What Snacks or Easy to Cook Pre Cooked Food Do You Keep on Stand by?

Can be anything just bored and can't decide what to eat.. don't want to cook atm so thinking to either order out or just grab some chippies from the supermarket.

What's your good on stand by meal.

Some common ones I used to like are jerky, cheezels, kettle chips, Indomie fried noodles, nachos, more Mexican snacks, potatoes, ice cream, frozen potato meals, bunch of frozen meals like Laksa and curries, cookies and cream chocolates, tofu, spam, Vienna sausages, corn beef, baked beans, frozen mash, frozen pizzas, wedges.

So what are some of your favorite ones, can be the same or show me something new.


  • +2

    Jerky fan here, I jerk as much as i can and once i finish i go for more. and those kinder chocolate bars!

  • hotdogs with melted cheese on top.

    • mmm I might have to try these.

  • Do you know for Indo mie you can just have it as it is without it cook? Crush it first in the bag into smaller pieces and apply the dry seasoning. Don't use the wet sauces.

    I personallt like to have seedless grapes or Mandarin.

    • I had classmates in primary who used to do that with mammi noodles.. I never liked it and always thought what the big idea was.

  • +1

    Scrambled eggs, grilled cheese sanga, hummus and pita, baked beans on toast, smashed avo (mind the mortgage), poor man's nachos (corn chips, salsa and cheese done in the microwave) or steamed dumplings are my go-tos on nights when I want to eat, but not really cook.

    • Two minute noodles and nachos have served me very well in the past.

  • Frozen meat & veg dumplings from the Asian supermarket. Dont feel like cooking? Boil a pot of water and dump (no pun intended) the whole pack into the pot. 10 mins and you are done.

  • +1

    Frozen edamame beans, available Asian grocers for cheap. Place in water, a few minutes in the microwave, drain, add some salt and it's a much healthier snack than chips.

  • Green thai curry pack, mix with frozen veges and instant rice. Or pasta and pasta sauce. Or frozen salmon steaks, chips and vege.

  • Dips and nachos. Also smoothies.

    • Funny you said that because that's what I had for breakfast or well brunch this morning afternoon.

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