I run a few core paasswords that are reasonably long and strong. Albeit eventually i do recycle here and there. Recently read this article and tried the haveibeenpwned link:
My hotmail address i've had since the 2000s came up with several leaks, my gmail luckily none. These included:
dailymotion, exploit.ln (combination list), linkedin, gPotato (i have NFI when i signed up to this gaming site??), Heroes of Newerth (played like 1 game…), myspace and even my old, old school neopets has come back to haunt me…
Now i'm no internet savvy user, but can someone explain what these mean. Does the website confirm that your email address is actually in the lists of those hacked/released websites, and therefore are the passwords from those websites back then therefore on the web? In which case i can't even remember what i used for myspace or neopets, but i would have to change it?
Apart from changing passwords what can I do now? Should I ditch the hotmail address? It gets less of the personal, sensitive stuff but it gets alot of 'everything else' so it would be hard to just switch over. I'm worried old connections could use it to get in touch in 20, 30 years as well…
People mention using password managers where you enter one long password to access all your others. But how can one practically use this where you may not be at your home computer? Is there a password manager that's free or affordable that can be access from your phone app, through cloud, as well as on your hard drive, so that you can always find passwords? Otherwise if your on holidays or on the go it could be detrimental to not be able to access your accounts when you can't even remember the password?
What's the best way to go from here? What needs to be changed or done - what do most do with their passwords and getting new ones generated and in a way that you can easily remember or call them up on the go i.e. overseas, on other people's computers etc, or even when no internet access is avialable?
people hack your accounts using details and profiles you provided on other sites. If your passwords are the same for several sites, that opens you up to a lot of hacking vulnerabilities.
Let's say I pwned Neopets, your embarrassing high school hobby site.
I discover that your username is SaberX, your hotmail address is [email protected], what your real name could be, your password is Hunter2, you live in city Sydney and you are born in year XXXX (birth date info).
I can go around testing other sites now! There are 1000's of possible websites I could pwn next, so I write a automated script with all your details, then the script methodically tests all possible combinations of your information onto MySpace, Facebook, email and so on. Eventually, one or two of these will result in a hit (if your password is the same). If I'm able to access your email, I can take control of all of your personal information — I can reset passwords to websites for example.
To make things harder for hackers, you would use different passwords for every site you visit (but difficult for yourself to remember) hence password managers make the process simpler by autofilling passwords for the sites you visit.