I remember nougat coming to my Nexus 5x sooner than this.
Has anyone else received it?
I remember nougat coming to my Nexus 5x sooner than this.
Has anyone else received it?
Nexus 5x
It is known that Telstra block updates for a while. Sideload it yourself https://developers.google.com/android/ota
@aimon: It will eventually but its rolled out in stages. Flashing it yourself isn't hard if you're keen for it.
Yes i get that but i remember it being quicker.
I bet its going to pixels first so Nexus 5x will be at the bottom of the list i think :)
I have android and oreo. Does it count?
Only if you duct tape them together.
My personal and "business" phones are stuck back to back with white foam double sided tape.
Don't you have a secretary for that, Scrooge?
I heard it should be coming for the 5x (and a few other pixels and nexus devices) already? Is yours a carrier version? I remember reading somewhere you can enroll in the beta program if you want to jump in early?
I'm on the s7, I hear it will still be a while (though I did get a 32mb update today I still have to do, I doubt its oreo but yeah).
Got that on my Pixel a few days ago. Not as stable as Nougat having apps crushing a few times (mostly Chrome).
I assume not for a while on the s8
My iPhone hasn't gotten one
Just got it then. Yay :)
Yes I got it a few days ago on my Pixel XL.
Yes, downloaded to my Nexus 5X - performance and battery have both taken a heavy hit since :(
Planned obsolescence at work I think
What device do you have?