Cheapest on StaticICE at the moment is $143 + postage from Mwave
Don't forget 1.3% cashback from Cashrewards
Cheapest on StaticICE at the moment is $143 + postage from Mwave
Don't forget 1.3% cashback from Cashrewards
Im pretty sure that all these frequencies have serious impact on our health and behavior, its seriously mind fcuking, but hey, who cares right? my netflix is streaming flawlessly. And what doesn't kill you makes you stronger (kill me if i hear that lie again) im developing immunity to all does frequencies.
Actually you know what? These sorts of "articles" comes up on my Facebook feed all the time. I just tell people if you are worried about wifi frying your cells, perhaps they should consider moving to the wop wop or don't leave the house at all, because TV signals and FM signals are a lot stronger.
Don't go out in the sun then.
Pseudoscientific garbage keeps getting thrown around like we're all superstitious cave dwelling neanderthals.
Is sunlight pulsed?
Pseudo-scientific even when it's scientific.
You really think solar radiation is constant? I don't know where to begin. think about the amount of power coming out of it each second. Think of those videos of solar flares and sunspots you've seen.
I literally have an Astronomy degree. You have a tin foil hat. Don't even bother. I guarantee you I know more about solar emissions than you.
You know the sun doesn't just emit visible light, I hope??? Look up "solar flare". The sun is a strong radio source.
I wouldn't be talking about worthless. You're believing any old conspiracy theory gibberish on the web that literally makes no sense if you have an education.
Actually the first week I started my degree on of the required reading topics included a graph of frequency vs atmospheric absorption, and also what Earth's magnetic field deflects. Worthless huh?
Nice comeback though. Took you just under a week.
It took you a week to come up with that?
You're right. The sun can't be compared to a wifi device. The sun is a gigantic nuclear furnance that could swallow 1.3 million earths. Your pithy little wifi device doesn't compare. Be thankful for the inverse square law and the distance between you and the sun!
Thanks for playing indeed.
be careful, more talk like that and you may start invalidating what you said earlier.
In the meantime I recommend blanketing your home in 24 hour wifi in close proximity, much like today's robot training centres….uh, I mean schools.
PS. Your degree is worthless.
Here we go again…..
Scientits are dumb… First they invent gadgets and then when we start having fun they tells that we better stop.
Reminds me of Leo Szilard's petition to Truman… Derr, you pea-brains, you developed the bomb but then you don't want anyone to use it. Waste!
Yes, here we go. Diving deeper.
I found a good bargin at woolworths on aluminium foil and have made a custom helmet that protects me and my cats.
best to use atleast 10 layers which has been peer reviewed by my psychiatrist to reduce wi-fi induced headaches.
Let me know if you want the designs.
just dont use the no brand foil.. or else it wont work!
ah yes, the last resort for those with nothing to say, or worse still…not ready to believe anything that doesn't kill them immediately can be harmful, even when negatives are shown.
Use the routers and then sue the companies to get compensation when bad things happen. ;)
Yeh easy just get a bus load of people to test on under controlled conditions for 20+ years and a few 100 million then take them to court
Interesting read a plus vote from me for trying to help dw about these guys they probably still think there's wmd's in Iraq and they cancer still doesn't have a cure
Or your kids that are immune will survive and be part of the new world order.
There's two versions of this hardware, each has different firmware:
Anyone know which version this is?
Hardware-wise same. Following link tells you the difference:
I bought this 3 weeks ago from this deal. I got version 1
Thanks for the link, this got me over the edge. Now waiting for it to arrive.
Ahh looking at this reminds me of the WRT54G Days ^_^ they are even stackable!
Remind you of? I'm still running two WRT54GL routers running Tomato to cover the other side of the house. And I have another one spare in the cupboard. I'm not going to throw away old working devices because they don't support AC. If it's not broken…
hats off to you mate :D