that it is an authentic representation of the monster hunter world, with most of the models and movesets being on-point. I can see MH Stories enticing a lot of kids and teens to Monster Hunter in time for Monster Hunter World next year.

          Being in Japanese is probably a good excuse to skim past all the filler text that clogs up Monster Hunter games, lawl.

          I don't even have a switch though, so I guess I'll just be waiting for World, which, despite being streamlined to heck, looks HYPE AS HELL.

        • @FrankMcFuzz:

          I appreciate how closely stories is sticking to the MH universe but I don't play MH to read, I play it to smash things in the frickin face.

          I'm glad there's finally a MH game coming to PC outside of the subscription based service in Japan with Japanese servers (200+ ping). I'm getting world too of course but it's so far away. Being able to play MHXX literally anywhere (through the phone's WiFi hotspot) is what makes it so amazing for me.

        • @ChillBro: Stories is less about reading, and more about min-maxing monster stats like a crazy person. It gets surprisingly deep for its "rock/paper/scissors" turn based combat. I got rekt by another player using angry pickle yesterday. It was called Rick.

          I got the joke.

        • @FrankMcFuzz: didn't even know it had multiplayer. Does it have coop like traditional MH games?

        • @ChillBro: Nah. It's just pokemon, but, instead of pokemon, you collect and use the monsters in turn based combat. I just caught a Rathian :3 Of course it knows a move poison spike, hnnng.
          I can finally replace my Yian Kut-ku, lol. I'm really hanging out for a Diablos though ;D
          (EDIT, SECONDS LATER AFTER POSTING, I CAUGHT A DIABLOS! He is so cute and adorable and destructive and I will call him Fluffy.)
          But yeah, you can battle other Hunters online, alongside their monsters, and get egg parts to craft rare monsters. All in all, it's a surprisingly deep turn based combat game. Would recommend if you're into both pokemon and Monster Hunter lol.

          I'll have to just be jealous of your XX until World comes out lol. I don't think I would enjoy reading moonrunes lol.

  • been clearing MK8D, but 200cc is owning my ass

  • ARMS, quite enjoy it with my daughter.

  • It's probably not the "best" game on the system but recently the remake of Wonderboy: The Dragon's Trap came out and I never hear or see anything written about it. Maybe it's just because it's one of those old school games I played back in the day, but I really think it's a cool little game. I have it on Xbox One.

    It's a side scrolling platformer, but has elements of an RPG. Throughout the game you unlock and can change into 5 different forms which bring different abilities and allow you to access different areas of the game. There's also a basic weapon, armour and shield upgrades to buy and collect along the way.

    The remake has a complete HD overhaul with all new gorgeous hand drawn artwork and backgrounds, and a fully re-recorded soundtrack with live instruments. But as with other HD remakes of classic games, at the press of a button you can switch back to the original graphics and soundtrack. Or just change the graphics or sound individually. You can unlock artwork, designs, and videos as extras.

    All round it's a fully featured remake, not a quick knock-off.

  • Following this thread for game advice, thanks OP! Could someone please let me know if game prices stay fairly stable throughout the year? I'm wondering if it would be better to buy my daughter a couple of Switch games for xmas now using the PICNIC code, or whether you think it would be better to wait until closer to xmas. Thanks for any advice.

  • +1

    There is a 45 minute Nintendo direct tomorrow morning so lots more great games coming soon hopefully!

  • +2

    as above the Nintendo direct is on tomorrow watch the stream with the link. (

    Thursday, September 14th at 8:00 a.m. (AEST) to watch the broadcast live! should be able to watch the replay later.

    I'm hoping they announce some more cross platform play like rocket league

    This is the Aus page of games obviously Super Mario Odyssey is one people are waiting for


    My lil bloke likes to play Mario Kart, Snipper clips and A.R.M.S which is good to wear him out.

    He is a bit young for Splatoon 2 but would love to play it. he want's lego worlds too

    I buy them as i want them and if there is something suitable i can play with him i'll grab it.

    I wouldn't worry about picking up games yet your going to have all the sales coming up we seem to be getting into the Black Friday Cyber Monday more each year.

    3 months to Christmas might give you a chance to find better deals they always come down and give your daughter some time to work out what kinda games she likes.

    Scorpio is released next month i wouldn't be surprised if a little chain reaction goes off and we might eventually see some decent price drops and some actual Nintendo assembled bundles for Christmas this year.

    • Thank you @Toons :)

      • First bundle appears to be announced Mario odyssey could be a decent buy when we see prices

        • EB games has it at $549 with no carry case, selling that for $40. Other editions seem to have it incl.

        • @Nph81: yeah if you look at the other versions the game is a code to download not cartridge so i guess thats where they are differentiating.

          I'd actually prefer the game TBH rather than waiting for it to download.

          it seems there is a mariokart one possible before Christmas too

    • +2

      Snipper clips is an awesome game to play with people together. Especially if you have a significant other!

      • +1

        yeah game ends up going out the window and it becomes a snipper dual who can cut the other one up first

  • Zelda FTW. Simply one of the best (if not the best) games ever made. And with the upcoming second DLC it looks like time to dwell back in Hyrule!

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