GTX 1060 3GB from Galax
Dual fan + heatpipe heatsink
HDMI + DVI out
Cheapest listing on StaticIce was $289.00 at time of post. Probably a good time to buy before the price hike due to increasing GDDR5 costs.
GTX 1060 3GB from Galax
Dual fan + heatpipe heatsink
HDMI + DVI out
Cheapest listing on StaticIce was $289.00 at time of post. Probably a good time to buy before the price hike due to increasing GDDR5 costs.
ahah they just price increased that item lol (profanity) ebay and their dodgey sellers
299 to 319
What is gaming video card like now? Better with nVidia or AMD?
Haven't check out video cards comparison for a long time.
Nvidia's mid-end flagship GTX 1060 still takes the top spot. And most people still prefer Nvidia if you look at the Steam HW surveys
Do note: 3GB cards are 10 percent less powerful than their 6GB counterparts, since they have 10% less core counts.
Thanks, is this a good card for middle range?
If I want to connect this to HDTV to play game on TV.
Yes. Good value proposition for under $300 dollars.
It might not be for people who like super-high-resolution textures, since the 3GB VRAM budget is very limiting on certain games. Like DOOM or GR Wildlands
Last year 4GB of VRAM was the "norm" for mainstream cards, so the reduced VRAM will sort of limit how much detail your card can push out.
But understandably with the price inflation of video cards due to mining, this is a good deal.
nVidia and AMD are still pretty neck and neck.
They both have positives and negatives.
For instance, the RX480 is slightly worse than the 1060, but it has DX12 support(WIN10) which boosts the performance of most games.
AMD is usually picked for future proofing their gpu.
It can be blown out of proportion though, they're both great cards.
RX480 seems is an old model couldn't find it from my supplier.
GIGABYTE RX580 will set you back an insane price of $399, but once the mining craze goes down it will go back to it's original retail price of $320 or so.
Price trends:…
Is it good for VR (Vive)
and will it work in Lenovo M910 tower ? Any one who can suggest / help ?…
looks like its compatible :"Slot 1: full-length full-height (length < 268mm, height < 112mm), PCIe 3.0 x16*" . Youll need to check the measurement on this card. Also I dont think the powersupply (180w) is powerfull enough
Great price!
203 days to get ROI mining ethereum assuming the price/difficulty remain the same.
Cheapest listing on StaticIce was $289.00 at time of post. Probably a good time to buy before the price hike due to increasing GDDR5 costs.
No need to wait for GDDR5 costs increase, the seller has already did that :p
Wondering why they did they? I assume eBay pay for the 10% discount because it is a storewide code.
Plain and simple greed, 10% off 30 mins later 6.7% price hike almost negating the entire discount. I am still waiting for a good deal on the 1060 6 GB or the mythical <$500 1070 looks like will be waiting for ever should have pulled the trigger back in May-June when there were still actual deals.
the rx480/580 is superior to the gtx1060. In gaming and benchmarks, the rx480/580 takes more wins then a 1060.
Sure and how much is the cheapest RX480/580?
Wouldn't be buying an rx480/580 in this current environment. There all gobbled up by miners, and the shortage has created outrageous prices for either due to supply/demand. The rx480/580 is the better card compared to the 1060 especially when prices were relative, which is what my post is about… All AMD cards are sold out in less than 5mins they are up. Soon the nvidia cards will take a price jump due to gddr5 price increases. Either way, its not the current time to be purchasing any gpus.
Not when it comes to price performance.
In the current market, the price to performance of the rx580 is terrible, only due to the fact it is a stronger card and miners are snatching everything up. Prior to the mining boom, my local pc shop was selling rx580 $30 cheaper than 1060 6gb models. Either way id be holding off making gpu purchases till the market stabilises and mining crashes. Should see a large supply of second hand cards entering the market on gumtree/facebook sale sites.
Just be sure to check the warranties out on these. I've walked into rooms of mining rigs where the cards are running > 70 degrees and covered in dust (I run mine at < 60 degrees and keep them dust-free).
Edit: If you want to buy for gaming now, look into the GTX 1080 (not TI) as they're useless for mining.
@idonotknowwhy: Definitely, but its up to the seller whether to tell the truth about the life of the card. The onus is on you, in the second hand market. Most miners underclock the core, voltage and bump up memory clock. Generally they have a less harder life then gaming, the only downside is they are on 24/7 in mining rigs and don't get a break, which is were the wear is accelerated. If your buying a second hand card make sure you can test some benchmarks and some gaming to ensure there is somewhat life in the card before buying it.
Seems there's only $20 difference atm, between the 1060 6gb 9gbps and the rx580. This is from my local retailer. Still cant believe the prices on 1060/rx580s have gone up so much, since i last walked in to check some gpus……
So aslong as the rx580 gives u 3fps more, on your given title. Its better off in the price/perf category.
Well, for 20 AUD…. it is only worth it if you play the games where AMD wins. But in any case, this deal beats both those prices by a mile and then some.
They go for $360 every time there's 20% off eBay @ futu/shopping express.. Even computer alliance is selling the blower version for a bit under $360 with the 10% code rn.
I really find the AMD naming convention confusing.
hi guys I guess I shall add my 2cW:
i assembled 3 months ago a i5-7500, 16gb ram, and thus exact same card. have played - arkham city, doom, witcher 3 (still playing), shadow of mordor and have played these games at 1080p wither mazed out or near maxed out settings and frame rates have been smooth. no jerkiness. better than ps4 pro's and I have one.
From YouTube videos this card is very popular in Indian market…
Nice deal. This is the card to get for 1080p gaming.