Hi Ozb,
I am looking to book a weekend away with the missus for our anniversary in the 2nd week of October. I have been finding it hard to decide on things due to the prices, they seem astronomical. A 2 night stay in Daylesford for $600 and I can get flights to Langkawi for $400. It's killing me.
I thought I might get some deal for a two night weekend stay for $200 but that seems completely unlikely.
I am not set in any location just outside of Melbourne CBD and a decent quality place.
Any suggestions?
Any help would be welcomed by not only me but the better half too.
What sort of place are you looking for? You could always find a nice place on airbnb quite easily. If you like camping there are plenty of free campsites in National Parks across the state - mind you, you'd need some camping gear but you might find it a bit cold at the moment!