Hi guys, just moved from Sydney to Melbourne, wanna have some massage done but end up discovered no one takes private health funds, one shop staff even questioned me like "what's Medibank? Is that a major bank?"
Do Any of Those Massage Shops Take Private Health Funds in Melbourne?

you gotta ask for remedial massage at those massage places (i assume you mean in the shopping centres?)
the good ones usually can.
the bad ones usually cannot.think you got that the wrong way round
could be, if you think i was referring to spackbace
Jesus this isn’t the yellow pages it’s ozbargain
That's not the service i look for in a Massage Shop
Only remedial massage is covered by health funds. So make sure thats the one you're asking for.
Things must be different in Mexico…
Rub 'n' tug on your own dime, mister! Bloody scrounger. :P
These places primarily operate a cash economy. They don't care for item numbers with health insurance companies.
The massage next to Karingal hub Big W will do massage for $40 and my fund, AHM will refund $32. (the did have a $30 min spend and a $30 insurance refund up to June 30 2017) I went 6 times in 4 weeks when i found out about this. i wasn't out of pocket even 1 cent. ;-) There is another place in Carrum Downs Shopping centre that started doing the health fund thing last month but charge $20 for 20 mins for a non fund massage and $40 for 20 mins "remedial" health fund massage.. waste of time and money doing that.
Ahm refund promo is finished right?
Most shops do these days, but you have to go for Remedial Massage. Just be aware that some shops needs you to tell them that you going to claim health insurance. The way massage shops works is that they split the takings 50/50 and if you were to claim insurance they needs to ensure that the person doing it is certified to do Remedial Massage.
Want Medibank to cover your happy ending? :)