When I try to open the danmurphy.com.au website it flashes on and then disappears…what is wrong? (I am over 18 lol)
This is happening even via cashrewards :(
Advice please
Why won't Dan Murphy's website load?

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No problem loading, when I tried it!
Your problem may not be such a bad thing …… LOL!It is currently not loading for me either. Using Google DNS and Telstra ADSL.
http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com.au/ also says:
http://danmurphy.com.au is DOWN for Everyone"PRICES ARE DOWN! Wait, that's Coles ….
same same on that one for me Halo375 :(
Interesting… the website is working for me at the moment on my company VPN which is probably US based as well as working on my mobile. If people would kindly send me their credit card details I'll happily place orders on their behalf!
It works for me too.
sometimes your browser gains self awareness and attempts to send you encrypted messages. there's probably a religion based on that already
Sure you're not in a future timewarp and Dan Murphys doesn't exist anymore. Look up the Lotto website while you're there and post this weekends winning numbers please.
At least Ozbargain is still around then.
Maybe this is the wake up call you need to curtail your rampant alcoholism that's tearing your family apart.