Long time L plate. Checked my email this morning for this…
$20 off every eBay purchase. Minimum spend $30.
Long time L plate. Checked my email this morning for this…
$20 off every eBay purchase. Minimum spend $30.
Absolutely correct :)
Go to:
My eBay: Summary
At the page top, will be a 'Vouchers' section, if you have any.
Possibly targeted.
I did put the tag there but somehow it didn't pop up at the beginning :(
What's the code so I can double-check it?
tell me first i will triple check it
Perhaps I will start a bidding session ;)
Targeted indeed :)
Nothing again ….
hmm…i just had a look and received:
Hey! You ve just scored AU $10.00 off your next purchase of AU $20.00 or more.
thanks for the heads up! ;)
I think I must use ebay too much… I never get any targeted coupons…. They are just like banks and insurance companies that always disadvantage existing customers that are making them money….
Yep, They probably assume that most customers won't know about it and therefor not be aggreived.
I haven't used eBay in a year. I never get these offers :(
I've bought over 75 items in 2 ebay accounts over the last 4 months (for electronics projects), and didn't get any vouchers either.
So what are the criteria.
Do these promotions only show up via email? Or can you see them on the my eBay summary under vouchers? I wasn't signed up to promotional emails despite thinking I was..doh!
Goes straight to your account. My eBay Summary and if you don't see a "Vouchers" tab, you are the 99.9%
I usually received them (I mean off 10$-20$) via email only. The 10-20% off are kinda more widely applied
Interesting to hear this. I am definitely in the 99.9% it seems
How will those headphones fit over his afro?
yes I think everything applied
Thank you for posting this. I just checked my account and I got a $10 voucher with no minimum spend :)
too easy :)
Is the 'Account' tab where I should be searching for these offers?
Can those that have this offer please answer Frankly?
Under My eBay Summary, if you are targetted there will be a new 'Vouchers' tab.
That was really Frankly of you.
Frank off, you scab!
I never get these.
I think you have to spend some decent amount of money on ebay (I guess there would be a certain threshold) - before getting these. I recently spend like 100$ worth of stuffs on eBay in the last year before started getting these :)
I'm pretty sure it's the opposite, they send these out to people who don't buy much.
Also, $100 in the last year isn't much at all (which would explain why you were targeted).
You have to set your account to receive email promos to get these targeted offers.
I have, all I get are the occasional free listings promo.
my account is set up to receive everything and i still don't get the good ones…. :(
like @Baebs .. only get the free listing promos and that's it….
@RyNkA - i've spend a fair bit of money on eBay over the past few years… i think it's the opposite, the less you spend the more they'll promote to you…
@wippy Hmmm, not really sure about this. I have 2 ebay accounts, with 2 different paypal acc also (1 Australia debit card and 1 Vietnam debit card ). The Australia one got sh*t loads of these offers - and it's my main purchase account. The VN one doesn't have any. That's why I made my above conclusion.
Just guessing tho :)
@RyNkA: interesting…. might just be some random flag that no one know where it is set and eBay just kept going with it…. just can't see any pattern to this based on the various people commenting they have or have not received these type of promos….
@wippy: I agree… It's actually very decent in some cases. I end up buying one copy of a PS4 disc from 40 -> 20$ . Damn good
I didn't get this offer either :(
I normally get the targeted deals where you spend $100 and get $20 off. Most people get those offers too. However i never get these offers where the minimum spend is like $20 or $30 and you get a $10 or $20 discount :(
Solution may be 2 accounts?
Nothing again…
yeah annoying nothing either.
i got the last $20 off $100 in the My Summary section.
Which should it be? Email or my summary, either or both?
Both eh, also if you check out any item from eBay, it shows some thing like
"You might save 20$ off using…"
Hell yeah Amazon is gonna crap all over eBay
Anyone have a code they don't want to use? :)
EDIT: Never mind, guessing it won't work anyway because it will be account specific?