Best Android tracking app which has location history recorded

Hello everybody,

I am looking for an app, preferably free, which is reliable and accurate for tracking my phone. The most important feature is location history meaning I want an app that sends a signal every three minutes or so and hence records the route my phone is taking.
This is to determine where my car is going when borrowed by one of the kids (to ensure that they are safe where they go) and also when at the garage (as I suspect that garage employees might use the car for private use on weekends).
Also, if anyone has any experience which cheap android phone would have the best/longest battery life for this purpose that would be great (should at least last from Friday to Monday).

Apps I found through Google which were recommended for this purpose are Cerberus and the Android Device Finder.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • +1

    My wife and I use Google location sharing occasionally when meeting somewhere, but I always find it doesn't update quickly enough and we get a poor idea of how far away we are from each other. We use an app called graticule which pings the GPS coordinates every second. Very easy to use, easy to turn on and off, free, not too hard on battery, and provides a unique but changable tracking a link you can save. Also the frequent GPS updates will compliment and update Google location sharing.

    Personally, I would tell the driver that activating the beacon for the duration of driving is a requirement of borrowing the car, and you can confirm odo readings. That way, you are up front, and they are sharing. Its hardly an unreasonable request when you're paying for the car, insurance, fuel and tyres.. If they don't like it, it's incentive to work harder to buy their own car, or take public transportation.

  • just use google's built in location stuff, give the phone full access to location data and google maps will take care of it, i have cerebus but its more useful for the extra security stuff then anything else because the built in google stuff handles the core stuff and handles it well

    i wasn't going to be all high and mighty about the ethics like apparently everyone else but the more i thought about it, when i was teen if i knew my car was being tracked i'd have driven it somewhere "safe" and gotten in someone else's car, ill let you decide which is truely the safest option

  • I've been using Cerberus for a couple of years, yes it's a subscription based app now but it covers 3 devices and it offers so many tools. The GPS tracking doesn't actually have a big impact on battery and I set my GPS to its highest accuracy. I leave it running 24 hours a day

  • Just activate the timeline on google maps on your android smartphone - it does not even need GPS to be on. Just keep the WiFi on - it gives pretty accurate results and builds up database over time by asking if you were here.

  • I Use Cerebus should my phone ever get lost. I swear by it.

    Also have it on the Wifes and set up a few friends..

  • Android already does that by default ->

    Just turn location history on if it isn't already on (it is by default).

    • Cerebus gives you so much more control, able to lock or wipe the device, take photos ,Disable the power menu etc. audio record etc of the crooks.. Google wont do that for you

      • If Cerebus is ever compromised or the owner has malicious intentions, or someone offers them a lot of money, all those things will happily spy on you, and you won't ever know.

        I was using Cerebus for a long time, but I realised after a while the small benefit of being able to spy on someone who steals my phone is only a novelty in comparison to the incredible liability the tool introduces to your phone.

        Just imagine how much that network would sell for to the right seller.

        Google has a more effective device lock than Cerebus, which locks through all attempts to wipe the device. It also offers remote wipe, ringing and reset. It does not spy on the thief but it does locate the phone more accurately than Cerebus can, because it knows the location history and will persist beyond any attempts to kill/prevent the application from communicating with the internet.

        In reality you can use both, but for the reasons above I'm okay with just the second.

  • +4

    I feel sorry for your kid, he is going to unleash once he is out of your cage.

    • +5

      I do not think so. He will be grateful he is not a spoilt brat with discipline issues as there are so many kids around these days. Ask any teacher who has worked 20 years and they will tell you how much worse the kids and their parents got, especially when it comes to following and respecting rules and instructions, and taking care of someone else's property.

      • +2

        There's a reason there's a stereotype about catholic girls once they leave home. I'm not saying all stereotypes are true but kids who are mistrusted, repressed, controlled either go wild after leaving home (e.g. living on campus) or behave normally but resent their helicopter parents. I've seen it first hand in friends of mine.

      • Since when did normal kids with normal relaxed-ish parents become spoilt brats? You've seen a few doesn't mean all kids without a parent like you are "spoilt brats"…

        • Google Gregg-Carr articles. He has researched more than just a few.
          Also, I have known and seen more than just a few.
          Don't take it personal - I did not talk about you.

  • ''find my device''—-use the timeline for each day -get from google play


  • Has anybody ever used "Where's my droid" before? If so, what is your experience? Just asking as that seems to be the choice of many review, with Cerberus a close second (apparently the UI is easier on WIMD).

    • Try much better option and build into google.

      • It does not have location history though or am I missing it?

        • Ah sorry, I thought you want to preform main functionality of WMD. for history use timeline url as describe above.

  • the above is better for your job , install then go for a drive it will show you everywhere you went, how long you stopped at any/every place


  • +2

    All I can say, you think you are smart, but kids outsmart you :)

    • -4

      Has not happened so far yet even though they tried.
      Example: Passwords changed regularly - mix of foreign languages - 40 characters. The brute force tool one of the kids employed (and was cheeky about not listening as he would get into the PC anyway)would have taken thousands of years to get anywhere (according to the tool itself).
      When he tried we just smiled and asked whether he had any more questions. He was mad for a day or two but then saw the funny side of it and saw how silly he was.

      • LOL I don't think he waste his time brute force attack on your password, pretty soon he be smart enough to get his own sim/phone using your CC ;)

        • That will be a hard task. The credit card is in a secure office with security guards and never comes home.
          If he manages to get it nevertheless he deserves it.

      • +10

        Mate I read this and felt a bit sick, this isn't a competition stop trying to beat the kid and just try to relate to him. You are doing yourself no favors with this attitude. Don't bother with the GPS just tell him straight up he needs to either explain whats going on to you or don't give him the car.

        All these games and shit just prove you have too much time on your hands, the drugs and booze will always be there its at every level of society you should 100% focus on getting him to understand your point of view rather than just commanding him. Tell him why, the reasons, concerns, and outcomes that are valid in these situations not stupid arguments such as "i'm your dad, do as i say" without any clarification.

        Anyway, best of luck the tracking software (which is sickening) would only solve the symptoms of the situation, the real problem is that you and your son can't relate to each other and neither of you respects the opinion of the other.

        • +2

          If a kid can't be trusted by their parent then that kid is going to be a closed book to that parent in the future. They will learn that they are not trusted so it's better keep things to themselves lest they be lambasted/lectured/controlled/judged.

        • +2


          It is not that easy and you do not really anything about me, my family and the background.
          He has been trusted, broke the trust, been spoken about etc.
          So what now - ground him forever?
          And what do you do if a kid tells you he has taken coke and is honest about it? Are you then going to say "Thanks for being honest, continue" or are you trying to help with rehab, cutting off the drug dealers etc. which the kid will feel is a punishment?

          I have tried the talking, counting on their insight, etc. Now it is time to try a slightly different approach. I doubt anybody here is going to take responsibility if my kids do anything bad merely because they think what an idiot I am for simply talking to them rather than enforcing the rules.

          Also, I have come here to ask a technology question - I am not sure how some people manage to mix that up with parenting advice.

        • +1


          ALL of what you suggest has been done, several times and by at least two different people.
          Good results in some areas, not so good in others.

          I wonder why you assume it has not been done - I find it very worrying that people here make judgments based on nothing. Either ask for more info/background (which I am not willing to give as this is not a parenting question) before making a judgment or just do not make one based merely on your own made up facts or beliefs.

          Some people need a bit more help than simply talking. My friend's 15 year old daughter was told several times (and by that I mean sat down, explained calmly, reasoned calmly, shown real life outcomes etc.) about chatrooms and pedophiles/men who want to have sex with children. And yet, she still did it twice even though the police was involved both times. After moving the PC into public area, setting strict internet times (when one of her parents was there) and monitoring her messages for a while the problem was solved. But she needed this incentive. And yes, my friend and his wife would have rather her to be safe and not be the next Carly Ryan, rather than wasting time with measures that have been tried and were without success.
          And despite the measures she now loves here parents more and is thankful to them for doing this (she is now nearly 18) as she can see now how stupid and gullible she was.

          So, please stop the generalisations. In my experience, if the kid is not stupid, they will see the reasoning with age. However, at the same, they must be protected if they do things that are not good for them.

        • +1


          I think you and your kid need counselling, not a GPS app

        • +1

          I would ask him how much coke? Where did he get it from, did he take it alone or at one event or regularly with a set group of people?

          I would be buying him coke testing kits before getting a phone to track him if safety where my #1 as a parent.

          Get details!

          Show him the effects cocaine has on serotonin levels, the shit they cut it with in AUS because of the price etc.

          And if he has also done coke and you are one of those sorts who spew "All drugs are bad to the same degree" then he already knows that isn't true, lots of people abuse drugs regularly and get away with it, he will see it everywhere.

          Don't blow it you are family and with it comes certain leeway but all relationships take effort and compromise, just do your best and try to keep an open mind.

      • +2

        Props to your kids for enabling you to live in a magical world where you smugly believe they haven't gotten away with anything.

        You have some serious trust issues with your kids that you need to focus on, instead of focusing on password complexity and how to track them via hidden GPS devices.

        Edit: If you think the garage workers are driving your car, keep a log book and have your kids record the odometer when they park it there. Sounds more like you are convincing yourself it might be the garage workers because the mileage doesn't add up to the stories your kids are telling you.

        • +1

          The two are two separate issues. Not sure how you are decided to mix them up. The solution to both is the same but they are wholly unrelated.
          The kids do not have exact km stipulations - that would be stupid.

          I find it really strange that I ask a question, then even explain why I ask the question (although that should be irrelevant) and then some people do not answer the question but muse about the relationship with my kids, my parenting etc. without evening knowing even 2% of the facts and background.

          I guess that teaches me one lesson: it is better to make up a story for Ozbargain in order to focus the discussion on the question one wants to be answered than being honest and truthful. Good lesson.

          And yes, I am pretty certain the kids do not get away with things. We are not stupid and as long as I pay things and see mobile phone bills, internet bills, control the router and finances etc. I am sure we are on top of it. And if all else fails, I can turn home into a tech free zone - trust me as I have done it before and it worked like magic.
          You make it sound like all kids are super smart and evil. Neither is true. Plus you forget the laziness factor - many kids cannot be bothered - they rather try to throw a tantrum and unfortunately too many parents in Australia give in and hence are ruled by their kids.

        • @Lysander:

          Please don't drag other Australian parents into this.

          You're the one on a public forum asking for advice how to best GPS stalk your child…

        • @zeggie:

          Google "Gregg-carr" and psychologist.

        • +1


          I didn't say anywhere to give them KM stipulations. I suggested you give them a log book that they can fill out the odometer readings if you think the car is being used while garaged. If they can't fill out a log book, then they can't use the car. That's a matter of responsibility. Resorting to tracking them via GPS because you know they are misbehaving but can't prove the case in court, is stupid.

        • @Cubist:

          You still misunderstand. When I say garage I mean a professional repair place. It does not refer to my garage.
          I suspect that a mechanic uses my car when it is in the garage for repairs or in other words after I have dropped it off and the business is closed my car is being used for the mechanic's private ventures (as opposed to a normal test drive during business hours).
          I do not need the kids to keep a log book. I know the number of kms when I drop it off at the repair place so I know how many kms have been driven.

        • +1

          I understand you mean by a garage. If you have been making notes of the odometer and the numbers seem to high, I don't know why you would need any more evidence to take your business elsewhere. Same thing as not acting on your neighbour's assistance regarding your kid. You don't need to prove information in a court of law in order to act on it.

        • @Cubist:

          Well, I cannot just accuse someone without any hard evidence. Word against word is not getting anybody anywhere. Hard proof often shuts up the biggest loudmouth. I am pretty sure he will deny it if confronted without evidence.

        • @Lysander:

          Are you going to take him to court over it?

        • +1


          I will ask for compensation from the company as I find this behaviour absolutely outrageous. Hence I need evidence.
          If they apologise honestly and so does the mechanic and explains why he did it, then maybe that could be it. But any denial and loudmouth and I will ask for compensation which I think is only fair, especially as such behaviour gives other professionals in this area a bad name.

        • +2


          From reading all the comments, you might have a lot going on in your life and maybe need to see a counselor more often than you are. Change mechanic, That's one problem solved, which probably isn't even a problem to begin with.

  • Just get any cheap droid phone and use google location history. Hide it in the trunk and hard-wire power to it.

  • +1

    It should be easy to find a spot in the engine area where you could hide your phone and then have it on permanent charge from car's battery using a usb cable see this.

    Install a Google play app named MacroDroid to track it automatically when the car moves OR gets out of the area OR when you send a text message OR at intervals of whatever you want OR all of them together. You can also have the phone automatically send you text messages/emails when the car get out of your house's area or whatever you can think of.

    Use MacroDroid - free/paid, same thing (…)

    • Thank you for that. I am going to investigate if it has location history function/ability as that is really what I need. When it sends location will it just send coordinates, or can I view it on Google Map or will it send a street address?

      • +1

        Whatever you want to do it will do, because you will configure the phone what to do. Let me give you an example.

        My phone is running MacroDroid with the follwing:
        - I leave home
        -> Detects I left home and starts: GPS, Bluetooth, Waze, GPS Tracker.. Also turns the volume on 100% and starts music if it is connected on bluetooth.

        • I get to work
          -> Detects I got there and: shuts down GPS, Bluetooth, GPS and puts the phone on silent.

        • I leave work (you get the drill).

        I also have another thing that you might be interested in.

        I do a bit of solo motorcycle traveling and for my wife's peace of mind if she can't reach me she will text me with the word: location.
        - Phone receives text message -> Replies: Coordinates, Google Map, current signal strength and mobile tower ID.

        —- As stated, you can have it to do whatever you wish. It's so easy my 7 year old kid can configure the phone.

        Just buy a cheap Android phone from officeworks or OZB + 1 year old subscription with data (ozbargain) and you're done. Cheap and easy.

        • Thank you. I will definitely try that.

  • The comments are too many to read and I don't know whether you found an app that can do this. But if you want I can build a android app that will do this, within a week. Don't mind doing it for free. I may ask you to endorse me on linkedin or something. I am a professional Android Developer. Let me know.

    • +1

      Thank you for the offer. I am trying out some of the suggestions and if they do not work I am very happy to take you up on your offer. Thank you very much for your kindness.

  • How old is your kid?

    • +1

      Probably old enough to drive, I guess

      • +1

        Obviously. But he's saying kid all the time and referring to pedos and safety when he's actually most likely 18ish. Seems like a control freak to me.

  • +1

    Just wonder why so many people have no problem to consent to being spied by Google 24/7, but make a lot of fuss about exposing the same (and most likely less comprehensive) location info. to their own family members. Essentially they trust Google more than their own family members.

    • +1

      Absolutely true.
      And not just Google. Facebook, Instagram, too many to name. And they do it to make money, not for safety and security.
      Thank you for pointing that out.

    • Google use our information to make money and in return provide us a service. I have some trust with them, more towards security than my information.
      but monitoring your kids every 3min, its like helicopter parenting. Kids need to make mistake and learn or make decisions on whats good or bad by themselves, specially when their are teenagers.
      Yes, my parents used to worry about where I go, but I told them need to know basis, but I didn't end up become a druggy or homeless. But I sure have hang out with lots and they are all within school boundaries, so what location tracking going to do?

  • Wow… So many experts in law and ethics and child rearing here…

    I have my own opinions, but I'll keep them to myself.

    As for a solution to your problem, a cheap dash cam would be a good option for "after-the-fact" evidence. Most cams switch on automatically when the car is on. I would record the odometer reading before leaving the car at the garage. If there is a discrepancy between the mileage afterwards and what's recorded on the cam, then you'll know that it had been switched off. Same as when lending your car to anyone.

    There are some cams with GPS and cabin recording built in, but they're a bit dearer. I bought one from Kogan a while back. Cheap, did the job for about 2 months, then stopped working. You get what you pay for sometimes…

    • Thank you.

  • Google location history, inbuilt into android, you may have it on already, and if so, you probably have saved the last couple of years worth of tracking data there already.

  • +1

    Wow, this thread spiralled down quickly…

    I completely agree with you, Lysander; unlike a lot of the other 'privacy advocates' I think there is a solid purpose for tracking & truth-finding.

    Whilst the child might become angry at their -perceived- loss of privacy, the reveal of truth is required for both accusations ("You took my car! You did the wrong thing!") and reconciliation ("I want to know why you lied about taking the car, instead of telling me the truth instead.") You get to reopen discussions towards the root of the problem, instead of arguing about the facts of the event or circumstance.

    Without proof, it's just a sledging match between parent and child, which has no benefit or ability to create beneficial change on both sides. Especially when dealing with chronic habitual liers, of whom I have one… And because honesty & integrity is one of my absolute core values, it puts a real strain on our relationship especially if I have no records to negate the lie I am told, to then have a genuine conversation about the real heart issues going on instead.

  • Why not just tell your child that the car has a new tracking device fitted? That way, you are empowering them to do the right thing without being asked, and if they won't abide by your guidelines they won't use the vehicle. An approved vehicle tracking system might even reduce your vehicle insurance premium?

    I'm not a parent, but I can't see this ending well either way. Even if your child/friend/partner is doing nothing wrong, you will be wasting your time poring through the travel data and cross checking locations, and anything unfamiliar to you will look suspicious even if all is innocent. If they are doing something wrong, all you have is a location, and you still have to admit that you have been invading their privacy without their consent, which will damage your relationship long term. Trust is easily broken, and takes a long time to rebuild.

  • I didn't look at the Jaycar link someone posted, but I've seen quite cheap versions on Aliexpress. You insert a SIM card, power it from the car, and it sends an SMS with GPS co-ordinates at set intervals. That was years ago I looked at those, so they probably have more functions now. You often see cheap SIM cards on here. When one comes up, buy one or two depending on expiry date - put them into the box. When no cheap SIMs are available, put one of your own phone SIMs in instead.

    There was also a unit on TV a few years ago on one of those today tonight type shows. I forget now - but the kid knew it was in the car, and the parent either could talk through it to them when they were being an idiot, or phoned them when it SMS'd them of unsafe behaviour, etc.

  • Sounds more like a person stalking an ex-spouse via a phone.

  • Don't know about the kid tracking thing.
    But mechanic one you could just take note of the odometer; bring the mech over and say this is the odo reading and that you shouldn't expect it to increase over the weekend.

    • Yes, true. That will prevent future actions but won't get him to admit to the previous ones as he will just tell me that I am making this up.
      Also, this assumes that I am there right at closing time. If I drop it off at 4pm and they close at 5pm they could always claim a test drive. With precise location and time over weekend that will be a lot harder to do as they are closed.

      • Not necessary have to be at closing. When you drop it off tell them. I mean test drive and maybe moving the car around workshop can't be more than 5kms. But hey hope you find your solution.

  • does anyone know how much data it would consume monthly for mobile phone sim for google track?
    interested in deed
    ie: an elcheapo huawei with GPS activated + cheapest sim/ data only sim out there.

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