Horrible Battery Life OnePlus 3T

Purchased a oneplus 3T from ebay during the 20% off sales
since using the device i cannot make it from 7am till 1pm
this is sitting on a desk while working
from the 15 minute bus ride using google play music it uses upto 10% of the battery

i have currently factory reset
wiped all caches
reinstalled the most up to date image

Bluetooth,wifi,location are off
using messenger lite

So far no luck
Ebay seller has stated i can send back to hong kong
but id rather not be without a phone for an undisclosed time

Any ideas ?
For old device would go from 7am till midnight
so for an upgrade to be that much worse is disapointing


  • faulty battery? background tasks and apps you keep reinstalling?

    • Only have messenger lite, comm bank and uber installed
      No background tasks
      most default apps uninstalled or disabled too

  • assuming its stock rom (firmware), did you accidentally disabled google apps such as calendar, maps, gmail?

    You need to check in settings—> battery to see what is draining.

    also check in Settings —> location. see which apps requests locations regularly

    try Clearing the recents app list.

    In Settings—> developers options enable Doze mode, make sure aggressive doze in battery option is disabled.

    in Settings—> developers options as well you can check 'running services' to see what app is currently running, you can tap show cached to see what is in the background.

    *just in case to get developers options, you need to go to Settings —> about phone —> scroll down and tap the build number field 10 times. the developers options tab is now available in the settings menu

    force check update play store by opening play store —> settings and tapping the play store version.

    My OP3T with stock latest OxygenOS 4.1.7 stand by time is 4 Days single charge, with all default apps installed. Wifi always on, location on high accuracy, regular facebook and messenger.
    Use time (SOT/screen on time) should be about 9-10 hours, 5-7 if you are on spotty 3g/4g signal and streaming music

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