What do you find to be the biggest problems in using the Web?
Biggest Problems in Using Internet

Kali linux and Alfa AWUS036nha? And maybe a Yagi antenna :)
For educational purposes only :)How would those things help him figure out the neighbours wifi password?
Google is your friend 😘.
Being hitched to a joke of an infrastructure that provides slower internet than Kenya, Estonia and the freaking Ukraine.
I am pretty sure Australia has better internet infrastructure than Kenya. Not sure how they came to the conclusion that Kenya is better. Internet via landline is basically non existent in Kenya. It's all via cellular network. And owing to the very few internet users (compared to Australia), there are no congestions especially since a household using 5GB per month was considered to have good internet.
and the freaking Ukraine.
Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the sovereign state to which you're referring is just called "Ukraine". Preceding "Ukraine" with the definite article "the" implies subordination to another state.
What, like The Netherlands? Your English needs some work.
This is a geopolitical issue, not a grammatical one:
Since the Declaration of Independence of Ukraine, the English-speaking world has changed its usage from "the Ukraine" to "Ukraine". From November 1991, several American journalists began to use "Ukraine" instead of "the Ukraine". The Associated Press dropped the article "the" on 3 December 1991. This approach has become established in journalism and diplomacy since (other examples are the style guides of The Guardian and The Times). In 1993 the Ukrainian government requested that the article be dropped.
Referring to the country as "the Ukraine" instead of "Ukraine" is considered insulting and derogatory by many Ukrainians.
Your knowledge needs some work as does your attitude.
All the shitload of crap thats embedded into sites these days that causes even an i7 processor to a grinding halt!
Yes - managing Javascript ;-)
I only get 100mbps.
Finding this question and trying to make sense of it.
Thaaaaat sound! lol!
I think back and reckon telstra would've made a killing during those days when every man and their dog was dialing in multiple times each day!Being unable to receive phone calls while on the net was more annoying (at least for those trying to call).
Waiting 12 days for Telstra to update 1 MAC address on their system after shipping me a new modem. Of course they're going to bill me during that period of supplying no service.
Who knows how long I would have waited had I not contacted TIO.
What connection are you on?
All Porn website cookies.. ..
Websites with garbage intrusive ads and popups, ones that try look like fake download buttons etc that when you use adblock put an annoying page up saying please disable adblock. Wouldn't be enabled to begin with if you QA'd your ads a bit better.
People that troll on websites all the time.
Luckily no trolls on ozbargain. Just sayin
true, its good internet here
idiots everywhere… the comments!
and irony being interpreted literally.
whoosh…… That was my point!
Not enough memes ( ͡ಠʖ̯ ͡ಠ)
wifi not working
In short, the biggest problem I have with using the web is the proliferation of idiocy. As internet access has expanded, the quality of content has degraded. There is far more misinformation than information on many topics. Filtering out all the crap takes far too long.
I wish forums would make a comeback. Web 2.0 and social media suck!
- Promises of super faster internet that never occurs. I understand the govt is looking into such promises of speeds up to XXmbps and will be asking providers to advertise "achieveable" rates.
- Complaints about Internet "network" issues that are always pushed back and often charged back to the user. Yes I had an internet issue for over 2-3 years. Called provider every 6 months or so to complain about slow internet, drop outs etc. They tried to charge me a service fee at least 3 times when no serviceman ever called out to my property. Then said it was a network congestion issues with no time frame to fix. Then finally my phone dies completely and a tech calls out to find my line from the pit in the street to my house is total crap so connects me with a new pair and whammo - finally all problems solved! and I still get hit with a service charge. OMG! yes got them all reversed but not without threats to go to the TO.
- Sites loaded with images, flash adverts and auto loading videos that slow you right down and cause your browser to crash
Re: will be asking providers to advertise "achieveable" rates.
HA! Just as farcical for FTTN "service"! Variables remain … distance from street node, state of copper wires & connectors, peak or off peak times, RSP bandwidth, throttling etc etc. Still no one knows until connected.
Clearly on this topic, our elected leaders are clueless, naive, gullible, useless, brain dead.
And a majority of us voted them in. The mind boggles.
figuring out the next door neighbours wifi password.