This was posted 7 years 5 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

1 Free Burger @ Grill'd Every Day from 4th-10th October 2017 - Sign up to 'Polished Man' & Raise $30



Be a well-fed Polished Man. Thanks to the legends at Grill’d, every Polished Man who raises +$30 can claim one FREE Grill’d burger EVERY DAY between the 4th - 10th of October.

Final Tally $10,104

Similar to last Years Deal **as a team we raised $3,883!

The time has come to sign up for Polished Man 2017! I have kick started our OzBargain Team with a $50 donation for a great cause.

One in five children fall victim to physical and/or sexual violence, before they turn 18. That’s one too many. We need you to help us nail it to end violence against children.

So what are we asking you to do?

Sign up to Polished Man

This October we challenge men (and women) to paint one fingernail Polished Man Blue to represent the 1 child that dies every 5 minutes as a result of violence. Note: Blue is preferable but any colour will be accepted.

Start a conversation about violence on behalf of those one in five children

Fundraise, so together we can provide trauma relief and trauma prevention services to our world’s most vulnerable citizens.

For those wanting to join, you need to join as an individual and then add the OzBargain team. Please do not create a new team just use the existing one here Make sure you donated on your individual profile.


Burger barcodes will be sent at 9am (EST) each day during the Promotion Period. To receive a burger barcode on any given day during the Promotion Period, you must have successfully registered with Polished Man, ticked the Grill’d promotion check-box when registering and raised at least $30 on the Polished Man platform for the Promotion by 11.59 pm (AWST) the previous day. *Grilld Terms & Conditions

If you can’t find your email, the dog ate it or mum cleaned your room, we’ve got you covered. Drop your details in below and quicker than the NBN you’ll have your code. If that fails contact Grill'd.


6/9 - $997 raised in just 24 hours
13/9 - $1419 raised
27/9 - $2104 raised
2/10 - $4847 raised thanks to Scotty from OzBargain who donated $1800
3/10 - We have hit our original target of $5000 with $5047 raised. I have increased the target to $7766 Let's see if we can get there.
4/10 - Well done team, you have so far raised $7961 which is double the amount last year!
5/10 - $8992 raised. We might even get to $10K
6/10 - Currently at $9482 only $518 to go to hit $10K, hope everyone is enjoying their burgers.
7/10 - $107 away from $10k
9/10 - We have hit $10K with donations currently at $10,034

31/10/17 - FINAL TOTAL WAS $10139. Well done everyone

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Polished Man
Polished Man

closed Comments

      • +4

        Last year at my local grill'd, they provided nailpolish and remover.

      • Any department store (Myer, David Jones) will have a tester - use that!

    • +4

      On one finger to start conversations around a worthy cause! Is your masculinity that fragile?!

      • -2

        Maybe as fragile as those females that also choose not to wear nail polish.

    • +3

      It reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where Kramer didn't want to wear the AIDS ribbon 🎀 . He was attacked by the ribbon bullies.

  • +3

    dammit might have to reschedule my holiday now to fit this in

  • +15

    I read it as requiring a donation of at least $30 each day for the free burger the next day-
    '…and raised at least $30 on the Polished Man platform for the Promotion by 11.59 pm (AWST) the previous day'.

    So not $30 for 7 burgers, but $30 donation per burger.

    • +3

      Pretty sure you are spot on.

      • +3

        Pretty sure you're wrong.

        • +15

          Pretty sure either of you could be right.

        • +2

          @Scab: That much is certain.

    • Is that as a team or an individual?

    • +3

      I'm pretty sure it just means if you don't have $30 raised by October 4th you can still get $30 raised during the promotion week and receive the free burger for the remaining days. For example if you get $30 raised by October 7th you will receive a free burger on the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th.

      • It's pretty vague tbh.

        • +1

          it's fairly straightforward

        • +2

          @BeRad: It can be read either way. It was poorly written. The newly discovered terms and conditions PDF clear it up however.

    • +5

      A minimum of $30 needs to be raised in total.

      The terms basically just read that if you don't raise that money until during the free burger dates that you still qualify for burgers but must have raised the money by 11:59pm on the previous day to the day the voucher will be sent.

      For example if you raise $30 by the 6th October 11:59pm you would still get vouchers daily on the 7th,8th,9th & 10th

    • +8

      It could go either way

      I agree part of the wording is contradictory.

      Tick this box to register for the Grill’d free burger promotion. Once you’ve raised $30, Grill’d will shout you a FREE burger every day between the 4th and 10th of October!

      Receiving​ ​your​ ​burger​ ​barcodes
      -5. By registering for the Promotion and raising at least $30 on the Polished Man platform, you
      will be eligible to receive one promotional offer per day during the Promotion Period in the
      form of a redeemable barcode, which we will send by email to the email address that you
      provide upon registration (burger​ ​barcode​).

      -7. Burger barcodes will be sent at 9am (EST) each day during the Promotion Period. To receive a
      burger barcode on any given day during the Promotion Period, you must have successfully
      registered with Polished Man, ticked the Grill’d promotion check-box when registering and
      raised at least $30 on the Polished Man platform for the Promotion by 11.59 pm (AWST) the
      previous day.

      -8. If you reach the $30 fundraising threshold on the day of the Promotional period you will
      receive and barcode shortly thereafter. Once you have qualified for the Promotion, you will
      continue to receive burger barcodes for the remainder of the Promotion Period.
      barcodes will not be issued retrospectively, so make sure you raise that money quickly to
      make the most of this offer.

      Source - Polished Man PDF

      • +5

        Thank you for the detailed T&C.

        I RETRACT my comment about needing to raise $30 per burger.

        My reading now is that once you raise $30, you will get a promotional code each day for the rest of the promotion period. Thank you for highlighting the relevant line.

        • +3

          You're welcome pencilman. Enjoy your heartfelt donations to charity and free delicious burgers for a week.

    • Could be. But I read it as "By the end of the previous day, $30 worth of donations must be accumulated"
      Maybe I'm optimistic :)

    • Awesome, spend $30 for a cause and get a bonus week of burgers from Grill'd that you probably won't use :)

  • +1

    So it's minimum $30 donation for 7 days?

  • +6

    There are at least 2 people who have created profiles named 'Ozbargain', presumably to try and trick people into donating to them.

    • Maybe we need a link to the real/official ozbargain group in the OP then.
      What would they be trying to gain though, it all goes to the charity right?

      Edit: Ah, I see what you mean now, the individuals named themselves 'ozbargain' in the group.

      • +2

        Just potentially not having to donate at all to get free burgers.

        Also, the link is in the description. These come up when searching 'ozbargain' in the team search.

        • Ah, didn't think of that.
          Pretty scummy :(
          You get ROI after 2 burgers ffs

        • @idonotknowwhy:

          Technically breakeven is at 2-3 burgers. So you need 3 to 4 for a positive ROI…

        • @odysseus: My burgers are usually $15.50, but good point. I'll be eating 7 so I'll be fine :)

    • Looks like the other OzBargain profile is an individual

      The original team I created is

      Looks like at the moment it has 4 members

    • +5

      Now there are 4 Ozbargain profiles. Professional OzBargainers at work. Take, take, take.

    • +2

      Wow, that's really scummy. I had a glinter of hope in me that things like this would not happen on this site, but boy was I wrong.

  • +3

    Would he good to get clarification on the fundraising requirements

    • Yeah, it's not clear to me as raising $30 is different to donating $30

  • +2

    Tax deductible donation?

    • +1

      Yes, it is tax deductible. Once you donate they will send you a receipt.

      If you would like a tax deductible receipt you then forward the receipt email to [email protected] within the next 30 days.

      • cheers

      • D9 Gifts or donations
        You cannot claim a deduction for a gift or donation if you received something in return (for example, raffle tickets or dinner) except in certain fund-raising events; see Special circumstances and glossary 2017.

  • So how to raise $30? Last year I could not raise anything. :(
    I asked if I could send out an email at work regarding this and got rejected.
    I posted it to friends on Facebook.

    • +1

      Put something in the office kitchen

    • +2

      Why should people donate for you to get free burgers?

      • +1

        Because they haven't heard about this and I am the channel through which they become aware of it.

  • +5

    $30 for some burgers that you can't even get takeaway. No thanks. Last year was better.

    • +1


    • +1

      You could always bring a takeaway container.

    • +5

      Wrap it in a Napkin, put in in your pocket and sneak out?

  • Do you get a tax receipt for the donation? And also, if I already got an account from last year, am I still good to use it or gotta sign up again?

    • Answered above by @Thespottedcow

      Yes, it is tax deductible. Once you donate they will send you a receipt.
      If you would like a tax deductible receipt you then forward the receipt email to [email protected] within the next 30 days.

  • +15

    Don't buy into this campaign and don't buy their overpriced burgers. Anybody would agree that any violence against children is despicable and the perpetrators should be punished to the full extent of the law but Polished Man is not what it pretends to be and Grilled should hang their head in shame for promoting such an underhanded devious propaganda campaign.

    The statistics they use are grossly inflated and taken out of context.

    Lets look at the evidence they use to come up with their 1 in 5 children having been sexually or physically abused by men in 90% of cases.

    They cite these 3 studies…

    (1) World Health Organisation 2014, Child Maltreatment Fact sheet N°150.

    (2) Australian Institute of Family Studies 2015, CFCA Resource Sheet:
    Child Abuse and Neglect Statistics.

    (3) World Health Organisation, Global Estimates of Health Consequences
    due to Violence against Children, op. cit. at note 8.

    To make a case against males without controlling for social, religious and cultural variances globally is to profoundly distort the data.
    Australian men have nothing to answer for for what men in Afghanistan or Russia or Bolivia do and it is profoundly sexist to suggest we do.

    The second study does relate to Australia and is very interesting - "Australian Institute of Family Studies 2015, CFCA Resource Sheet:
    Child Abuse and Neglect Statistics" is available here…

    The data they draw on is from an Australian Institute of Health and wellness study which found that there was 5,559 substantiated cases of child sexual abuse and 8,361substantiated cases of child Physical abuse in 2015 - 2016.
    Thats 13,920 children who have been sexually or physically abused in Australia during that period.

    This is way too many and there should be serious efforts to stamp this out but it is NOWHERE near 1 in 5 Children and this report makes NO MENTION of the sex of the perpetrator.

    Now lets look at their claim of 1 in 5

    Australia has a population of 24,13 million people of which 18.8% are aged between 0 - 14 years of age. Thats 4.53 million Australians under 14 years of age.[email protected]/featurearticlesbyCat…

    If one in 5 of these children have been physically or sexually abused that would mean 907,288 children have been sexually or physically abused by men in Australia.

    Its a blatant and disgusting sexist lie. It is to give the impression that there is an epidemic of men abusing children when it is simply not the case.
    I'll never eat their burgers again and neither should you.

    • +3

      Last years made mention of the sex of the perpetrator so please check this out.

      • +4

        Even if it was 100% of men, its still a gross distortion.

        Its also notable that emotional abuse of children was omitted, probably because women are equally likely to have committed that offence against children.

        Can't be messing up the narrative now can we?

    • +1

      Point me to another burger joint which does low-carb buns, and I'll consider switching :)

      • +5

        Hungry jacks Maccas just order no bun or lettuce bun :)

        • +1

          Or don't eat the bun.

        • @Scrooge McDuck:

          I do keto I dont eat the bun :)

        • +2


          Me too. Ordering a burger without a bun is way too hard for most Maccas staff to comprehend, easier to just not eat it.

        • +1

          @Scrooge McDuck:

          Haha some of the funny looks I get I did get my burger in a Hot cake tray once haha extra lettuce extra mayo

    • +1

      meh, i love grill'd burgers. Theyre heaps better than any other reputable burger joint in Melbourne. "I'll never eat their burgers again and neither should you." oh god. you sound like one of those people who has decided upon something and now wishes to instill their point of view in anyone around them. The worst kind of people. Give it a rest mate. Enjoy a burger, maybe it'll cheer you up :)

      Great to see this deal is smashing the upvotes

    • -1

      Didn't you know? All men are deviant rapists. Most just don't know it yet.

  • Are the new fancy burgers included? Truffle something and the other one?

    • +1

      Each burger barcode will entitle you to a free standard burger of your choice (excluding
      sliders and ‘Mini Me Packs’)

      Doesn't sound like it excludes them!

    • +3

      You'd probably have to do your toenails as well and wear fishnet stockings for the truffle burgers.

  • +1

    I'm a dunce, I donated $35 before signing up. Will I still receive promotion?

    • +3

      Nah, I don't think so.

    • +6

      Reported to the mods.

    • Got in contact with them and they credited my account :)

      • +1

        Lol, asking for a donation back.

  • +1

    So cheapest is $4.29 per burger, that's good value.

    • +2

      below $4 after tax deduction.

      • +1

        Still, you have to eat a burger every single day for a week. Last year I got bored after 4 burgers.
        If I had the ability to collect donations for this I would. Sadly, I don't so probably pass this this year.

        • +3

          Last year I got bored after 4 burgers.

          You could always resell the other burgers.

  • +14

    "Start a conversation about violence on behalf of those one in five children"

    Me in a full lift.

    Me : Can we all talk about sexual violence on children? I need this for a free Grill'd.

    Other passengers : Dafuq?

  • When you create a team there is this which shows it only requires a single donation of $30, so $30 for 7 burgers

    Tick this box to register for the Grill’d free burger promotion. Once you’ve raised $30, Grill’d will shout you a FREE burger every day between the 4th and 10th of October! They will also keep you up-to-date with Grill’d news.

  • +4

    Note to self: stay out of the comments section of anything even vaguely political here.


    • +2

      It got worse with the free t-shirts regarding the same-sex postal vote. It was a bloodbath.

  • +1

    Hey will ozbargain top up an extra bonus donation if we hit target?!!!

    • -3

      Will you? Ozbargain isn't a charity.

      • +3

        Well last year OzBargain did donate and they have a history of supporting charities so I think @Ceceilia was asking a legitimate question.

        • +1

          Yes they did last year which was really great. So I thought, no loss in asking if it helps the charity get more money and might motive more donations to it.

        • @Ceceilia: I don't think they should, there are much better charities to give money to.

  • Team total currently stands at $2104 and are currently #5 on the team leaderboard.


  • +2

    Raise $30? Bogus.
    Cheaper to make your own 7 burgers.

  • Lame question on Raise $30. Can we just donate to ourselve $30 or have to promote it to get someone to put into your account?

    Is that a team $30 or individual $30? so confusingly written

    • Just raise $30, the source of the money does not matter

    • I know. I think I have donated $30 instead of raising $30. So I may not be getting any burgers after all. Annoyingly there's no phone no to ask for help. I've emailed them hoping there'd be some sort of reply.

  • -8

    Grill'd can stick their burgers up their a%se for promoting such a sexist campaign while distorting facts and further propaganda at demonising men in Australia.

    • +1

      Loosen that tinfoil hat, champ. It appears to be cutting off circulation.

  • Can I order 1 BURGER for EACH STORE?

    • +2

      You get an email with a unique barcode each day which can be used to claim 1 burger.

      So NO only 1 per day not per store.

      • thanks!
        Any burger? Or just basic $10 ?

  • Team total currently stands at $2717

    • You should be able to edit the post now if you want to put any updates.

  • I think I have donated to OzBargain. Then when I created my profile as individual, I'm still down $30 :S

    So no free burger for me???

    • Also worried about this, totally thought I joined ozbargain and donated, but my profile doesn't have $30 donated on it, so I donated to my team but it doesn't count for me?

      Well we will find out tomorrow anyway

      • +1

        I emailed them and they fixed it up for me. Received a reply within a day so I'd recommend the same.

  • +1

    So what do I need to do to get free burgers?

    1) Sign up, Join Ozbargain team and donate $30
    2) Sign up, Join Ozbargain team and get others to donate $30 (probably just me donating from another account I will make up)
    3) Sign up, Join Ozbargain team and team donations need to be over $30 which they are at about $3883. So donate any amount.

    This is so complicated why can't they just say donate $30+ and get free burgers.

    • No.
      * Sign up for the polished man thing and tick the Grill'd box when doing it
      * Join Ozbargain team
      * Go to your profile
      * Donate $30 on that page

  • Last year we donated $900 and this year we decided to double that amount to $1,800 — with a condition. Only if OzBargainer can raise $3,200 so together we can hit that $5,000 goal.

    At the moment $2,927 has been raised so it's $273 to go, and that's just 9 more OzBargainers donating an extra $31 each.

    Let's see that happening tonight :)

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