Home Budgeting Software Recommendations

Hi there,

I am looking for some advice in terms of home budgeting software.

Currently I use an excel spreadsheet to track expenses which is quite time consuming to maintain so was wondering if anyone has any recommendations of other programs to use (especially around You Need a Budget or free / vs paid) as I would like the ability to sync bank details to track expenses instead of manually entering them.

Any advice is appreciated!




  • I'm a big fan of Pocketsmith and currently pay to use it. I tried YNAB but it just didn't work for me. It has bank sync details but I do manual import for peace of mind.

  • +1


    YNAB for us (classic v4 version) since 2011. It doesn't have auto sync, but I find entering the transactions manually is a good reminder to reduce the spending! :)

    I tried the new YNAB - seems very different and have heard it has some shortcomings such as no 'red arrow', no multi-month view and deals with credit cards differently. I haven't spent the time to review it.

    • Same here, YNAB v4.

      I spend about 45 minutes per month importing all our credit card transactions and then categorising them (we put all transactions on card so they can be easily exported into a file and then imported into YNAB). It takes a while to work out how much we need to budget for each line item, and it frequently changes (roll with the punches) but It's nice when an expense comes in that you've budgeted for and can pay it easily. And looking back at a summary over the last year can be very eye opening. Taking the time to track every dollar isn't hard, but you do need to stay on top of it each month otherwise you'll never be able to remember what some of the expenses were for.

      I haven't tried the new YNAB.

      Also, expect to have some difficult conversations with your other half during budget time each month: "Holy crap! Do you know how much you spent on kids clothes last month?!?!". Apparently they must be made from golden unicorn fur harvested by elves in the soft glow of zodiacal light.

  • I have been using Ace Money for years.

    http://www.mechcad.net/products/acemoney/free-personal-finan… is the free version for 2 accounts.

    It gives me a heads-up when bills are due, as well as the usual budgeting stuff.

    Did I mention that it's free? :-)

  • As long as you don't mind your info being on the cloud on a Fed Gov website, we use https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/tools-and-resources/calculator…

  • +1

    I have been using pocketbook and it does everything I want and more!: https://getpocketbook.com/

  • YNAB

    You can Google for a discount via referral code: https://www.google.com.au/search?q=YNAB+referral

  • My wife & I use https://www.everydollar.com/, there is no account sync but it is free.

    The app needs a US itunes account which is easy enough to set up.

  • Any recommendations for Android?

  • Thanks all for your recommendations Cheers Mark

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