What are people's opinions on this price? Will they drop harder when the 8 comes out or will they just stop being stocked all together.
What are people's opinions on this price? Will they drop harder when the 8 comes out or will they just stop being stocked all together.
I think the iPhone 6 will be toast when the iPhone 7S is released. We just had a dilema when the other half's iPhone 6 looked like it was having battery issues and the "battery replacement" would cost $120 for Apple to replace the phone with a refurbished one. We were uncertain of the value; given we might replace it in the next few months. We decided, for that price, we could sell the beastie for more than that if we decided to go to upgrade.
The iPhone 6 is a nice phone but the kicker might be how long Apple intends to keep allowing the IOS upgrade for these devices - they are three years old technology at the moment and it depends on how long you want to hold onto it.
Personally I would be saving my bickies for the new phones but they are going to be $1000+ with the iPhone 8 being $1500.
as the SE already has better hardware than 6
Mirror mirror on the wall, will the iPhone 6 price fall?….